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This is (to be) a full list of abbreviations for organisations and other activities of relevance to Re.ViCa.

A number of technical abbreviations are added - these do not link to Re.ViCa wiki pages. They are included as they are codes to avoid when creating or selecting codes for institutions and other entities.

Two-character codes are discouraged except when they are country codes but some are so common that we have been forced to adopt them.

Single-character codes are forbidden as they are used for various technical purposes.

Editors! Always check abbreviations first with Google and Acronym finder!


(other than 2-character country codes and 1-character codes for technical use)

The following list has been extracted from the list developed for The e-University Compendium and then further developed.

It is aimed to contain the standard abbreviations for all entities, institutions, programmes (especially MELIs etc) and projects of interest in the countries of most interest - plus for open/distance teaching universities across the world.

  1. AABSC stands for the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business
  2. AAOU stands for the Asian Association of Open Universities
  3. AAU stands for Aalborg University (Denmark)
  4. ACU stands for Association of Commonwealth Universities
  5. AIOU stands for the Allama Iqbal Open University (Pakistan) - see also Asia International Open University (Macao)
  6. AIU stands for American InterContinental University
  7. ALFA stands for América Latina - Formación Académica, a programme of cooperation between higher education institutions of the European Union and Latin America
  8. AMBA stands for The Association of MBAs
  9. AMU stands for Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (Czech Republic)
  10. ANCED stands for the Asociación Nacional de Centros de e-Learning y Distancia (Spain)
  11. AOU stands for the Arab Open University
  12. APQN stands for Asia-Pacific Quality Network
  13. AQF stands for Australian Qualifications Framework
  14. AU stands for Aarhus University (Denmark)
  15. AUGent stands for Ghent University Association (Belgium)
  16. AUQA stands for the Australian Universities Quality Agency
  17. AUT stands for Auckland University of Technology
  18. AUTH stands for Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece)
  19. ARIADNE stands for Alliance of Remote Instructional Authoring and Distribution Networks for Europe
  20. ARIEL stands for Analysing and Reporting the Implementation of Electronic Learning in Europe
  21. ASEAN stands for Association of Southeast Asian Nations
  22. ATN stands for Australian Technology Network (of universities)
  23. AUCC stands for the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada
  24. AULP stands for Associação das Universidades de Língua Portuguesa (Association of Universities in the Language of Portuguese)
  25. AUT stands for Auckland University of Technology - no longer for Association of University Teachers which does not now exist
  26. AVU stands for African Virtual University
  27. BAU stand for Al-Balqa' Applied University
  28. BAWEST stands for Business Academy West (Denmark)
  29. BBE stands for Business of Borderless Education (report)
  30. BCOU stands for British Columbia Open University (now absorbed into Thompson Rivers University)
  31. BECTa was the former name for Becta
  32. Becta stands for British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (UK) but the long form is rarely used now
  33. BELNET stands for the Belgian Research and Education Network
  34. BFSU stands for Beijing Foreign Studies University
  35. BME stands for Budapest University of Technology and Economics
  36. BNU stands for Beijing Normal University
  37. BOU stands for the Bangladesh Open University
  38. BRAOU stands for the Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University
  39. BTVU stands for Beijing Radio & TV University‎ (China)
  40. BVU stands for Bulgarian Virtual University or Best Virtual Universities Organisation
  41. CANARIE stands for Canadian Network for the Advancement of Research, Industry and Education, the NREN in Canada
  42. CARET stands for the Centre for Applied Research in Educational Technologies at the University of Cambridge
  43. CBS stands for Copenhagen Business School
  44. CCi stands for Corinthian Colleges, Inc. (US)
  45. CCDL stands for Cross Cultural Distance Learning, an international consortium
  46. CCRTVU stands for the China Central Radio & TV University
  47. Cederj stands for Center for Distance Learning of the State of Rio de Janeiro
  48. CELI stands for Ceased E-Learning Initiative
  49. CERNET stands for the China Education and Research Network
  50. CETIS stands for Centre for Educational Technology Interoperability Standards but the long form is rarely used now (UK)
  51. CEVU stands for Collaborative European Virtual University
  52. CHEA stands for Council for Higher Education Accreditation (US) - agency
  53. CHEI stands for Council for Higher Education, Israel
  54. CHEMS stands for Commonwealth Higher Education Management Service - now ceased
  55. CMEC stands for the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada
  56. CMU stands for Carnegie Mellon University
  57. CNAVES was the Portuguese agency for quality in higher education. It closed in 2007 and is now replaced by another body.
  58. CNED stands for Centre National d'Enseignement à Distance. In French the abbreviation is Cned.
  59. CNFD stands for Campus Numérique Francophone de Dakar
  60. COL stands for Commonwealth of Learning
  61. CPLP stands for Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (Community of Portuguese Language Countries),
  62. CRUP stands for Conselho de Reitores das Universidades Portuguesas (Portugal)
  63. CSF stands for Critical success factor
  64. CSU stands for Charles Sturt University
  65. CTU stands for Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic)
  66. CU Online stands for Colorado University Online
  67. CVA-RICESU stands for Comunidade Virtual de Aprendizagem Rede de Instituições Católicas de Ensino Superior (Brazil)
  68. CVC stands for California Virtual Campus
  69. CVU stands for Canadian Virtual University. It was also used in the past for Clyde Virtual University.
  70. DBIS stands for the Department for Business, Innovation & Skills of the UK, which oversees universities and colleges
  71. DCSF is the Department for Children, Schools and Families of the UK
  72. DCU stands for Dublin City University, Ireland - the host of OSCAIL
  73. DDU stands for the Dutch Digital University (we do not use the two-letter abbreviation DU commonly used in Netherlands
  74. DELNI is the Department for Employment and Learning, Northern Ireland
  75. DELOS stands for Developing a European e-learning Observation System
  76. DEST is a department now merged into DEEWR
  77. DEEWR is the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations in Australia
  78. DETYA stood for Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs (Australia), later called DEST
  79. DfEE stands for the former Department for Education and Employment of the UK, a very old name for DfES
  80. DfES stands for the former Department for Education and Skills of the UK, now split into DCSF and DIUS
  81. DFID stands for Department for International Development of the UK
  82. DGAU stands for Dennis Gabor Applied University (Hungary)
  83. DISC stands for Distance and International Study Center (Germany) - a.k.a. ZFUW
  84. DIUS is the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills of the UK
  85. DVD stands for Digital Versatile Disk (no longer Digital Video Disk)
  86. DTU stands for Technical University of Denmark
  87. DVU stands for Danish Virtual University
  88. EADTU stands for the European Association of Distance Teaching Universities
  89. E.A.S.Y. stands for Agency for Easy Access to Virtual Campus
  90. EBS stands for Estonian Business School
  91. ECDVU stands for Early Childhood Development Virtual University
  92. eChina stands for the Sino-UK eLearning Programme
  93. ECTS stands for European Credit Transfer System, sometimes called the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System
  94. EDEN stands for European Distance and E-Learning Network
  95. EdiNet stands for E-learning in Distributed Data Network Laboratory
  96. EEA stands for the European Economic Area
  97. EELU stands for Egyptian E-Learning University
  98. EEZ stands for the European Economic Zone of EU, EEA and Switzerland
  99. eduGI stands for Reuse and Sharing of e-Learning Courses in GI Science Education
  100. EeU stands for Estonian e-University
  101. EFQM stands for European Foundation for Quality Management
  102. EhB stands for Erasmus University College Brussels
  103. eLene-TT stands for e-Learning Network for Teacher Training
  104. e-LERU stands for League of European Research Universities virtual campus
  105. ELUE stands for Improving quality of e-learning in universities
  106. ELWA stood for Education and Learning Wales but is no longer used - see HEFCW
  107. ELDDA stands for e-Learning Digital Dashboard
  108. E-move stands for An Operational Conception of Virtual Mobility
  109. EML stands for Educational Markup Language
  110. eMM and EMM stand for the e-Learning Maturity Model for benchmarking e-learning
  111. EMTC stands for E. mokymosi technologijų centras, in English e-Learning Technology Centre at Kaunas University of Technology
  112. ENQA stands for the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education
  113. EPICS stands for European Portal for International Courses and Services for Virtual Erasmus
  114. EQUEL stands for E-quality in e-learning research Laboratoire
  115. EQUIS stands for European Quality Improvement System
  116. EQO stands for European Quality Observatory
  117. eRNIST stands for European Research Network for ICT in Schools of Tomorrow
  118. ESP-T stands for English for Specific Purposes: Therapeutic Professions
  119. ESRC stands for Economic and Social Research Council (UK)
  120. ESEN stands for European Small and medium entreprise E-learning Network
  121. ETT.Campus stands for European Teachers and Trainers campus
  122. e-Ttnet stands for Training of trainers network for e-learning
  123. EU stands for European Union
  124. e-U stands for the UK e-University (the one that became UKeU)
  125. EUA stands for European University Association
  126. EUNITE stands for European Universities Network for IT in Education
  127. e-URBs stands for European Master in Comparative Urban Studies
  128. EUROMOVE stands for European Mobility through Virtual Education
  129. EuroPACE stands for European Professional Association for Collaboration in E-Learning
  130. EVENE stands for Erasmus Virtual Economics & Management Studies Exchange
  131. EVICAB stands for European Virtual Campus for Biomedical Engineering
  132. EWNI stands for England, Wales and Northern Ireland - the home nations of the UK other than Scotland
  133. FADE stands for the Finnish Association for Distance Education
  134. FATECE stands for Faculdade de Tecnologia, Ciências e Educação (Brazil)
  135. FC stands for Fisheries College, Bac Ninh (Vietnam)
  136. FCCJ stands for Florida Community College Jacksonville
  137. FE stands for Further Education (post-school, non-degree courses)
  138. Fe-ConE stands for Framework for e-learning Contents Evaluation
  139. FELI stands for Failed E-Learning Initiative
  140. FGV stands for Fundação Getúlio Vargas - see FGV Online (Brazil)
  141. FILTER stands for Economic filtering of knowledge
  142. FUNIBER stands for Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana (Brazil)
  143. FVU stands for Finnish Virtual University
  144. G8 stands for the Group of Eight countries
  145. G-20 stands for the Group of Twenty countries
  146. GELI stands for Giant E-Learning Initiative
  147. GTCS stands for Georgia Technical College System (US)
  148. GU8 stands for Global U8 Consortium
  149. GUA stands for Global University Alliance, but this phrase has multiple meanings
  150. GVU stands for Global Virtual University
  151. GVTC stands for Georgia Virtual Technical College (US)
  152. HCMCOU stands for Ho Chi Minh City Open University (Vietnam)
  153. HE stands for Higher Education (universities and similar institutions)
  154. HECS stands for the Higher Education Contribution Scheme, now replaced by the Higher Education Loan Programme (HELP)
  155. HEFCE stands for Higher Education Funding Council for England (UK)
  156. HEFCW stands for Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (UK)
  157. HEI stands for Higher Education Institution
  158. HELIOS stands for Horizontal E-Learning Integrated Observation System
  159. HERO stands for Higher Education and Research Opportunities (UK)
  160. HES stands for Harvard University Extension School (US)
  161. HESA stands for Higher Education South Africa, an association of Rectors
  162. HETAC stands for the Higher Education and Training Awards Council (Ireland)
  163. HiG stands for University of Gävle - Högskolan i Gävle (Sweden)
  164. HKU stands for University of Hong Kong
  165. HNRTVU stands for Henan Radio & TV University‎ (China)
  166. HOU stands for the Hellenic Open University (Greece) or the Hanoi Open University (Vietnam)
  167. HSUM stands for Health Sciences University of Mongolia
  168. HUT used to be used for Helsinki University of Technology but we prefer TKK (Teknillinen KorkeaKoulu)
  169. HYCU stands for Hanyang Cyber University (South Korea)
  170. IAU stands for International Association of Universities
  171. IBA stands for International Business Academy (Denmark)
  172. IBC stands for International Business College (Denmark)
  173. ICDE stands for the International Council for Open and Distance Education
  174. ICDL stands for the former International Centre for Distance Learning (at UKOU) - the database is still available to subscribers
  175. ICETEL stands for Improving Continuing Education and Training through e-learning
  176. IEC stands for the Idaho Electronic Campus
  177. IGNOU stands for Indira Gandhi National Open University (India)
  178. IHA stands for Engineering College of Aarhus (Denmark)
  179. IHK stands for Copenhagen University College of Engineering (Denmark)
  180. IMRTVU stands for Inner Mongolia Radio & TV University
  181. IMS used to stand for Instructional Management System (the initials IMS are no longer an acronym)
  182. INQAAHE stands for International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education
  183. IOIT stands for Institute of Information Technology (Vietnam) - see also IIT
  184. ITESM stands for Instituto Tecnologico Superior de Monterrey - see Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico)
  185. ITIU stansd for Università telematica internazionale UNINETTUNO
  186. ITU stands for IT-University of Copenhagen (Denmark)
  187. It-vest stands for IT University West (Denmark)
  188. IUA stands for the Irish Universities Association, Ireland (Republic)
  189. IVC stands for the Illinois Virtual Campus (US)
  190. JANET stands for Joint Academic NETwork (alleged originally to be a name significant to one of the original developers) (UK)
  191. JIU stands for Jones International University
  192. JPPSG stands for Joint Procurement Policy and Strategy Group (UK Higher Education)
  193. JSTVU stands for Jiangsu Radio & TV University (China)
  194. KHiS stands for Kommuner och Hogskolor i Samverkan (Sweden)
  195. KIU stands for Knowledge International University (Saudi Arabia)
  196. KKHSOU stands for K. K. Handique State University, or K. K. Handique State Open University
  197. KNOU stands for Korea National Open University
  198. KSF stands for Key success factor
  199. KSOU stands for Karnataka State Open University
  200. KTH stands for KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden)
  201. KU stands for University of Copenhagen (Denmark) - see also Kenyatta University (Kenya)
  202. KYVC and KYVU stand for Kentucky Virtual University (US)
  203. LERU stands for League of European Research Universities
  204. LieDM or LIEDM stands for Lithuanian National Distance Education Network
  205. LIFE stands for Learning Interoperability Framework for Europe
  206. LIVIUS stands for Learning in a Virtual Integrated University
  207. LSDA stands for the former Learning and Skills Development Agency (UK) - now split into LSN and QIA
  208. LTSC stands for Learning Technology Standards Committee (of IEEE)
  209. LVU stands for Lithuanian Virtual University
  210. MASSIVE stands for Modelling Advice and Support Services to Integrate Virtual Component in Higher Education
  211. MASTER stand for Mobility, Assessment, Selection, Technology and E-Learning Research
  212. MELI stands for Major E-Learning Initiative
  213. MENU stands for Model for a European Networked University for e-Learning
  214. MESI stands for Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (Russia)
  215. MEXT stands for the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan
  216. MIT stands for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (US)
  217. MOO stands for Multi-User Dungeons, Object Oriented
  218. MPBOU stands for Madhya Pradesh Bhoj Open University (India)
  219. MSU stands for Michigan State University (US)
  220. MVHS stands for Michigan Virtual High School (US) - see Michigan Virtual University
  221. MVS stands for Michigan Virtual School (US) - see Michigan Virtual University
  222. MVU stands for Michigan Virtual University (US) - or the Mediterranean Virtual University, a consortium
  223. NADE stands for the Norwegian Association for Distance Education, but it also stands for the National Association of Distance Education in Lithuania
  224. NAHE stands for the Swedish National Association for Higher Education
  225. NCSL stands for National College for School Leadership in the UK
  226. NDEC stands for the National Distance Education Centre of Ireland - Oscail in Irish
  227. NDMA stands for Nacionaline distancinio mokymo asociacija, in English National Association of Distance Education
  228. NELI stands for Notable E-Learning Initiative
  229. NIME stands for the National Institute of Multimedia Education, Japan
  230. NJVU stands for New Jersey Virtual University (US)
  231. NKI stands for NKI Distance Education, the main distance learning provider in Norway
  232. NKS stands for NKS Nettstudier, sometimes called NKS Distance Education, Norway (to be carefully distinguished from NKI)
  233. NMMU stands for Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, South Africa
  234. NOKUT stands for Nasjonalt organ for kvalitet i utdanningen, the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education
  235. NOU stands for Norway Opening Universities, the innovation programme in e-learning for HE in Norway - see also the National Open University of Taiwan
  236. NOUN stands for the National Open University of Nigeria
  237. NPTEL stands for National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (India)
  238. NQAI stands for the National Qualifications Authority of Ireland
  239. NREN stands for National Research and Education Network
  240. NSHU stands for the Swedish Agency for Networks and Cooperation in Higher Education, formerly called the Swedish Net University Agency - be careful to distinguish this from NHSU, the NHS University of the UK
  241. NSOU stands for Netaji Subhas Open University (India)
  242. NSU stands for Nova Southeastern University (US)
  243. NUCCAT stands for Northern Universities Consortium for Credit Accumulation and Transfer
  244. NUS stands for National University of Singapore
  245. NUST stands for National University of Science and Technology (Zimbabwe)
  246. NVU stands for Norwegian Networked University, an association in Norway
  247. NWU stands for North-West University (South Africa)
  248. NZQA stands for the New Zealand Qualifications Authority
  249. OBHE stands for the Observatory on Borderless Higher Education
  250. ODLAA stands for the Open and distance learning association of Australia
  251. ODU stands for Old Dominion University (US)
  252. OECD stands for Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
  253. OISE stands for the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education - part of the University of Toronto, Canada
  254. OKI stands for Open Knowledge Initiative
  255. OLA stands for Open Learning Agency (British Columbia) – to be closed. It could also stand for Open Learning Australia.
  256. OLCOS stands for Open e-Learning Content Observatory Services
  257. OLF stands for Open Learning Foundation in the United Kingdom
  258. OPNZ stands for the Open Polytechnic of New Zealand
  259. ORMEE stands for Observatory on Rights Management for e-Learning in Europe
  260. OSU stands for University of Ostrava (Czech Republic)
  261. OTEN stands for Open Training and Education Network (Australia)
  262. OU is a common abbreviation for UK Open University - we try to use UKOU instead
  263. OUA stands for Open Universities Australia -- formerly Open Learning Australia
  264. OUHK stands for Open University of Hong Kong
  265. OUI stands for Open University of Israel - also, OPENU
  266. OUJ stands for the Open University of Japan, formerly the University of the Air
  267. OUN stands for Open Universiteit Nederland
  268. OUS stands for the Open University of Sudan
  269. OUSL stands for the Open University of Sri Lanka
  270. OUT stands for the Open University of Tanzania
  271. PANdora stands for Pan Asia Networking distance and open resource access, a study project
  272. PBP-VC stands for Promoting Best Practice in Virtual Campuses
  273. PI stands for Greek Pedagogical Institute
  274. PLATO stands for ICT Platform for Online Learning and Experiences Accreditation in the Mobility Programme
  275. PnM or PNM stand for Pick&Mix
  276. PNU stands for Payame Noor University (Iran)
  277. PPIU stands for Phnom Penh International University (Cambodia)
  278. PUP OU stands for Polytechnic University of the Philippines Open University System
  279. PROMETEUS stands for PROmoting Multimedia access to Education and Training in EUropean Society
  280. PRTVU stands for one of the provincial-level Radio & TV universities in China
  281. PSU stands for Pennsylvania State University (US) - see Penn State World Campus
  282. PUW stands for Polski Uniwersytet Wirtualny, the Polish Virtual University
  283. QA stands for quality assurance
  284. QAA stands for Quality Assurance Agency (for Higher Education in the UK)
  285. QCA stands for Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (UK)
  286. QOU stands for Al-Quds Open University (Palestine)
  287. QUADEM stands for Quality Assessment of Digital Educational Materials
  288. QUAL-E-LEARNING stands for La qualité de l'eLearning
  289. REVE stands for REal Virtual Erasmus
  290. RIO stands for Reusable Information Object (as at Cisco)
  291. RLO stands for Reusable Learning Object (as at Cisco)
  292. RMIT stands for Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (former name for RMIT) (Australia)
  293. RRU stands for Royal Roads University (Canada)
  294. RUC stands for Roskilde University (Denmark)
  295. SCAD stands for Savannah College of Art and Design (US)
  296. SCONUL stands for Society of College, National and University Libraries
  297. SCORM stands for Sharable Course (or Courseware or Content) Object Reference Model
  298. SCQF stands for Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (UK)
  299. SCRTVU stands for Sichuan Radio & TV University (China) -- see also SRTVU
  300. SDU stands for University of Southern Denmark (Denmark) - see also Seoul Digital University
  301. SEEL stands for Supporting Excellence in eLearning
  302. SEEQUEL stands for Sustainable Environment for the Evaluation of Quality in eLearning
  303. SEFI stands for European Society for Engineering Education
  304. SFC stands for the Scottish Funding Council (UK)
  305. SFEFC stood for the former Scottish Further Education Funding Council, now part of the Scottish Funding Council (UK)
  306. SFU stands for Simon Fraser University, in Vancouver, Canada
  307. SHEFC stands for the former Scottish Higher Education Funding Council, now part of the Scottish Funding Council (UK)
  308. SHTVU stands for Shanghai TV University -- see also STVU
  309. SHU stands for Sheffield Hallam University (UK)
  310. SPC stands for St. Petersburg College (US)
  311. SRTVU stands for Sichuan Radio & TV University (China) -- see also SCRTVU
  312. SREB stands for Southern Regional Electronic Board (Electronic Campus)
  313. STOU stands for Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University (Thailand)
  314. STVU stands for Shanghai TV University -- see also SHTVU
  315. SUA stands for Sokoine University of Agriculture (Tanzania)
  316. SURF stands for the Dutch educational network (Netherlands)
  317. SURFnet stands for SURF network (Netherlands)
  318. SYTVU stands for Shenyang Radio & TV University
  319. SVC stands for Swiss Virtual Campus
  320. SVU stands for Syrian Virtual University
  321. SXRTVU stands for Shaanxi Radio and Television University (China)
  322. SYTVU stands for Shenyang Radio & TV University (China)
  323. TechBC stand for the former Technical University of British Columbia, Canada
  324. TÉLUQ (and various variants) stands for the Télé-université du Québec, now part of the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)
  325. TGOU stands for the The Global Open University of Zambia
  326. TJRTVU stands for Tianjin Radio & TV University, China
  327. TKK stands for Helsinki University of Technology (Teknillinen korkeakoulu)
  328. TLTP stands for Teaching and Learning Technology Programme (UK)
  329. TNOU stands for Tamil Nadu Open University (India)
  330. TQEF stands for Teaching Quality Enhancement Fund (UK)
  331. TRU stands for Thompson Rivers University (Canada)
  332. U21 stands for Universitas 21
  333. UAb stands for Universidade Aberta (Portugal), the Portuguese Open University
  334. UAE stands for United Arab Emirates (the country)
  335. UArctic stands for University of the Arctic
  336. UB stands for University of Baltimore (US)
  337. UCAS stands for Universities and Colleges Admissions System (UK)
  338. UCC stands for University College Copenhagen (Denmark)
  339. UCF stands for University of Central Florida (US)
  340. UCISA stands for the Universities and Colleges Information Systems Association (UK)
  341. UCSJ stands for University College Sealand (Denmark)
  342. UCT stands for University of Cape Town (South Africa)
  343. ULC stands for University College Lillebaelt (Denmark)
  344. UCJ stands for Jutland University College (Denmark)
  345. UCN stands for University College of Northern Denmark (Denmark)
  346. UCSouth stands for University College South (Denmark)
  347. UEF stands for the University of Eastern Finland
  348. Ufi (or sometimes UFI) stands for University for Industry, who deliver learndirect (UK)
  349. UFS stands for University of the Free State
  350. UGent stands for Universiteit Gent (Belgium)
  351. UHI stands for University of the Highlands and Islands (Scotland) (UK)
  352. UiTM stands for Universiti Teknologi MARA (Malaysia)
  353. UK stands for United Kingdom - see also the University of Kentucky (US)
  354. UKeU is the UK e-University, more properly called UK eUniversities Worldwide Limited
  355. UKEU stands for UK eUniversities Worldwide Limited, or the UK eUniversity
  356. UKOLN stands for UK Office for Library and Information Networking (UK)
  357. UKOU stands for UK Open University
  358. UMUC stands for University of Maryland University College (US)
  359. UNAD stands for Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia (Colombia)
  360. UNAM stands for Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  361. UnB stands for University of Brazil (Universidade de Brasilia)
  362. UNE stands for University of New England (Australia) - also University of New England (US)
  363. UNED stands for Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (Spain)
  364. UNIACC stands for Universidad de las Artes, Ciencias, y Comunicaciones (Chile)
  365. Uniandes stands for University of the Andes (Colombia)
  366. UNINETT is the National Education and Research Network for Norway
  367. UNI-QM stands for European University Quality Management Tools for Lifelong Learning
  368. UniSA stands for University of South Australia
  369. UNITAR stands for Universiti Tun Abdul Razak (Malaysia)
  370. UCSC stands for University of Colombo School of Computing (Sri Lanka)
  371. UNESCO stands for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
  372. UNISA stands for the UNISA Online Campus at the University of South Africa
  373. UNISIM or UniSIM stands for SIM University (Singapore)
  374. UOB stands for University of Bahrain
  375. UOC stands for Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, the Open University of Catalonia
  376. UOPX stands for University of Phoenix (US)
  377. UoP stands for University of the People
  378. UPM stands for Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, the Technical University of Madrid (Spain)
  379. UPOU stands for University of the Philippines Open University
  380. UPRTOU stands for U.P. Rajarshi Tandon Open University (India)
  381. UQAM stands for the Université du Québec à Montréal (Canada)
  382. USM stands for Universiti Sains Malaysia
  383. USOU stands for United States Open University
  384. USP stands for the University of the South Pacific (online learning)
  385. USQ stands for University of Southern Queensland (Australia)
  386. UT stands for University of Twente (Netherlands) but also Universitas Terbuka (Indonesia) - do not use
  387. UTPL stands for Universidad Tecnica Particular de Loja (Ecuador)
  388. UUK stands for Universities UK
  389. UVF stands for Université Virtuelle Francophone
  390. UVPL stands for Université Virtuelle en Pays de la Loire
  391. UVQ stands for Universidad Virtual de Quilmes
  392. UVT stands for Université Virtuelle de Tunis
  393. UWI stands for University of the West Indies
  394. VCSE stands for Virtual Campus for A Sustainable Europe
  395. VEBS stands for Virtual European Banking School
  396. VENUS stands for Virtual and E-mobility for Networking Universities in Society
  397. VHB stands for Bavarian Virtual University (Germany)
  398. ViCaDiS stands for Virtual Campus for Digital Students
  399. VICTORIOUS stands for VIrtual Curricula ThrOugh Reliable InterOperating University Systems
  400. VIPA stands for VIrtual campus for virtual space design Provided for european Architects
  401. VirtUE stands for Virtual University for Europe
  402. VM-BASE stands for Virtual Mobility Before and After Student Exchanges
  403. VMOUstands for Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University (India)
  404. VŠERS stands for College of European and Regional Studies (Czech Republic)
  405. VSZDRAV stands for College of Nursing and Midwifery (Czech Republic)
  406. VU stands for Pakistan Virtual University or Virtual University of Pakistan
  407. VUB stands for Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium)
  408. VUSME stands for Virtual University for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises
  409. VGU stands for the Virtual Global University
  410. WCEL stands for Waikato Centre for eLearning (New Zealand)
  411. WCET stands for Western Cooperative for Educational Telecommunications
  412. WGU stands for Western Governors University (US)
  413. WOU stands for Wawasan Open University
  414. WHOLE stands for Web-based health Organisations Learning Environment
  415. WTO stands for World Trade Organisation
  416. XML stands for Extensible Markup Language
  417. YCMOU stands for Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (India)
  418. YÖK stands for Yükseköğretim Kurulu, the Turkish for Council of Higher Education (Turkey)
  419. YRTVU stands for Yunnan Radio & TV University (China)
  420. ZFH stands for Zentralstelle für Fernstudien an Fachhochschulen (Germany)
  421. ZFUW stands for Zentrum für Fernstudien und Universitäre Weiterbildung (Germany)
  422. ZOU stands for Zimbabwe Open University

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