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Revision as of 06:37, 7 November 2008 by SaraFrankBristow (talk | contribs) (add CVU to post-aug-08 list)
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The following list includes the lists of institutions which The e-University Compendium and the UNESCO IIEP List feel are worthy of consideration as virtual universities. It also includes many of the accredited open universities around the world.

They are not the only institutions worthy of attention as Notable E-Learning Initiatives (NELIs) and not all of them are MELIs or NELIs.

Other reports that provide good information on programmes to select for further consideration include:

Editors! See Programme template

Programmes from the Gazetteer/UNESCO sources

Notes of 11 August updated 20 August 2008: Sara Frank Bristow is completing entries for all the non-EU programmes in the list below. Note of 10 October: The list is complete thanks to excellent work by Sara.

Please do not add any new entries to this list below until the project decides it is appropriate.

Ideally, the partner responsible for each country will in time complete a programme entry for each entry in the list below for their country/countries - e.g. Paul for UK and Ireland.

  1. African Virtual University
  2. Allama Iqbal Open University, Pakistan
  3. American InterContinental University, US
  4. Anadolu University, Turkey
  5. Arab American University for Distance Learning, Jordan - not operational?
  6. Arab Open University
  7. ASEAN Virtual University
  8. Assumption University, Thailand
  9. Athabasca University, Canada
  10. Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
  11. Bangladesh Open University
  12. Bavarian Virtual University (Virtuelle Universität Bayern), Germany - a Megaprovider
  13. Beijing Foreign Studies University, China
  14. Beijing Normal University, China
  15. Best Virtual Universities Organisation - an intriguing association with a seemingly close relationship to UNESCO IIEP
  16. British Columbia Open University, Canada
  17. Bulgarian Virtual University, Bulgaria
  18. California Virtual Campus, US
  19. Campus Numérique Francophone de Dakar, Senegal
  20. Canadian Virtual University
  21. Capella University, US
  22. Cardean University, US - merged into Ellis College
  23. Charles Sturt University, Australia
  24. China Central Radio & TV University (CCRTVU)
  25. Clyde Virtual University, Scotland - closed
  26. Centre National d'Enseignement à Distance ,France
  27. Colorado University Online, US
  28. Corinthian Colleges, US
  29. Curtin University of Technology, Australia
  30. Cyber U, Hong Kong
  31. Danish Virtual University (Denmark) - closed
  32. Deakin University, Australia
  33. DeVry University, US
  34. Drexel University Online, US
  35. Duke University, US
  36. DUOC UC, Chile
  37. e-Berkeley, US
  38. e-Cornell, US
  39. e-Learnz, New Zealand
  40. e-TQM College, Dubai
  41. EADTU, the European Association of Distance Teaching Universities
  42. eChina e-learning collaboration between UK and China
  43. EDEN, a European Association of universities active in e-learning
  44. Edith Cowan University, Australia
  45. Estonian e-University, sometimes called the Estonian Virtual University
  46. EuroPACE, a European Association of universities active in e-learning
  47. Ewha Womans University, South Korea
  48. Faculdade Pitágoras, Brazil
  49. FernUniversität Hagen, Germany
  50. Finnish Virtual University, Finland
  51. Florida Community College, US
  52. Georgia G.L.O.B.E., US
  53. Georgia Virtual Technical College, US
  54. Global University Alliance - several meanings
  55. Global Virtual University - and see in particular University of Agder, Norway
  56. Henley Management College, England
  57. Hibernia College, Ireland - possible case study
  58. Hong Kong Polytechnic University Cyber U
  59. Hong Kong University - high-echelon but possible
  60. Idaho Electronic Campus, US
  61. Illinois Virtual Campus, US
  62. Indira Gandhi National Open University, India
  63. Interactive University, Scotland - closed - marginally possible case study
  64. International Cyber University, South Korea
  65. Instituto Technologico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey - see Tecnológico de Monterrey
  66. Jones International University, US
  67. Kaplan College, US
  68. Keller Graduate School of Management, US
  69. Kentucky Virtual University, US
  70. Korea National Open University
  71. Korea Virtual Campus
  72. Lansbridge University, Canada
  73. Lund University NetUniversity, Sweden - possible case study
  74. Massey University, New Zealand
  75. Michigan Virtual University, US
  76. Middlesex University Global Campus, UK
  77. Multimedia University, Malaysia
  78. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
  79. NETTUNO, Italy
  80. NetVarsity, India
  81. Networked University, Norway
  82. New Jersey Virtual University, US
  83. NHSU, the National Health Service University, UK
  84. NKI Internet College, Norway - a Megaprovider
  85. Nova Southeastern University, US
  86. Online University Consortium
  87. Online CSU, US
  88. Open Polytechnic of New Zealand
  89. Open University of Hong Kong
  90. Open University of Israel
  91. Open University of Malaysia
  92. Open University of Sri Lanka
  93. Open Universiteit Nederland - a Megaprovider
  94. Open University of the United Kingdom - a Megaprovider
  95. OSCAIL, Ireland
  96. Pakistan Virtual University
  97. Penn State World Campus, US
  98. PurpleTrain.com
  99. Ramkhamhaeng University, Thailand
  100. Robert Gordon University, Scotland
  101. Royal Roads University, Canada
  102. Strayer University Online
  103. Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Thailand
  104. Swedish Net University
  105. Swiss Virtual Campus
  106. Syrian Virtual University
  107. Technical University of Graz, Austria
  108. Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico
  109. Technikon SA, South Africa
  110. Tele-Universite de Quebec , Quebec
  111. Tsinghua University, China
  112. UHI Millennium Institute, Scotland
  113. UKeU, UK
  114. UMassOnline, US
  115. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  116. Universida Nacional de Educacion a Distancia (UNED), Spain - a Megaprovider
  117. Universidade Virtual Publica do Brasil
  118. UNISA Online Campus, South Africa
  119. Universiti Tun Abdul Razak, Malaysia
  120. United Nations University Online Learning
  121. Universidad Virtual de Quilmes, Argentina
  122. Universidad Virtual de Salud de Cuba
  123. Universidade Aberta, Portugal - a Megaprovider
  124. Universidade de Brasilia Centro de Educação a Distância, Brazil
  125. Universidade Virtual do Centro-Oeste, Brazil
  126. Universitas 21 Global, Singapore
  127. Universitas Terbuka, Malaysia
  128. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Catalonia - a Megaprovider
  129. Université Virtuelle en Pays de la Loire , France
  130. Université Virtuelle Francophone (Virtual Francophone University)
  131. Universiti Sains Malaysia
  132. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia
  133. University of the Arctic
  134. University of Baltimore, US
  135. University of British Columbia, Canada
  136. University of Central Florida, US
  137. University of Illinois Online, US
  138. University of Liverpool Online Education UK - possible case study
  139. University of Maryland University College, US
  140. University of New England, US
  141. University of the Philippines Open University
  142. University of Phoenix Online, US
  143. University of the South Pacific Online Learning
  144. University of Ulster Campus One, Northern Ireland - possible case study
  145. University of Waikato Online Learning, New Zealand
  146. University of the West Indies
  147. University of Wisconsin Extension, US
  148. University of Southern Queensland, Australia
  149. UVB Campus, Brazil
  150. Virtual Global University
  151. Virtual University for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises
  152. Virtual University of Tunisia - possible case study
  153. Western Governors University, US
  154. Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, India

See also Abbreviations.

Programmes added later than mid-August 2008

This list will in time be merged back into the main Programmes list. To be reviewed at the Berlin December meeting.

  1. California Virtual University, US
  2. Dublin City University, Ireland
  3. Mount Royal College, Canada
  4. NKS Nettstudier, Norway
  5. Norway Opening Universities (NOU) - an agency - Norway
  6. Norwegian Networked University (NVU) - a universities association - Norway
  7. Simon Fraser University, Canada
  8. Scottish Knowledge, UK
  9. Southern Institute of Technology, New Zealand
  10. Otago University, New Zealand
  11. Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico
  12. University of Agder, Norway
  13. University of New Brunswick, Canada
  14. University of Oslo, Norway
  15. University of Ulster, UK - a Megaprovider
  16. Walden University, US

Also note the list of Suspect Providers.

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