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Korea Virtual Campus
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The Korea Virtual Campus (KVC) consortium was founded in 1997 with 10 member universities. Participants have included the Korea National Open University (KNOU) and Ewha Womans University (Ewha), Korea. As of October 2008, it was difficult to judge the status of KVC via web searches in English.
The Korea Virtual Campus web site could not be located in October 2008; many roads lead to the Korea Cyber University web site, however (http://www.kcu.or.kr/english/sub_01_03.asp) . It may be more useful to profile that institution.
See http://www.nime.ac.jp/activity/pdf/international_symposium_2006_report_en.pdf for a short chapter on Korea Virtual Campus, "Evaluation of e-Learning Courses in Korea Virtual Campus Consortium", pp 108-114.