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Countries in French

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Revision as of 11:51, 21 August 2008 by NikkiCortoos (talk | contribs) (changed two typos in countries)
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Warning: Perhaps we also need to add all French names of countries as aliases, e.g. Albanie, Algérie (and its downshift Algerie), Andorre...

  1. (Ancienne République yougoslave de) Macédoine - see Macedonia
  2. Afghanistan - see Afghanistan
  3. Afrique du Sud - see South Africa
  4. Albanie - see Albania
  5. Algérie - see Algeria
  6. Allemagne - see Germany
  7. Andorre - see Andorra
  8. Angola - see Angola
  9. Anguilla - see Anguilla
  10. Antarctique - see Antarctica
  11. Antigua-et-Barbuda - see Antigua and Barbuda
  12. Arabie Saoudite - see Saudi Arabia
  13. Argentine - see Argentina
  14. Arménie - see Armenia
  15. Aruba - see Aruba
  16. Australie - see Australia
  17. Autriche - see Austria
  18. Azerbaïdjan - see Azerbaijan
  19. Bahamas - see Bahamas
  20. Bahreïn - see Bahrain
  21. Bangladesh - see Bangladesh
  22. Barbade - see Barbados
  23. Bélarus - see Belarus
  24. Belgique - see Belgium
  25. Belize - see Belize
  26. Bénin - see Benin
  27. Bermudes - see Bermuda
  28. Bhoutan - see Bhutan
  29. Biélorussie / République de Bélarus - see Belarus
  30. Bolivie - see Bolivia
  31. Bosnie-Herzégovine - see Bosnia and Herzegovina
  32. Botswana - see Botswana
  33. Brésil - see Brazil
  34. Brunéi Darussalam - see Brunei Darussalam
  35. Bulgarie - see Bulgaria
  36. Burkina Faso - see Burkina Faso
  37. Burundi - see Burundi
  38. Caïmanes, Îles - see Cayman Islands
  39. Cambodge - see Cambodia
  40. Cameroun - see Cameroon
  41. Canada - see Canada
  42. Cap-Vert - see Cape Verde
  43. Centrafricaine, République - see Central African Republic
  44. Chili - see Chile
  45. Chine - see China
  46. Chypre - see Cyprus
  47. Chypre du Nord - see Northern Cyprus
  48. Colombie - see Colombia
  49. Comores - see Comoros
  50. Congo, La République Démocratique du - see Congo Democratic Republic
  51. Corée du Sud - see South Korea
  52. Costa Rica - see Costa Rica
  53. Côte D'ivoire - see Ivory Coast
  54. Croatie - see Croatia
  55. Cuba - see Cuba
  56. Danemark - see Denmark
  57. Égypte - see Egypt
  58. El Salvador - see El Salvador
  59. Émirats arabes unis - see United Arab Emirates
  60. Équateur - see Ecuador
  61. Espagne - see Spain
  62. Estonie - see Estonia
  63. États-Unis / États-Unis d'Amérique - see United States
  64. Éthiopie - see Ethiopia
  65. Finlande - see Finland
  66. France - see France
  67. Géorgie - see Georgia
  68. Ghana - see Ghana
  69. Gibraltar - see Gibraltar
  70. Grèce - see Greece
  71. Groenland - see Greenland
  72. Guatemala / Guatémala - see Guatemala
  73. Honduras - see Honduras
  74. Hong Kong - see Hong Kong
  75. Hongrie - see Hungary
  76. île de Man - see Isle of Man
  77. îles Caïmans / îles Caïman / îles Caïmanes - see Cayman Islands
  78. Inde - see India
  79. Indonésie - see Indonesia
  80. Irak / Iraq - see Iraq
  81. Iran - see Iran
  82. Irlande - see Ireland
  83. Islande - see Iceland
  84. Israël - see Israel
  85. Italie - see Italy
  86. Jamaïque - see Jamaica
  87. Japon - see Japan
  88. Jersey - see Jersey
  89. Jordanie - see Jordan
  90. Kameroen - see Cameroon
  91. Kazakhstan - see Kazakhstan
  92. Kenya - see Kenya
  93. Kirghizie / Kirghizstan- see Kyrgyzstan
  94. Kosovo - see Kosovo
  95. Koweït - see Kuwait
  96. Laos - see Laos
  97. Le bailliage de Guernesey - see Guernsey
  98. les Fidji - see Fiji
  99. les Pays-Bas - see the Netherlands
  100. Lesotho - see Lesotho
  101. Lettonie - see Latvia
  102. Liban - see Lebanon
  103. Liberia / Libéria - see Liberia
  104. Libye - see Libya
  105. Liechtenstein - see Liechtenstein
  106. Lituanie - see Lithuania
  107. Luxembourg - see Luxembourg
  108. Macao / Macau - see Macao
  109. Malaisie - see Malaysia
  110. Malte - see Malta
  111. Maroc - see Morocco
  112. Maurice - see Mauritius
  113. Mexique - see Mexico
  114. Moldavie - see Moldova
  115. Monaco - see Monaco
  116. Mongolie - see Mongolia
  117. Monténégro - see Montenegro
  118. Mozambique - see Mozambique
  119. Myanmar - see Myanmar
  120. Namibie - see Namibia
  121. Népal - see Nepal
  122. Nicaragua - see Nicaragua
  123. Nigeria / Nigéria - see Nigeria
  124. Norvège - see Norway
  125. Nouvelle-Zélande - see New Zealand
  126. Oman - see Oman
  127. Ouganda - see Uganda
  128. Ouzbékistan - see Uzbekistan
  129. Pakistan - see Pakistan
  130. Palestine - see Palestine
  131. Panama / Panamá - see Panama
  132. Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée - see Papua New Guinea
  133. Paraguay - see Paraguay
  134. Pérou - see Peru
  135. Philippines - see Philippines
  136. Pologne - see Poland
  137. Portugal - see Portugal
  138. Puerto Rico - see Puerto Rico
  139. Qatar - see Qatar
  140. République tchèque - see Czech Republic
  141. Roumanie - see Romania
  142. Royaume-Uni - see United Kingdom
  143. Russie - see Russia
  144. Rwanda - see Rwanda
  145. Sahara - Western Sahara
  146. Saint-Marin - see San Marino
  147. Samoa - see Samoa
  148. Sénégal - see Senegal
  149. Serbie - see Serbia
  150. Singapour - see Singapore
  151. Slovaquie - see Slovakia
  152. Slovénie - see Slovenia
  153. Soudan - see Sudan
  154. Sri Lanka - see Sri Lanka
  155. Suède - see Sweden
  156. Suisse - see Switzerland
  157. Swaziland - see Swaziland
  158. Syrie - see Syria
  159. Taiwan - see Taiwan
  160. Uruguay - see Uruguay
  161. Vatican / l’État de la Cité du Vatican Vatican City
  162. Venezuela / Vénézuéla - Venezuela
  163. Vietnam / Viêtnam - see Vietnam
  164. Yémen - see Yemen
  165. Zambie - see Zambia
  166. Zimbabwe - see Zimbabwe

Countries in French (A-Z)

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