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by Nick Jeans and James Kay from Sero
For entities in Lesotho see Category:Lesotho
Experts situated in Lesotho
Moliehi Sekese, teacher at Mamoeketsi Primary School in Lesotho
Lesotho in a nutshell
(sourced from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lesotho)

Lesotho, officially the Kingdom of Lesotho, is a landlocked country and enclave — entirely surrounded by the Republic of South Africa. Its size is just over 30,000 km².
Lesotho has an estimated population of almost 1,900,000, with 85% literacy, one of the highest literacy rates in Africa
Its capital is Maseru.
It is the southernmost landlocked country in the world. It is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. Its economy and stability is inextricably linked to that of South Africa where a quarter of the workforce are employed.
The name Lesotho translates roughly into "the land of the people who speak Sesotho".
About 40% of the population live below the international poverty line of US$1.25 a day. It is a small mountainous kingdom surrounded by the Republic of South Africa. Harsh winters and high altitudes make much of the country inaccessible in winter. Lesotho is one of the poorest countries in the world, completely surrounded by South Africa, with the 3rd highest rate of HIV/AIDS in the world. Approximately 30% of children are orphaned and life expectancy is less than 40 – half of that of countries in the developed world. Over 60% of the population is under 24 years of age.
In relation to Communications, according to 2009 figures, there were 40,000 fixed phone lines in use compared with 661,000 mobile phones. There were 632 Internet hosts (2010) and 76,800 Internet users (2009).
Access to telecommunications services in Lesotho is approximately 3% of the population for fixed line and just over 20% of the population for mobile. Internet access is very limited, with only 2% of residents subscribing to Internet services, with additional access at Internet cafes, primarily in Maseru. Major challenges to expanding the network include the difficult terrain and lack of electricity supply. (http://www.ist-africa.org/home/default.asp?page=doc-by-id&docid=5192)
Education in Lesotho
(sourced from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_in_Lesotho)
In 1996, the gross primary enrollment rate was 107.7 percent, while the net primary enrollment rate was 69.9 percent, with higher rates for girls than boys. Many young boys involved in herding forgo even the most basic levels of primary education.
Public spending on education was 13.0% of GDP in 2006. There are seven years of compulsory education starting at age six. Net enrolment ratios are 72% for primary and 24% for secondary, and gross enrolment ratio for all levels combined 62% (2006). The pupil-teacher ratio for primary is 40:1 and for secondary 25:1 (2006). The school year starts in March.
The Council on Higher Education was established in 2008 by the ministry of education to regulate the various tertiary education institutions, and is responsible for increasing access to higher education and developing means of funding it.
The ministry's Special Education Unit provides for learners with special education needs and is also responsible for the development of special education teacher training programmes.
Guidelines for the care and welfare of the rapidly increasing population of orphans and vulnerable children in Lesotho were drawn up by government and NGOs in 2006. These aim to protect the rights and ensure the safety of such children at the hands of their carers, and to encourage the care of HIV/AIDS orphans within the community. (http://www.commonwealth-of-nations.org/Lesotho/Education)
Most educational supplies are imported from South Africa, and most of the textbooks used in schools and colleges in Lesotho are published in South Africa, the USA or the UK. Some international publishers, for example Macmillan, are represented in Lesotho. A textbook rental scheme is now available to students at primary and secondary levels and has led to an increase in enrolment.
Schools in Lesotho
Education is compulsory between the ages of 6 and 13. Primary schooling up to Standard 7 (grade 7) has been free in Lesotho since 2000. It was only in May 2010 that attendance at primary school was made compulsory. Nevertheless, approximately 25% of children do not attend school, particularly in rural areas where families involved in subsistence activities need their children's help to survive. There are 1500 primary schools in Lesotho. 18% of these are urban schools, 8% are semi-urban schools, while 78% are rural schools, situated high in the mountains. In the rainy period, these schools can often close due to obstacles on the route to school.
Secondary and tertiary education is neither free nor compulsory. High school fees are prohibitive, with charges for tuition and books. All secondary schools are comprehensive, geared towards the goal of obtaining entrance to a university. There are about 300 high schools in Lesotho.
Much of the formal education system is still run by missions and is largely administered by the three largest churches – the Roman Catholic Church, the Lesotho Evangelical Church, and the Anglican Church of Lesotho – under the direction of the Ministry of Education.
There are a number independent English-medium schools located in Maseru in Lesotho, offering courses of study for both British and North American qualifications. Schools include the American International School of Lesotho, Machabeng College, Maseru English Medium Preparatory and National University of Lesotho International School. The Lesotho Catholic Schools Secretariat is the liaison body between the Catholic Church and Ministry of Education.
Lesotho's school system consists of twelve school years. The seven years of primary, or junior school (Grades 1-7), culminate in the Primary School Leaving Certificate. The three years of junior secondary school (high school—Forms A, B, C) culminate in the Junior Certificate (JC). The two years of higher secondary school (high school—Forms D—E) lead to the Cambridge Overseas School Certificate (COSC) at the Ordinary Level (O levels).
There are very few preprimary or nursery schools in Lesotho and only one in Maseru. Nearly all preprimary schools are privately operated. Consequently, only a very small percentage of children are enrolled.
While the Ministry of Education has authority over syllabuses and examinations, and the government aids individual schools, often by subsidizing the salaries of some of the teachers, most primary schools are operated by the missions of the three main religious churches. Influenced by the British colonial system, primary education, for which a tuition fee is charged and which is not compulsory, consists of seven levels called standards. Until the end of 1966, there was an eight-year primary system, beginning with Grades A and B and continuing through Standards 1-6. The seven-year primary school system was introduced in 1967. In 1980 only 12 percent of those who entered Standard 1 completed Standard 7. In 1990 only 14 percent of children who entered primary school proceeded to secondary education.
At the age of six or seven, children attend comprehensive, academically oriented schools and study a core of general education subjects. Sesotho is the medium of instruction in the early grades, and English is taught as a school subject. The transfer to English is made as soon as possible, during the third or fourth year of schooling, and definitely by the time students reach high school. Sesotho is then taught as a school subject. Other subjects taught are mathematics, science, and social science. Gardening, handiwork, needlework, physical training, art, music, handwriting, and religious knowledge are also offered.
Often there are much older children and even some adults in the elementary school classrooms. However, this circumstance is not as common as it used to be when Western style formal education was first introduced, and it is not generally regarded as a problem either by the students or the teachers.
At the completion of the seventh year of junior school, an exam prepared by the Department of Education is administered. The result of this exam is the most important criterion for admission into secondary education, or high school. However, because of the shortage of secondary school places, passing the Lesotho Primary School Leaving Certificate, does not guarantee admission into a high school. Only about one in seven or eight of the more than 113,000 students enrolled in primary school can go on to secondary school.
Urban & Rural Schools: Primary school teaching varies in the different areas and is largely dependent on the qualification and level of sophistication of the teachers. The latter will vary in the rural and in the urban areas. The acute shortage of teachers has of necessity led to the use of unqualified teachers. (http://education.stateuniversity.com/pages/838/Lesotho-EDUCATIONAL-SYSTEM-OVERVIEW.html)
Further and Higher education
About 4% of the relevant age group is enrolled in tertiary education (2006). The National University of Lesotho is the largest tertiary institution. It has faculties of agriculture, health sciences, humanities, law, sciences, social sciences and education. Other tertiary education providers include the Lesotho College of Education, Lesotho Agricultural College and Lerotholi Polytechnic. Many students are enrolled on the distance-learning programmes of South African institutions.
Universities in Lesotho
The National University of Lesotho (NUL) is the main university in Lesotho. It is situated at Roma (pop.8,000) some 34 kilometers south-east of Maseru, the capital of Lesotho. The Roma valley is broad and is surrounded by a barrier of rugged mountains which provides magnificent scenery. The University enjoys a temperate climate with four distinctive seasons.
The governing body of the University is the Council and academic policy is in the hands of Senate - both Council and Senate being established by the Act. The University holds membership in:
- Association of Commonwealth Universities
- Association of African Universities
- International Association of Universities
- Southern African Regional Universities Association
The National University of Lesotho's history goes back to 1945, when a Catholic University College was founded at Roma by the Roman Catholic Hierarchy of Southern Africa. The establishment of this College was a realisation of a decision taken in 1938 by the Synod of Catholic Bishops in South Africa to provide African Catholic students with post-matriculation and religious guidance. The Catholic University College was founded in an isolated valley 34 kilometers from Maseru in a temporary primary school building at Roma Mission.
The Malaysian owned Limkokwing University of Creative Technology (LUCT) is the nation’s other university, opened by the Prime Minister of Lesotho in October 2008. http://www.limkokwing.net/lesotho/ This is an international University with a global presence across 3 continents. It has over 30,000 students coming from more than 150 countries, studying in its 12 campuses in Botswana, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Lesotho, Malaysia, Swaziland and United Kingdom.
Polytechnics in Lesotho
Lesotho College of Education in Maseru has a primary mission to train and produce competent teachers for the school system of lesotho, who are also able to offer necessary services in the community. The philosophical basis of the college encompasses the principles of life-long education, continuous professional and development of practitioners in education.
Lerotholi Polytechnic Lerotholi Polytechnic is named after Chief Lerotholi who first conceptualized it as a technical and vocational school in 1894. In 1905 the first building was erected and various courses in trades were introduced. In 1929 a variety of new skills and trades in the curriculum were added.
In 1960 the school changed its main focus as an artisan orientated institution with the establishment of two new schools – the Commercial Training Institute and Technician Training School. In 1991 the three schools were merged. This amalgamation came to be known as Lerotholi Polytechnic (LP), with a mission to respond to the Technical and Vocational Education needs of Lesotho. http://www.lp.ac.ls/
Colleges in Lesotho
The Lesotho Agricultural College was established in 1964. In 2000, the college was merged with the Faculty of Agriculture at the National University. There are two campuses, one in Maseru and the other one 100 Km North of the capital.The college is responsible for training extension staff at either certificate level (two years)or diploma level (three years). It has 600 students and 30 computers, with 9 lecturing staff. Both staff and students have internet access. In 2000, the college was merged with the Faculty of Agriculture at the National University. There are two campuses, one in Maseru and the other one 100 Km North of the capital.The college is responsible for training extension staff at either certificate level (two years)or diploma level (three years) in agriculture, agricultural mechanization, home economics, forestry and natural resources management. (http://www.sadc.int/fanr/agricresearch/icart/inforesources/SADC-ARD-Directory-Apr09.pdf)
The National Health Training College was established in Maseru in1989 to bring all health training objectives of the country under one institution, thus ensuring effective and efficient graduate and in-service development and supply of health and social welfare professionals.
Education reform
The Education Sector Strategic Plan (ESSP) 2005-2015 aims to improve improving access, efficiency and equity of education and training at all levels.
The ESSP is organized in terms of the various sub-components of the education sector such as integrated early childhood care and development (IECCD), basic education, secondary education, technical and vocational training (TVET) and higher education. A Catalytic Fund Project was developed in partnership with Irish Aid to support the Ministry of Education and Training (MoET) to achieve primary school completion targets through improvements in school infrastructure, improved distribution of qualified teachers, interventions to enhance the quality of teaching and improved access to early childhood education. This includes a targeted intervention, a ‘difficult school allowance package ’ to support designated difficult schools which are most difficult to access. These are mostly small schools in mountainous areas which may often lack any qualified teachers.
Lesotho introduced Free Primary Education in January 2000 (MOE, 2001). In 1999, only 45.5% of the full time school age population (6-24 years) in Lesotho were actually in school, and one third of Basotho youth and adults were illiterate (MOE, 2005:89). The reform increased primary enrollment rates to 82 percent. Although very poor, Lesotho ranks high amongst countries in Africa that prioritize education in their budgets. In May 2010, the government passed an Education Act making education not only free but also compulsory at primary level.
Lesotho has a set of policies for lifelong learning and non-formal education (NFE) focused on the key goal of reducing the levels of illiteracy and poverty in the country. The targets for NFE are a number of disadvantaged groups including herd boys, out of school youths, adults who missed on formal education, and retrenched miners. Within Higher Education, the main contributor to lifelong learning provision is the Institute of Extra Mural Studies (IEMS), part of the National University of Lesotho. IEMS offers open and distance learning Diploma and Degree programmes in Adult Education (Diploma, Bachelors and Masters level), Business Entrepreneurship (Bachelor level) and Mass Communication (Diploma level). It also has a number of regional learning centres in the remote areas of Lesotho, and runs tailor made short courses and workshops on community development issues as requested by communities. IEMS’s overall aim is to widen participation in higher education and make learning accessible to those who would not otherwise be able to study at the main campus.
Administration and finance
Formal education functions through a strong partnership between the Government, school proprietors (church groups), and the local communities (parents). This was facilitated by the passing of the Education Act in 1995. This Act legally underpinned the agreement between the MOET (Ministry of Education and Training) and the churches to collaborate in the education service delivery. It also provided for increased participation by parents and called for all primary and secondary schools to establish School Advisory and Management Committees. The committee members comprise representatives from the MOET, churches and parents. The Education Act has also facilitated commendable progress in resolving the church/state conflict over the management of schools. However, much work needed to be done to enforce the Act and to continue training school committees in their new roles. Additional efforts were required to further define the appropriate roles for the churches and the state in provision of education. Part of the credit received from the International Development Association (IDA) for the Second Education Sector Development Programme (ESDP II) – 1999 to 2012 would be used to train the committees in their new roles. More than 90 percent of primary and 80 percent of secondary schools were legally owned by churches in the 1980s and before, church secretaries were responsible for hiring, firing, deploying and disciplining teachers. However, when church resources for financing recurrent and capital costs dried up, the GOL (Government of Lesotho) became more involved and began providing grants for teachers’ salaries, instructional materials and infrastructure. Further more MOET designs and develops the curriculum to be taught in the schools. The education of Lesotho began as a partnership and it still is a partnership affair. It is the property of parents, children, teachers, church proprietors, advisory school committees, management committees, school boards, Government and the Nation as a whole. (1)
Public Expenditure on Education as a % of Gross National Income (GNI) = 10.0% (2)
The Higher Education Act 2004 provides for the regulation of HE, for the establishment, composition and functions of a Council for Higher Education, for the governance and funding of public HE institutions and for registration of HE private institutions.
% of education budget allocated to higher education = 37% (2004/5) There is a loan/grant scheme in place. (2)
The governing body of the National University of Lesotho (NUL) is the Council and academic policy is in the hands of Senate. The University holds membership in:
- Association of Commonwealth Universities
- Association of African Universities
- International Association of Universities
- Southern African Regional Universities Association
Quality assurance
In addition to looking after the entire education system through various departments of the Ministry, MOET is charged with the responsibilities of the pronouncement of policy, the setting of standards, the training of teachers, the formal approval of teachers’ appointments, dismissals and deployment, the administration of examinations, school inspection, and the regulation of the opening and closing of schools. The Ministry began implementing its decentralization plan, during the ESDP I – 1992 to 1996, by building District Resource Centers and legalizing School Advisory and Management Committees. Interaction with the schools including supervisory, monitoring and evaluation activities are performed at the school level through the inspectorate. The role of the inspectorate in the schools is largely advisory; following a site inspection, reports are sent to head teachers, school managers, and church secretaries for action and to the Ministry of Education for general planning and policy formulation and, if necessary, follow-up action. Head teachers’ roles involve the allocation of tasks to respective teachers, supervising the work in order to ensure that set objectives are met, providing support and guidance where it is necessary, and finding possibilities for teachers to get professional development. (1)
Higher Education Act 2004 makes provision for a Council for Higher Education which will deal with quality assurance. (2)
Information society
Infrastructure Lesotho has a severely underdeveloped infrastructure.
- Fixed lines: 48,000 (2005)
- Cellular: 245,100 (2005)
- Radio broadcast stations: AM 1, FM 2, shortwave 1 (1998)
- Television broadcast stations: 1 (2000)
- Internet hosts: 168 (2006)
- Internet users: 43,000 (2005)
Approximately only 10 out of an estimated 1,477 primary schools have any form of rudimentary access to ICTs, and sometimes this is in the form of only one PC with no Internet access. Of the total number of schools (about 1,700) in Lesotho, only 20 have electricity. Some have solar panels which are used to power groundwater pumps. While Lesotho does not have an explicit independent national policy on ICTs in education, the government adopted a National ICT Policy in 2005 in which are embedded considerable references to and implications for the education sector. Lesotho also has an education strategy which mentions the role of ICTs. The National ICT Policy highlights ICTs as tools to enable the country to achieve its development goals as articulated in the Lesotho Vision 2020 policy document and the Poverty Reduction Strategy paper. The policy also provides a brief stakeholder analysis and the roles that are expected in realising the policy goals. It identifies 10 catalysts in the implementation of the policy, which include education and human resource development as well as health, agriculture and food security, tourism, gender, and youth. The policy’s stated vision is “To create a knowledge-based society fully integrated in the global economy by 2020.” This vision anticipates the successful development and deployment of ICTs by 2015 that will:
- Respond to national needs and priorities
- Reduce inequalities between the sexes and decrease the digital divide between urban
and rural areas and the haves and have-nots
- Improve governance and deepen democracy
- Develop the human capacity needed to drive and sustain an information economy
- Support economic activities at home and throughout the world
Its mission is “To fully integrate information and communications technologies throughout all sectors of the economy in order to realise rapid, sustainable socioeconomic development.” Some of the strategies include investing in ICT education and human resource development by:
- Requiring that ICT literacy and training programmes be available throughout the
education system and within the public at large
- Growing the resource pool of ICT professionals with standardised skill sets and
ensuring that appropriate incentives are in place to retain these workers
- Encouraging lifelong learning among the population at large and promoting on-thejob
training and retraining within the public and private sectors
- Promoting electronic distance learning to maximise scarce resources and expand
access to educational training and research
Education institutions also feature among the key stakeholders identified to play a role in realising the policy by improving teaching and learning mechanisms that promote ICT literacy and produce local ICT products and services. They should ensure that ICT literacy is part of the core curriculum and they must use ICTs to expand access to education as well as improving the quality of education. The policy proposes investment in all levels of formal education and that policy efforts shall be directed at using ICTs to facilitate education and lifelong learning and to support efforts of the private sector in its delivery of on-the-job training and retraining programmes. Some of the strategies to be considered include:
- Encouraging all educational institutions to invest in computers and to connect to the Internet
- Promoting electronic distance learning, training, and virtual learning systems to complement and supplement campus-based education and training systems
- Developing ICT curricula for all levels of the education system
- Encouraging collaboration between local and international educational institutions to facilitate educational exchange and promotion of ICT education and training
- Working with the private sector to create affordable packages and schemes under which students, teachers, and educational institutions can afford ICT products and services
- Using electronic educational management and information systems to improve the management of educational institutions
- Developing mechanisms to retain a large pool of ICT professionals to meet the needs of the country
- Establishing and enforcing standards for the certification of ICT professional skills
- Encouraging lifelong learning among the population at large and promoting on-thejob training and retraining within the public and private sectors
- Improving access to education to people with disabilities
- Encouraging public and private sector apprenticeship programmes, internships, coops, and work-study programmes
The policy states government’s commitment to:
- Developing partnerships with stakeholders to facilitate the acquisition of ICTs for all education institutions
- Facilitating the provision of distance learning applications through ICTs to ensure academic and training programmes are available nationally
- Encouraging the National Library to be equipped with appropriate ICT tools and resources
- Integrating ICTs in mainstream educational curricula as well as other literacyprogrammes and providing for equitable access for students at all levels
- Developing special ICT training programmes for disabled persons, youth, and women
- Setting up mechanisms that promote collaboration between industry and training institutions to build appropriate human resources capacity
- Promoting twinning of training institutions in Lesotho with those outside the country to enhance skills transfer
- Working with private industry to establish initiatives and programmes aimed at improving and upgrading the technical skills of existing employees (3)
ICT village in Mahobong, Leribe District (eHealth & eAgriculture)
The ICT Village model is intended to provide to remote and disadvantaged communities broadband satellite connectivity as well as e-services for development, such as telemedicine, e-learning, e-governance, etc. In order to make the ICT Village sustainable, renewable energy (solar, biomasses, compound, hydrogen, etc) as well as water sanitation systems are put into place, and are matched with continuous training and support aimed at the empowerment of the members of the community and the full exploitation of the natural and human potentials. Disadvantaged villages are twinned with cities in Europe that support activities online or in videoconference between schools, health institutes, training centres, allowing the collaboration and sharing of information and competences for mutual cultural, social and economic growth.
The Health aspect of this project is intended to provide training on the use of ultrasound technology to the health personnel of the Holy Trinity Clinic in Mahobong to prevent deaths of mothers and children in the area surrounding the clinic.
A training period will be initially undertaken in 2011 which will train 20 people and OCCAM, WINFOCUS and Hospital of Lodi will invite representatives from the Ministry of Health, the District Hospital in Leribe and others from CHAL to attend. Subsequently, there will be satellite connectivity, which will facilitate personnel in Mahobong to refer to dedicated staff at the Hospital in Lodi for second opinion and any other support needed. Apart from the ultrasound machine, the project intends to support the creation of a delivery room at the Clinic. The project is funded by The Ministry of Health of Regione Lombardia, Italy
The Observatory for Cultural and Audiovisual Communication in the Mediterranean and in the World (OCCAM, http://www.occam.org/) and the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Milan provide training to the staff at the Resource Center in Mahobong (run by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security - MAFS) to support farmers in the detection of plant diseases and parasites through the provision of e-phytopathology and parasitology services. The project also provides agriculture tools as well as seeds, fertilizers etc to the farmers.
ICT in education initiatives
Virtual initiatives in schools
Despite its poor ICT infrastructure and high levels of poverty, there are initiatives to integrate ICT in education.
Two key projects in the school sector are the NEPAD eSchools Demo Project and SchoolNet Lesotho. There are also a few private sector companies engaged independently in making some technology accessible to schools on the basis of leasing PCs to schools.
The NEPAD eSchools Demo Project has focused attention on the potential that ICT offers to enhance education in the country. The New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) eSchools Initiative is a multicountry, multi-stakeholder, continental initiative that aims to impart ICT skills to young Africans in primary and secondary schools and improve the provision of education in schools through ICT applications and the use of the Internet.
The first phase of the initiative is a demonstration (demo) project that is being implemented by the private sector partners. Lesotho is one of the 16 countries where the Demo Project was co-ordinated by a dedicated country liaison person based at the Ministry of Education and Training. Oracle and Microsoft are two companies that formed consortia to support the Demo Project in six Lesotho high schools where the typical model involved fitting each school with a lab comprising approximately 20 PCs, a server and printer, and a media lab which in some instances included a PC-based kiosk containing health information and satellite television access to education channels. Teachers at the six schools received training and learners have subsequently used the PC labs in the classroom.
SchoolNet Lesotho
SchoolsNet Lesotho's role is to promote learning and teaching through ICTs to schools in Lesotho. SchoolNet Lesotho held its launch workshop in 2005 with the support of the Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa (OSISA). It is run largely as an organization of volunteers and is dependent on donor funds.
Moliehi Sekese won the Microsoft Innovative Education Forum's Educator's Choice award in 2009 for a school project about indigenous plants. She is a teacher at Mamoeketsi primary school, a school with 700 students and only two lap tops. They didn’t have electricity until one year ago, so she charged the computers from her home. She teaches maths, science and English to a class of 100 students, and she believes that the use of technology creates better and more motivated students.
The “Indigenous Plants Project”. involved data gathering, discussion, and outcome. Moliehi contacted the parents and asked them if their children could borrow their cell phones. These were used to take pictures and send SMSs to Moliehi of their findings. The theme was indigenous plants. After individual searches away from school, they tried to find the same plants closer to the school. They discovered that many indigenous plants were very rare there, and that the plants close to the urban areas were collected and sold at the market. The class decided raise awareness in the local community about protecting endangered plants by making flyers, using the laptops to scan hand drawn images and Microsoft Publisher to make the flyers. The students also held a bake sale to raise money to go to the Internet cafe in the nearest town, 15 km away, in order to blog their findings. Inspired by a trip to the biggest botanical garden in Lesotho, the class decided to create a botanical garden outside school, which contained many of these plants. The children also planted some of these at home, because they were edible and healthy.
Moliehi Sekese visited the itslearning user conference in Bergen, Norway in 2011. itslearning has since offered to give 4 computers to her school, while funds are being donated so that Mamoeketsi Primary School can buy more computers, mobile phones and get an internet connection.
Virtual initiatives in post-secondary education
CECS ICT Literacy Programmes
The Community Education Computer Society (CECS) is a South African-based NGO, which focuses on the development of ICT skills in the form of literacy programmes across southern Africa. Lesotho is one of six countries where CECS has a dedicated ICT literacy programme that was established with the support of the Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa (OSISA).
The 80-hour programme on ICT literacy enables participants to use word processing, spreadsheet and presentation software, design a basic Web page using HTML, and perform basic computer troubleshooting and maintenance.
Lessons learnt
1. Southern and Eastern African consortium for monitoring educational quality http://www.sacmeq.org/education-lesotho.htm
2. http://www.sarua.org/?q=Lesotho
3. InfoDev report April 2007
For OER policies and projects in Lesotho see Lesotho/OER