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Partners situated in Nigeria
No partners are situated in Nigeria.
Nigeria in a nutshell
Nigeria, officially named the Federal Republic of Nigeria, is a federal constitutional republic comprising 36 states and one Federal Capital Territory. The country is located in West Africa and shares land borders with the Republic of Benin in the west, Chad and Cameroon in the east, and Niger in the north. Its coast lies on the Gulf of Guinea, part of the Atlantic Ocean, in the south. The capital city is Abuja and its largest city is Lagos.

The people of Nigeria have an extensive history, and archaeological evidence shows that human habitation of the area dates back to at least 9000 BC. The Benue-Cross River area is thought to be the original homeland of the Bantu migrants who spread across most of central and southern Africa in waves between the 1st millennium BC and the 2nd millennium AD.
Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa and the eighth most populous country in the world with a population of around 148 million.
It is a regional power, it is listed among the "Next Eleven" economies, and is a member of the [Commonwealth of Nations]. The economy of Nigeria is one of the fastest growing in the world with the International Monetary Fund projecting a growth of 9% in 2008 and 8.3% in 2009.
Nigeria has got a total area is 923,768 km² with a population of 148,000,000 (2007 estimate) which gives a density of 145/km². Its official language is English with Hausa, Igbo, Yoruba, Edo as recognised regional languages.
Source: Wikipedia's page on Nigeria
Nigeria education policy
Related web site: Federal Ministry of Education in Nigeria
The Constitution of 1999 stipulates in Chapter II - Fundamental Objectives and Directive Principles of State Policy:
- 18. (1) Government shall direct its policy towards ensuring that there are equal and adequate educational opportunities at all levels.
- (2) Government shall promote science and technology
- (3) Government shall strive to eradicate illiteracy; and to this end Government shall as and when practicable provide
- (a) free, compulsory and universal primary education;
- (b) free secondary education;
- (c) free university education; and
- (d) free adult literacy programme.
- 60. The establishment and regulation of authorities for the Federation or any part thereof -
- ….
- (e) To prescribe minimum standards of education at all levels.
Source: Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (1999)
Nigeria education system
Related web pages: Education in Nigeria
Higher education
Related web page: Country Higher Education Profile – Nigeria, by the Boston College, Center for International Higher Education (CIHE)
Universities in Nigeria
Polytechnics in Nigeria
No information available so far.
- “Licensing, ccreditation And Quality Assurance In Nigerian Universities: Achievements And Challenges”, a paper presented at a session of the 2008 CHEA Summer Workshop (PDF – 29 pages). By Professor Julius A. Okojie, Executive Secretary for the National Universities Commission, Abuja, Nigeria.
- Wikipedia’s List of universities in Nigeria
Related web site: Schools and Universities
Higher education reform
Administration and finance
The Nigeria Higher Education Foundation aims to develop and articulate the case for support of Nigerian universities through increased public awareness and to harness financial support for targeted institutions by ensuring wise use of resources through well planned stewardship mechanisms and accountability systems.
Source: Nigeria Higher Education Foundation “About Us”
Quality assurance
Related documents:
- “Licensing, Accreditation And Quality Assurance In Nigerian Universities: Achievements And Challenges”, a paper presented at a session of the 2008 CHEA Summer Workshop (PDF – 29 pages). By Professor Julius A. Okojie, Executive Secretary for the National Universities Commission, Abuja, Nigeria.
- “Major Features of Accreditation in Nigeria” by Uduak O. Udom, National Universities Commission, Abuja, Nigeria
Nigeria's HEIs in the information society
Related document: Partnership for Higher Education in Africa (PHEA) - Educational Technology Initiative: report on Nigeria (PDF - 16 pages)
Towards the information society
Information society strategy
Virtual initiatives in HE
The National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), based in Abuja, is an ODL University as its name suggests. (For more see http://www.nou.edu.ng/noun/index.htm.)
Its features are:
- Study Centres
- The reading and studying of the printed course materials can of course take place in the home, in an environment convenient to the student or at some designated places called Study Centres. These are places located across the geopolitical zones of the country.
- Program Delivery
- The basic course delivery method is that of the printed material. In addition, Audio, Video, and CD-ROMS are used as complementary media. Specially scheduled radio and television programmes play major roles in the course delivery method.
- Face-to-Face course contacts are also undertaken at the University's various study centres around the country. This is to ensure participants' comprehension of the courses offered by the School.
- The multimedia approach is the method of delivery of all courses. This multimedia approach comprises print materials which the student will read and study on his/her own, audio-visual programmes, CD-ROM, video cassette tapes or audio tapes, assignment, counseling sessions and in some courses, practical work.
- In a nutshell, each course in the School's academic programmes may include a combination of the following learning modes:
- Self-instructional printed course materials packages
- Assignments for assessment and feedback
- Audio-video programmes
- Face-to-face interaction with academic counselors at the various University Study Centres
- Tele-counselling and interaction
- Project work
- Telecast of Video programmes
- Broadcast of Audio programmes
- Interactive satellite aided communication network (Teleconferencing)
- General Entry Requirements
- Programme Duration & Credit Hours
- The First-degree programmes have been designed to take an average student a maximum of 4 years to complete. To obtain any of the above degrees, a student must earn at least 120 credits. Students are required to register for a minimum of 15 credit hours per semester and a maximum of 24 credit hours per semester. An academic year is made up of two semesters.
- The Masters-degree programmes are designed for a maximum duration of two years.
- The students are required to obtain at least 70 credit hours to graduate.
- Students are required to register for a minimum of 18 credit hours per semester and a maximum of 24 credit hours per semester.
- For the Commonwealth Executive MBA/MPA programmes, each credit hour is defined on the basis of 20 hours of study load which comprises all learning activities such as working through student materials, preparing assignments, tutored activities, and preparing for examinations, etc. All courses in the programmes carry a credit weighting of 6 (120 study hours).
- Students of the Commonwealth programmes are required to obtain at least 90 credit hours made up of 15 courses (8 core + 2 specialized + 3 electives + 2 required courses).
- The programmes share the following core courses:
- Managing Information Systems
- Management in Organizations
- Managing Human Resources
- Operations Management
- Economic Environment of Business
- Public Systems Management
- Quantitative Techniques
- Marketing Management
- Accounting and Finance
Source: The National Open University (NOUN)
- Nigeria’s government official web site
- Wikipedia's page on Nigeria
- Federal Ministry of Education in Nigeria
- Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (1999)
- Education in Nigeria
- Country Higher Education Profile – Nigeria, by the Boston College, Center for International Higher Education (CIHE)
- “Licensing, ccreditation And Quality Assurance In Nigerian Universities: Achievements And Challenges”, a paper presented at a session of the 2008 CHEA Summer Workshop (PDF – 29 pages). By Professor Julius A. Okojie, Executive Secretary for the National Universities Commission, Abuja, Nigeria.
- Wikipedia’s List of universities in Nigeria
- Schools and Universities
- Nigeria Higher Education Foundation “About Us”
- “Major Features of Accreditation in Nigeria” by Uduak O. Udom, National Universities Commission, Abuja, Nigeria
- Partnership for Higher Education in Africa (PHEA) - Educational Technology Initiative: report on Nigeria (PDF - 16 pages)
- Educational page on Nigeria’s government official web site
- Federal Ministry of Education in Nigeria
- Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (1999)
- [http://www.cnhe.org/ Council for Nigerian Higher Education (CNHE)
- National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN): A Historical Perspective and Challenges by Terhemba Nom AMBE-UVA, published in Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, Volume: 8 Number: 1 Article: 6, January 2007.
- E-learning and Distance Education in Nigeria, Timothy Olugbenga AJADI, Ibrahim, Olatunde SALAWU, & Femi, Adetunji ADEOYE, School of Education, National Open University of Nigeria, published in The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, Volume: 7 Issue: 4 Article 7, October 2008.
For OER policies and projects in Nigeria see Nigeria/OER