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(deleted one instance of IMS)
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# [[ICDL]] stands for International Centre for Distance Learning (at OU)
# [[ICDL]] stands for International Centre for Distance Learning (at OU)
# [[IGNOU]] stands for [[Indira Gandhi National Open University]] ([[India]])
# [[IGNOU]] stands for [[Indira Gandhi National Open University]] ([[India]])
# [[IMS]] stands for Instructional Management System (the original meaning)
# [[IMS]] used to stand for Instructional Management System (the initials IMS are no longer an acronym)
# [[IMS]] used to stand for the Instructional Management System Project (the initials IMS are no longer an acronym)
# [[ITESM]] stands for ''Instituto Tecnologico Superior de Monterrey'' - see [[Tecnológico de Monterrey]] ([[Mexico]])
# [[ITESM]] stands for ''Instituto Tecnologico Superior de Monterrey'' - see [[Tecnológico de Monterrey]] ([[Mexico]])
# [[JANET]] stands for Joint Academic NETwork (alleged originally to be a name significant to one of the original developers)
# [[JANET]] stands for Joint Academic NETwork (alleged originally to be a name significant to one of the original developers)

Revision as of 14:43, 7 August 2008

This is (to be) a full list of abbreviations for organisations and other activities of relevance to Re.ViCa.

A number of technical abbreviations are added - these do not link to Re.ViCa wiki pages. They are included as they are codes to avoid when creating or selecting codes for institutions and other entities.

Two-character codes are discouraged except when they are country codes but some are so common that we have been forced to adopt them.

> Index

Abbreviations other than country codes

The following list has been extracted from the list developed for The e-University Compendium and then further developed.

Added 8 June 2008: FELI, GELI, MELI and NELI.

  1. AAOU stands for the Asian Association of Open Universities
  2. AIOU stands for the Allama Iqbal Open University (Pakistan)
  3. ANCED stands for the Asociación Nacional de Centros de e-Learning y Distancia (Spain)
  4. ARIADNE stands for Alliance of Remote Instructional Authoring and Distribution Networks for Europe
  5. ASEAN stands for Association of Southeast Asian Nations
  6. ATN stands for Australian Technology Network (of universities)
  7. BBE stands for Business of Borderless Education (report)
  8. BCOU stands for British Columbia Open University (now absorbed into Thompson Rivers University)
  9. BECTa was the former name for Becta
  10. Becta stands for British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (UK) but the long form is rarely used now
  11. BFSU stands for Beijing Foreign Studies University
  12. BOU stands for the Bangladesh Open University
  13. CANARIE stands for Canadian Network for the Advancement of Research, Industry and Education
  14. CETIS stands for Centre for Educational Technology Interoperability Standards but the long form is rarely used now
  15. CHEA stands for Council for Higher Education Accreditation (US) - agency
  16. CHEMS stands for Commonwealth Higher Education Management Service - now ceased
  17. CNED stands for Centre National d'Enseignement à Distance. In French the abbreviation is Cned.
  18. CNFD stands for Campus Numérique Francophone de Dakar
  19. COL stands for Commonwealth of Learning
  20. CVU stands for Canadian Virtual University. It was also used in the past for Clyde Virtual University.
  21. DCSF is the Department for Children, Schools and Families of the UK
  22. DDU stands for the Dutch Digital University (we do not use the two-letter abbreviation DU commonly used in Netherlands
  23. DELNI is the Department for Employment and Learning, Northern Ireland
  24. DEST is a department now merged into DEEWR
  25. DEEWR is the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations in Australia
  26. DETYA stood for Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs (Australia), later called DEST
  27. DfEE stands for the former Department for Education and Employment of the UK, a very old name for DfES
  28. DfES stands for the former Department for Education and Skills of the UK, now split into DCSF and DIUS
  29. DFID stands for Department for International Development of the UK
  30. DIUS is the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills of the UK
  31. DVD stands for Digital Versatile Disk (no longer Digital Video Disk)
  32. ECTS stands for European Credit Transfer System, sometimes called the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System
  33. EFQM stands for European Foundation for Quality Management
  34. ELWA stood for Education and Learning Wales but is no longer used - see HEFCW
  35. ELDDA stands for e-Learning Digital Dashboard
  36. EML stands for Educational Markup Language
  37. ESRC stands for Economic and Social Research Council
  38. EUNITE stands for European University Network for Information Technology in Education
  39. e-U stands for the UK e-University (the one that became UKeU)
  40. EU stands for European Union
  41. FE stands for Further Education (post-school, non-degree courses)
  42. FELI stands for Failed E-Learning Initiative
  43. FVU stands for Finnish Virtual University
  44. GELI stands for Giant E-Learning Initiative
  45. GU8 stands for Global U8 Consortium
  46. GUA stands for Global University Alliance, but this phrase has multiple meanings
  47. GVU stands for Global Virtual University
  48. HE stands for Higher Education (universities and similar institutions)
  49. HECS stands for Higher Education Contributions System
  50. HEFCE stands for Higher Education Funding Council for England
  51. HEFCW stands for Higher Education Funding Council for Wales
  52. HEI stands for Higher Education Institution
  53. HERO stands for Higher Education and Research Opportunities
  54. HKU stands for University of Hong Kong
  55. HUT used to be used for Helsinki University of Technology but we prefer TKK (Teknillinen KorkeaKoulu)
  56. ICDL stands for International Centre for Distance Learning (at OU)
  57. IGNOU stands for Indira Gandhi National Open University (India)
  58. IMS used to stand for Instructional Management System (the initials IMS are no longer an acronym)
  59. ITESM stands for Instituto Tecnologico Superior de Monterrey - see Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico)
  60. JANET stands for Joint Academic NETwork (alleged originally to be a name significant to one of the original developers)
  61. JIU stands for Jones International University
  62. JPPSG stands for Joint Procurement Policy and Strategy Group (UK HE)
  63. KNOU stands for Korea National Open University
  64. LSDA stands for Learning and Skills Development Agency (UK)
  65. LTSC stands for Learning Technology Standards Committee (of IEEE)
  66. MELI stands for Major E-Learning Initiative
  67. MOO stands for Multi-User Dungeons, Object Oriented
  68. NELI stands for Notable E-Learning Initiative
  69. NHSU - and sometimes NHSu - stands for National Health Service University (UK)
  70. NUCCAT stands for Northern Universities Consortium for Credit Accumulation and Transfer
  71. NUS stands for National University of Singapore
  72. OECD stands for Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
  73. OKI stands for Open Knowledge Initiative
  74. OLA stands for Open Learning Agency (British Columbia) – to be closed. It could also stand for Open Learning Australia.
  75. OU is a common abbreviation for UK Open University - we try to use UKOU instead
  76. OUHK stands for Open University of Hong Kong
  77. OUN stands for Open Universiteit Nederland
  78. OUSL stands for the Open University of Sri Lanka
  79. PnM or PNM stand for Pick&Mix
  80. PROMETEUS stands for PROmoting Multimedia access to Education and Training in EUropean Society
  81. QAA stands for Quality Assurance Agency (for Higher Education in the UK)
  82. QCA stands for Qualifications and Curriculum Authority
  83. RIO stands for Reusable Information Object (as at Cisco)
  84. RLO stands for Reusable Learning Object (as at Cisco)
  85. RMIT stands for Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (former name for RMIT)
  86. SCONUL stands for Society of College, National and University Libraries
  87. SCORM stands for Sharable Course (or Courseware or Content) Object Reference Model
  88. SCQF stands for Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework
  89. SFC stands for the Scottish Funding Council
  90. SFEFC stood for the former Scottish Further Education Funding Council, now part of the Scottish Funding Council
  91. SHEFC stands for the former Scottish Higher Education Funding Council, now part of the Scottish Funding Council
  92. SHU stands for Sheffield Hallam University
  93. STOU stands for Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University (Thailand)
  94. SURF stands for the Dutch educational network
  95. SURFnet stands for SURF network
  96. SVC stands for Swiss Virtual Campus
  97. TKK stands for Helsinki University of Technology (Teknillinen korkeakoulu)
  98. TLTP stands for Teaching and Learning Technology Programme
  99. TQEF stands for Teaching Quality Enhancement Fund
  100. TRU stands for Thompson Rivers University (Canada)
  101. U21 stands for Universitas 21
  102. UCAS stands for Universities and Colleges Admissions System
  103. UCISA stands for the Universities and Colleges Information Systems Association (UK)
  104. Ufi stands for University for Industry (learndirect)
  105. UHI stands for University of the Highlands and Islands (Scotland)
  106. UKeU is the UK e-University, more properly called UK eUniversities Worldwide Limited
  107. UKEU stands for UKeU
  108. UKOLN stands for UK Office for Library and Information Networking
  109. UKOU stands for UK Open University
  110. UNED stands for Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (Spain)
  111. UniSA stands for University of South Australia
  112. UOC stands for Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, the Open University of Catalonia
  113. UOP stands for University of Phoenix
  114. USQ stands for University of Southern Queensland
  115. UT stands for University of Twente (Netherlands)
  116. UVF stands for Université Virtuelle Francophone
  117. UVT stands for Université Virtuelle de Tunis
  118. VHB stands for Bavarian Virtual University (Germany)
  119. WCET stands for Western Cooperative for Educational Telecommunications
  120. WGU stands for Western Governors University
  121. WTO stands for World Trade Organisation
  122. XML stands for Extensible Markup Language

> Index