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This is a list of suggested members for the Advisory Committee, some of these people will be invited to take part in one or more of the key meetings which will be organised during ReViCa. The first of these will take place in June 2008, Lisbon, right before the EDEN conference.  
Below a table with our current International Advisory Committee members.

Back to [[People]].
Back to [[People]].

== Table I. ==
== IAC Members ==
{| border="1" cellpadding="2" class="wikitable sortable" style="font-size:11px;"
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!width="10%"|'''First Name'''
!width=""|'''First Name'''
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!width=""|'''Last Name'''
!width="10%"|'''Suggested by'''
| Dr. || Antti || Auer || [http://www.jyu.fi/en/ University of Jyväskylä] || [[Finland]] || Information Management Services, Chair of IT-Peda network ||  || Anna-Kaarina Kairamo
| || Ari-Matti || Auvinen [http://www.checkpoint-elearning.com/article/4965.html] || [http://www.hci.fi/website_en.nsf/CompanyFrameset?OpenFrameset HCI Productions] || [[Finland]] || Managing Director ||  || Anna-Kaarina Kairamo
| || [[Tony Bates| Tony]] || [[Tony Bates| Bates]] || [http://www.tonybates.ca Tony Bates Associates Ltd.] || [[Canada]] || Independent Consultant || || Paul Bacsich
| || Peter || Baumgartner [http://www.donau-uni.ac.at/en/aktuell/news/archiv/06445/index.php] || [http://www.donau-uni.ac.at/en/ University of Krems] || [[Austria ]] || || || Theo Bastiaens
| Prof. || [[Betty Collis| Betty]] || [[Betty Collis| Collis]] || [[University_of_Twente| University of Twente]] || [[The Netherlands]] ||  || || Paul Bacsich
| || Bas || [[Cordewener]] || [[SURF| SURF Foundation]] || [[The Netherlands]] ||Manager of International Collaboration for the SURF Foundation ||Bas has a good overview of activities within the Netherlands and the work of SURF in particular. Leads many of SURF's transnational activities.|| Sally Reynolds
| || Derrick || de Kerckhove || [http://www.utoronto.ca University of Toronto] || [[Canada]] || Director of the McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology || || Helena Bijnens
| || Christian || Depover || [http://www.umh.ac.be/ Université de de Mons], UTE || [[Belgium]] || || || Widad Benhabiles
| || [[Jim Devine| Jim]]|| [[Jim Devine| Devine]] || [http://www.iadt.ie/en Dunlaoghaire Institute Art/Design/Technology]|| [[Ireland]] || IADT Director || very close to strategic thinking in Ireland vis-a-vis virtual campus and related activities, also an experienced reviewer and speaker on the European scene|| Sally Reynolds
| Dr. || Bakary || [[Diallo]] || [http://www.avu.org/ African Virtual University] || [[Kenya]] ||Rector of the African Virtual University  ||Virtual campus in Francophone and Anglophone Africa in particular and ICT4D generally in Sub-Sahara Africa || Sally Reynolds
| Dr.|| Claudio  || [[Dondi]] || [[SCIENTER]] || [[Italy]] ||President of Scienter ||Involved in numerous activities related to VC on both a European and International basis, particularly experienced in relation to policy and EU activities. || Sally Reynolds
| || Tom || Dousma [http://www.extranet.ou.nl/inter-studie-alg-o31411/Symposium4/sprekers.htm] || [[SURF]] || [[The Netherlands]] || Platform manager ICT and Education || || Theo Bastiaens
| || Jan || Eelen || [[K.U.Leuven]] || [[Belgium]] || || || Helena Bijnens
| Prof. || Maria Amata || Garito || [[Uninettuno| UNINETTUNO]] || [[Italy]] ||President and  Rector of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO and full professor of Teaching and Learning Technologies at the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”|| || Helena Bijnens
| || [[Lawrence Hamburg| Lawrence]] || [[Lawrence Hamburg| Hamburg]] || [[Higher Education Academy]] || [[UK]] || Assistant Director e-learning|| || Paul Bacsich
| || [[Jeff Haywood| Jef]]|| [[Jeff Haywood| Haywood]] || [[University of Edinburgh]] || [[UK]] || || || Helena Bijnens
| Prof. Dr. || Wilfried || [[Hendricks]]  ||[http://www..ibi.tu-berlin.de IBI] - [http://www.tu-berlin.de/en Technische Universität Berlin]  || [[Germany]] ||Professor at the Technical University of Berlin (TUB) and  Head of the IBI - Institut für Bildung in der Informationsgesellschaft e.V. (Institute for Education in the Information Society). || Has a very good overvew of activities in this field in Germany and active in many regional and national networks. Familiar with many of the National policy disussions.|| Sally Reynolds
| Dr. || Carl || [[Holmberg]] || [http://www.cfl.se/cfl_utvecklar_larandet/toppmeny/about_cfl/ Swedish Agency for Flexible Learning] || [[Sweden]] || Adviser to the Director-General ||Very experienced in Adult and Higher Education, strong on policy-related activities and very active at European level. || Sally Reynolds
| Dr. || Antti || ''' [[Antti Auer| Auer]]''' || [[University of Jyväskylä]] || [[Finland]]  
| || [[Áine Hyland| Áine ]] || [[Áine Hyland| Hyland]] ||  || [[Ireland]] || recently retired Deputy VC || || Paul Bacsich
| Dr. || Tony || '''[[Tony Bates| Bates]] ''' || [http://www.tonybates.ca/tony-bates-associates/ Tony Bates Associates Ltd.] || [[Canada]]  
| || [[Terence Karran| Terence]]|| [[Terence Karran| Karran]] || [http://www.lincoln.ac.uk Lincoln University] || [[UK]] || || || Paul Bacsich
| Prof. Dr. || Peter || ''' [[Peter Baumgartner| Baumgartner]] ''' || [http://www.donau-uni.ac.at University of Krems] || [[Austria]]  
| || Thierry || [[Karsenti]] || [http://www.umontreal.ca/english Université de Montréal] || [[Canada]] || Chaire de recherche sur les technologies dans l’enseignement || || Widad Benhabiles
| Mrs. || Annemie || ''' [[Annemie Boonen| Boonen]] ''' || [[eLIG]] and [[EuroPACE ivzw]] || [[Belgium]]
| Dr.|| Nikitas || [[Kastis]] || [http://www.menon.org/ MENON Network] & [http://www.lrf.gr/ Lambrakis Research Foundation] || [[Greece]] ||Deputy Director General, Lambrakis and President of the MENON Network || Knowledgeable in respect to Greek activities, active at European level, interest in policy|| Sally Reynolds
| Dr. || Christian || '''[[Christian Depover| Depover]] ''' || [[Université de Mons-Hainaut]] (UMH) || [[Belgium]]
| Prof. || [[Denise Kirkpatrick| Denise]] || [[Denise Kirkpatrick| Kirkpatrick]] || [[UKOU| Open University]] || [[UK]] || Pro-Vice Chancellor, Learning and Teaching || || Paul Bacsich
| Mr. || Jim || ''' [[Jim Devine| Devine]] ''' || [http://www.iadt.ie Dunlaoghaire Institute Art/Design/Technology] || [[Ireland]]  
| || Paul || Kirschner [http://www.noe-kaleidoscope.org/public/group/symposium/programme/profiles/profile_kirschner_paul.htm] || [http://www.uu.nl/uupublish/homeuu/homeenglish/1757main.html University of Utrecht] || [[The Netherlands]] || || || Theo Bastiaens
| Mr. || Fred|| ''' [[Fred de Vries|de Vries]] ''' || [[Open University of the Netherlands]] (OUN)|| [[the Netherlands]]  
| || Piet || Kommers [http://users.edte.utwente.nl/kommers/] [http://www.gw.utwente.nl/mco/en/emp/kommers/] || [[University of Twente]] || [[The Netherlands]] || || || Theo Bastiaens
| Dr. || Bakary || ''' [[Bakary Diallo| Diallo]] ''' || [[African Virtual University]] || [[Kenya]]
| || [[Rob Koper| Rob]]|| [[Rob Koper| Koper]] || [[Open Universiteit Nederland| Open University of The Netherlands]] || [[The Netherlands]] || || || Helena Bijnens
| Dr. || Claudio || ''' [[Claudio Dondi| Dondi]] ''' || [[SCIENTER]] || [[Italy]]
| Dr.|| [[Kugemann| Walter]] || [[Kugemann]] || [http://www.ilinet.org/ Institute for Innovation in Learning] ([http://www.fim.uni-erlangen.de/en/ FIM-NewLearning]), [http://www.uni-erlangen.org/ University of Erlangen-Nuremberg] || [[Germany]] ||Head of FIM-NewLearning ||Active for many years at European and German level, quite familiar with German VC activities including the Bavarian Virtual University || Sally Reynolds
| Dr. || Tom || ''' [[Tom Dousma| Dousma]] ''' || [[SURF]] || [[the Netherlands]]  
| Ms. || Tae Rim || Lee [http://faculty.knou.ac.kr/~trlee/main02.htm] || [[KNOU| Korea National Open University]] || [[South Korea]] || || || Theo Bastiaens
| Dr. || Ulf || '''[[Ulf Ehlers| Ehlers]]'''|| [http://www.uni-due.de/ University of Duisburg-Essen] and [[European Foundation for Quality in E-learning]] ||[[Germany]]
| || [[Fred Litto| Fred]] || [[Fred Litto| Litto]] || [http://www.abed.org.br/ ABED] || [[Brazil]]||Founder and Scientific Coordinator of the “School of the Future” of the University of São Paulo, senior role in ABED ||Knows the Brazilian VC and TeL context very well as well as Latin America generally, now actively re-engaged in ICDE || Sally Reynolds
| Mrs. || Sarah || ''' [[Sarah Frame| Frame]]''' || [[University of East London]] || [[UK]]
| || Pierre-Jean || Loiret [http://www.elearning-africa.com/cv/loiret.php] || [http://www.auf.org/ Agence universitaire de la Francophonie] || [[France]]/[[Africa]] || || || Widad Benhabiles
| Dr. || Carl || ''' [[Carl Holmberg| Holmberg]] ''' || [[ICDE| International Council for Open and Distant (ICDE)]] || [[Norway]]
| || Joost  || Lowyck [http://cwisdb.kuleuven.be/persdb-bin/persdb?lang=N&oproep=persoon&fnaam=u0006041&detail=1&ingelogd=1] || [[K.U.Leuven]] || [[Belgium]] || || || Helena Bijnens
| Dr. || Terence || ''' [[Terence Karran| Karran]] ''' || [[Lincoln University]] || [[UK]]  
| Dr. || Jyri || Manninen || [http://www.helsinki.fi/university/ University of Helsinki], [http://www.helsinki.fi/palmenia/english/ Palmenia] || [[Finland]] ||  Research Director ||  || Anna-Kaarina Kairamo
| Prof. Dr. || Thierry || ''' [[Thierry Karsenti| Karsenti]] ''' || [[Université de Montréal]] || [[Canada]]
| Prof. || [[Robin Mason| Robin]]|| [[Robin Mason| Mason]] || [[UKOU| Open University]] || [[UK]] || also evaluator of Swiss Virtual Campus || || Paul Bacsich
| Mrs. || Ene || ''' [[Ene Koitla| Koitla]] ''' || [[Estonian Information Technology Foundation]] and [[Estonian e-Learning Development Centre]] || [[Estonia]]
| || Herman || Maurer [http://ausweb.scu.edu.au/aw96/keynotes.htm#second_generation old bio] [http://www.iicm.tugraz.at/maurer German bio] || [http://www.kfunigraz.ac.at/E/ University of Graz] || [[Austria]] || || || Theo Bastiaens
| Prof. Dr. || Frederic Michael 'Fred' || ''' [[Fred Litto| Litto]] ''' || [[ABED]] || [[Brazil]]
| Prof. || [[Terry Mayes| Terry]]  || [[Terry Mayes| Mayes]] || [[Higher Education Academy]] || [[UK]] || head of the evaluation and support team for e-learning || || Paul Bacsich
| Prof. || Uswege|| '''[[Uswege Minga| Minga]]''' || [[African Council for Distance Education]] (ACDE) || [[Kenya]]
| || [[Jef Moonen| Jef]] || [[Jef Moonen| Moonen]] || [[University of Twente]] || [[The Netherlands]] || || || Theo Bastiaens
| Prof. Dr. || Morten Flate || ''' [[Morten Flate Paulsen| Paulsen]] ''' || [[NKI Distance Education]] || [[Norway]]
| || Fred || Mulder [http://www.ou.nl/eCache/DEF/1/49/025.html Dutch] [ English] || [[OUNL| Open University of the Netherlands]] || [[The Netherlands]] || || || Theo Bastiaens
| Prof. Dr. || Francesc || '''[[Francesc Pedró| Pedró]]''' || [http://www.oecd.org/document/30/0,3343,en_2649_35845581_35684766_1_1_1_1,00.html Centre for Educational Research and Innovation] in ([[OECD]])|| [[France]]  
| || [[Clive Mulholland| Clive]]|| [[Clive Mulholland| Mulholland]] || [http://www.glam.ac.uk/ University of Glamorgan]] || [[UK]] || PVC at Glamorgan U || || Paul Bacsich
| Mr. || Garry || ''' [[Garry Putland| Putland]] ''' || [[education.au]], [[EdNA| Education Network Australia (EdNA)]]|| [[Australia]]
| || Morten Flate || Paulsen [http://home.nettskolen.com/~morten/] || [[NKI Distance Education]] || [[Norway]] || Professor of Online Education, Director of Development|| || Anna-Kaarina Kairamo
| Prof. || Lutfor|| '''[[Lutfor Rahman| Rahman]]''' || [[People's University of Bangladesh]]|| [[Bangladesh]]
| || [[Daniel Peraya| Daniel]]|| [[Daniel Peraya| Peraya]] || [http://www.unige.ch/international/index_en.html Université de Genève], [http://tecfa.unige.ch/ TECFA] || [[Switzerland]] || || || Widad Benhabiles
| Prof. || Mohd Ismail || '''[[Mohd Ismail Ramli| Ramli]]''' || [http://www.ined.uitm.edu.my/ Institute of Education Development (InED)] at the [[Universiti Teknologi MARA| MARA University of Technology (UiTM)]] || [[Malaysia]]  
| || [[Jim Petch| Jim]]|| [[Jim Petch| Petch]] || [http://www.manchester.ac.uk/ Manchester University] || [[UK]] || Head of Distributed Learning ||  || Markus Bela
| Dr. || Vitor || ''' [[Vitor Rocio| Rocio]] ''' || [[Universidade Aberta]] (OUP)|| [[Portugal]]  
| || Otto || Peters [http://www.fernuni-hagen.de/ZIFF/petersbi.htm old bio] || [[FernUniversität in Hagen]] || [[Germany]] || Professor Emeritus of Distance-Education Methodology || || Theo Bastiaens
| Prof. || Gilly || ''' [[Gilly Salmon| Salmon]] ''' || [[University of Leicester]] || [[UK]]  
| || [[Vanessa Pittard| Vanessa]]|| [[Vanessa Pittard| Pittard]] || [[Becta]] || [[UK]] || Director of Research || || Paul Bacsich
| Dr. || Albert || ''' [[Albert Sangra| Sangrà]] ''' || [[Open University of Catalonia]] || [[Spain]]
| || Juha || Pohjonen [http://edu.ouka.fi/~mjo/isa99/Pohjonen_CV.htm] || [http://www.oulu.fi/english/ University of Oulu],[http://www.kotu.oulu.fi/avoin/opiskelijapalvelut/introduction.htm Open University] || [[Finland]] || Development Manager ||  || Anna-Kaarina Kairamo
| Mr. || Raimondo || ''' [[Raimondo Sepe| Sepe ]] ''' || International Telematic University [[UNINETTUNO]] || [[Italy]]
| || Garry [http://www.edna.edu.au/edna/page472.html] [http://www.educationau.edu.au/jahia/Jahia/home/cache/offonce/pid/395] || [[Putland]] || [http://www.educationau.edu.au education.au], [http://www.edna.edu.au/edna/ Education Network Australia (edna)] || [[Australia]] || General Manager - Business Development ||Garry is a key link with what is happening in all sectors in Australia including Higher education. || Sally Reynolds
| Mr. || Matti || ''' [[Matti Sinko| Sinko]] ''' || [[TKK Dipoli]] || [[Finland]]
| || [[Malcolm Read| Malcolm]]|| [[Malcolm Read| Read]] || [[JISC]] || [[UK]] || || || Paul Bacsich
| Dr. || András || ''' [[András Szûcs| Szûcs]] ''' || [[Budapest University of Technology and Economics]] || [[Hungary]]
| || Vitor || Rocio || [http://www.uoc.edu/portal/english/ Open University of Catalonia] || [[Spain]] || || || Theo Bastiaens
| Dr. || Martin || ''' [[Martin Valcke| Valcke]] ''' || [[Ghent University]|| [[Belgium]]  
| || [[Caitriona Ryan| Caitriona]] || [[Caitriona Ryan| Ryan]] || [[Higher Education Authority]] || [[Ireland]] || || || Paul Bacsich
| Prof. || Wim || '''[[Wim Van Petegem| Van Petegem]]''' || [[AVNET - K.U.Leuven| Centre for Audio-visual and New Educational Technologies (AVNet), K.U.Leuven]] || [[Belgium]]
| Prof. || [[Gilly Salmon| Gilly]]|| [[Gilly Salmon| Salmon]] || [http://www.le.ac.uk University of Leicester] || [[UK]] || || || Paul Bacsich
| Prof. || Herman J || ''' [[Herman van der Merwe| van der Merwe]] ''' || [[North-West University]] || [[South Africa]]
| || Albert || Sangrà [http://www.unesco.org/iiep/virtualuniversity/author_asangra.php] [http://www.eden-online.org/contents/conferences/annual/Budapest/BpestAS.html] || [http://www.uoc.edu/portal/english/ Open University of Catalonia] || Spain ||  Director Educational Innovation and Methodology, Director of Edu Lab || || Helena Bijnens
| Mrs. || Martine || ''' [[Martine Vidal| Vidal]] ''' || [[Centre National d'Enseignement à Distance]] (CNED)|| [[France]]
| || Rolf || Schulmeister [http://sciltest.unisg.ch/congress-2003/cv/cv-schulmeister-en.html] || [http://www.uni-hamburg.de/index_e.html University of Hamburg] || [[Germany]] || || || Theo Bastiaens
| Mr.  || Wojciech || ''' [[Wojciech Zielinski| Zielinski]]''' || [http://www.sea.edu.pl The Association of Academic E-learning in Poland] || [[Poland]]
| || [[Niall Sclater| Niall]] || [[Niall Sclater| Sclater]] || || || || || Helena Bijnens
| Dr.|| Ramesh || [[Sharma]]  || [http://www.ignou.ac.in/ Indira Gandhi National Open University] || [[India]] ||Regional Director at Regional Center – Karnal of Indira Gandhi National Open University. ||VC related activities in India|| Sally Reynolds
| || Josef || Strobl [http://www.uni-salzburg.at/portal/page?_pageid=142,127090&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL] || [http://www.uni-salzburg.at Salzburg University] || [[Austria]] || Head of Z_GIS ||  || Markus Bela
| || [[András Szûcs| András]]|| [[András Szûcs| Szûcs]] || [http://www.bme.hu/en Budapest University of Technology and Economics] || [[Hungary]] || Secretary General || EDEN || Markus Bela
| || Ene || Tammeoru||Estonian e-Learning Development Centre || [Estonia]||Head at Estonian e-Learning Development Centre ||closely associated with [[Estonian e-University]]|| Sally Reynolds
| || Martin || Valcke [http://users.ugent.be/~mvalcke/CV/CVMVA.htm] || [http://www.ugent.be/en/ Ghent University] || [[Belgium]] || || || Theo Bastiaens
| || Michiel || van Geloven || [[Dutch Digital University]] || [[The Netherlands]] || || || Theo Bastiaens
| Prof. || Tapio || Varis [http://www.uta.fi/~titava/] [http://eqibelt.srce.hr/lectures/varis.html] [http://www.unevoc.net/wiki.0.html?&no_cache=1&tx_drwiki_pi1%5Bkeyword%5D=Prof.%20Tapio%20Varis] || [http://www.uta.fi/english/ University of Tampere], Faculty of Education || [[Finland]] || Professor of Vocational Education, with particular reference to Global Learning Environments and UNESCO Chair in global e-learning with applications to multiple domains ||  || Anna-Kaarina Kairamo
| || Martine || Vidal ||Centre national d'enseignement à distance ([[CNED]]) ||France ||Chargée de mission recherche ||well-known figure in French VC context, VP [[EDEN]] || Sally Reynolds
| Dr. || Erwin B.|| [[Wagner]] || [http://www.uni-hildesheim.de/en University of Hildesheim] and [[EDEN]]||[[Germany]] ||Director of the Centre for Distance Learning and Continuing Education at Hildesheim University, Germany ||particular experience of Multicampus VC in Germany || Sally Reynolds
| || Jacques || Wallet || [http://www.univ-rouen.fr/ Université de Rouen], [http://www.sciencedu.org/ Campus numérique FORSE] || [[France]] || || || Widad Benhabiles
| Prof. || Herman || [[van der Merwe]]  || [http://www.tut.ac.za/ Tshwane University of Technology] || [[South Africa]] || Director of the Department of Telematic Education at Technikon Pretoria and Manager of the Centre for the Utilisation of Technology in Education (CUTE) in Technikom.||International expert on the utilisation and management of technology in education and serves on various national and international workgroups. Specific interest in mobile learning what is happening in South Africa. || Sally Reynolds
| || Wojciech || [[Zielinski]] || [http://www.wshe.lodz.pl/index.php?j=eng Academy of Humanities and Economics in Lodz], [http://www.puw.pl/english/ Polish Virtual University] || [[Poland]] ||Pro Vice Chancellor for Information Systems (CIO) at The Academy of Humanities and Economics in Lodz (AHE) and co-author and a co-organizer of Polish Virtual University (PVU) ||very knowledgable on developments in Poland and the set up and progress of the PVU || Sally Reynolds
| Prof. || Sebastiano || Bagnara || [[ University of Sassari-Alghero]] || [[Italy]] ||Chair of Cognitive Psychology at the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Sassari-Alghero, Italy. He is fellow of the International Ergonomics Association and he is scientific Director of the journal Ergonomia. He is member of the Editorial Board of Applied Ergonomics, Cognition Technology and Work, Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing, International Journal of Human Computer Interaction, Travail Humain, Intelligen System. He is associated editor of Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science.||His research interest is in the field of human computer interaction, ergonomics, organisational psychology, human factors in shaping technology || Cristina Stefanelli
> [[People]].
> [[People]].

Latest revision as of 14:27, 30 April 2010

Below a table with our current International Advisory Committee members.

Back to People.

IAC Members

Title First Name Last Name Institution Country
Dr. Antti Auer University of Jyväskylä Finland
Dr. Tony Bates Tony Bates Associates Ltd. Canada
Prof. Dr. Peter Baumgartner University of Krems Austria
Mrs. Annemie Boonen eLIG and EuroPACE ivzw Belgium
Dr. Christian Depover Université de Mons-Hainaut (UMH) Belgium
Mr. Jim Devine Dunlaoghaire Institute Art/Design/Technology Ireland
Mr. Fred de Vries Open University of the Netherlands (OUN) the Netherlands
Dr. Bakary Diallo African Virtual University Kenya
Dr. Claudio Dondi SCIENTER Italy
Dr. Tom Dousma SURF the Netherlands
Dr. Ulf Ehlers University of Duisburg-Essen and European Foundation for Quality in E-learning Germany
Mrs. Sarah Frame University of East London UK
Dr. Carl Holmberg International Council for Open and Distant (ICDE) Norway
Dr. Terence Karran Lincoln University UK
Prof. Dr. Thierry Karsenti Université de Montréal Canada
Mrs. Ene Koitla Estonian Information Technology Foundation and Estonian e-Learning Development Centre Estonia
Prof. Dr. Frederic Michael 'Fred' Litto ABED Brazil
Prof. Uswege Minga African Council for Distance Education (ACDE) Kenya
Prof. Dr. Morten Flate Paulsen NKI Distance Education Norway
Prof. Dr. Francesc Pedró Centre for Educational Research and Innovation in (OECD) France
Mr. Garry Putland education.au, Education Network Australia (EdNA) Australia
Prof. Lutfor Rahman People's University of Bangladesh Bangladesh
Prof. Mohd Ismail Ramli Institute of Education Development (InED) at the MARA University of Technology (UiTM) Malaysia
Dr. Vitor Rocio Universidade Aberta (OUP) Portugal
Prof. Gilly Salmon University of Leicester UK
Dr. Albert Sangrà Open University of Catalonia Spain
Mr. Raimondo Sepe International Telematic University UNINETTUNO Italy
Mr. Matti Sinko TKK Dipoli Finland
Dr. András Szûcs Budapest University of Technology and Economics Hungary
Dr. Martin Valcke Ghent University Belgium
Prof. Wim Van Petegem Centre for Audio-visual and New Educational Technologies (AVNet), K.U.Leuven Belgium
Prof. Herman J van der Merwe North-West University South Africa
Mrs. Martine Vidal Centre National d'Enseignement à Distance (CNED) France
Mr. Wojciech Zielinski The Association of Academic E-learning in Poland Poland

> People.