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Université de Mons-Hainaut

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The Université de Mons-Hainaut (University of Mons-Hainaut, UMH) supports e-learning through its LMS Moodle and LMS Esprit.

The institution’s main office is in Mons, Belgium. Other campuses are located here as well.

Counting students as well as staff, UMH gathers a total 3,500 people.

UMH offers 2 e-learning platforms as listed on its e-learning page:

  1. Moodle: this Learning Management System (LMS), is in use since 2005 as explained on the presentation page (French) and can be found at http://e-learning.umh.ac.be.
  2. Esprit (French for “spirit”) is an “LMS with an emphasis on collaborative work and strong pedagogical scenario”. The platform was developed by the Educational Technology Unit at the UMH with the collaboration of Université Stendhal 3 de Grenoble (France) and is Open Source Software, so can be downloaded: (FR) and (EN). In French it is referenced as “un environnement scénarisé et tutoré d’apprentissage interactif à distance”. More information (in French) can be read at the UMH pages [1] and [2].

Furthermore the UMH, together with l’Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF), l’Université de Strasbourg, organises a Master programme through e-learning called UTICEF (Use of Information Technologies and Communication in Education and Training).

The Université de Mons-Hainaut web site is at http://www.umh.ac.be.

More "virtual campuses", created by or with collaboration from the Educational Technology Unit can be seen at http://ute.umh.ac.be/deste/menu.htm.

The university’s Faculty of Applied Sciences is a member of the association Académie universitaire Wallonie-Bruxelles and the entire university is partner in RHESU (Hainuyer Network of Higher and University Education / Réseau Hainuyer d’Enseignements Supérieurs et Universitaires), which groups 10 institutions in Hainaut that gather 15,000 students within the higher education sector.

> Belgium

> Programmes