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Virtual Education Wiki:Community Portal

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Welcome to the community portal. This was used a lot in the Re.ViCa era but not since.


This was the place to find out what was happening on the Re.ViCa wiki.

Community members

See the spread of our community members in 2009

Project partners

The Re.ViCa project has the following nine partners:

  1. EuroPACE ivzw (BE) - Coordinator
    contact person(s): Bieke Schreurs
  2. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven AVNETAVNET - K.U.Leuven (BE) - Applicant
    contact person(s): Ilse Op de Beeck
  3. Audiovisual Technologies, Informatics and Telecommunications bvba (ATiT) (BE);
    contact person(s): Sally Reynolds, Nikki Cortoos
  4. FernUniversität in Hagen (DE);
    contact person(s): Theo Bastiaens
  5. Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Koulutuskeskus Dipoli (Helsinki University of Technology, Lifelong Learning Institute Dipoli) (FI)
    contact person(s): Anna-Kaarina Kairamo, Ulla Rintala
  6. Université de Strasbourg (FR)
    contact person(s): David Gauckler
  7. Nyugat-Magayarországi Egyetem (University of West Hungary) (HU)
    contact person(s): Grégory Lucas
  8. Università Telematica Internazionale UNINETTUNO (International Telematic University UNINETTUNO) (IT)
    contact person(s): Alessandro Caforio, Cristina Stefanelli
  9. Matic Media Ltd (UK)
    contact person(s): Paul Bacsich

(Names of individuals were added in their "firstname surname" form, without titles (such as Professor, Dr, Mr, Mrs etc). Variants and common misspellings should be entered as redirect pages to the correct name. If accents exist like for Grégory Lucas they should be added but with natural flattenings (i.e. without accents) such as Gregory Lucas.)

International advisors (incomplete list)

Our International Advisory Committee consisted of about 20 European and non-European experts in the field of Virtual Campuses, each carefully selected on the basis of their experience. The Committee members are invited to comment on the findings of the Re.ViCa research during several Key Meetings that will be organised during the lifetime of the project.

Other experts of relevance (a growing list)

We also listed names of people (Experts) who have a good overview of the European and ideally the world scene in large-scale university-level e-learning.

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