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D2.1 Transversal and categorised Inventory of OER Programmes and Initiatives

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Type of outcome: Wiki - public

Delivery date: October 2012 (but updated through the entire project)

Nature: Report and Service/Product

Language versions:English, relevant parts in French, Italian, Dutch, and Spanish

Target languages:All relevant languages

A wiki-based cross-sectoral inventory of national, international and multinational OER programmes and large initiatives.

In order to keep the scope manageable and to maximise the value of the information collected the inventory will work at the level of programmes, not projects. It will aim to be comprehensive with respect to the school and higher education sectors in Europe and representative regarding other sectors and the rest of the world.

The inventory will be assembled from desk research supplemented where necessary by telephone interviews.

POERUP will develop a set of defining characteristics, taking into account the various manifestations of OER initiatives. The categorisation will clarify the marketspace of OERs, thus giving policy makers and key actors a better insight into the world of OER.

It will also help other OER initiatives to build on previous experience and gathered know-how.

The aim is to have at least 100 major initiatives collected, documented and classified.


First Edition

The main author of this report is Ming Nie (at the University of Leicester to 31 July 2013).

Contributors include Professor Paul Bacsich, Nick Jeans and Giles Pepler (Sero Consulting) and the report uses the material collected by all the authors of country reports and initiative reports from the project wiki

It was released on 31 July 2013.

It can be found at File:POERUP D2.1 Transversal and categorised inventory of OER programmes and initiatives.pdf

Second Edition

A second edition of this deliverable was released on 17 October 2014, with a focus on OER maps. The abstract states:

POERUP is an EU-funded project whose funded period ran from November 2011 to June 2014 inclusive. Its purpose was to develop OER-friendly policy recommendations, based on analysis of existing OER initiatives, countries, policies and case studies. For POERUP Work Package 2, Sero has created a curated map/database of 501 open education initiatives, both OER and MOOC. (A companion but much smaller work item created a report on OER policies – for details see Deliverable 4.1: Overview of European and International policies relevant for the uptake of OER.) The work was done in three phases:

  1. Sero created a Custom Map Tool driven by the sophisticated “noSQL” database MongoDB to allow display of and search for OER initiatives – http://oer.poerup.org.uk – as part of a wider initiative to document and allow search for open education initiatives, including MOOCs, available at http://www.poerup.org.uk. The core database technology and approach were chosen to be scalable to high performance as well as being open source and Linked Data-ready. The Open API it makes available facilitates future use by different groups working collaboratively on problems of collecting, mapping and analysing open education initiatives, including but not only eMundus, SharedOER, D-TRANSFORM, OER Africa and, possible Hewlett-funded initiatives in this area.
  2. Sero created Semantic Map Tools using Semantic Maps, a module of Semantic MediaWiki, hosted on Referata to support the POERUP wiki – http://poerup.referata.com. Semantic Wiki is a powerful extension of the MediaWiki software. (MediaWiki is used also for WikiEducator and Wikipedia.) See for example the map at http://poerup.referata.com/wiki/Languages
  3. Sero created a number of Google Map Tools consisting of ad hoc maps and charts, using Google Map Engine Pro and Google Charts – e.g. the “POERUP 501” map at https://mapsengine.google.com/map/u/1/edit?hl=en&authuser=1&mid=zYG2prGO09jE.kj-xjWvhQNjg

This deliverable was written at the very end of the POERUP project and so inevitably has aspects of looking to activities beyond the project and in particular Exploitation of project results.

For the report see File:POERUP D2.1 edition 2.pdf