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Revision as of 12:38, 28 May 2024 by Pbacsich (talk | contribs) (Added news of Manifesto for Digital Schooling in England; and did general tidy-up)
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Category:Virtual schools
Image of a person doing online learning by Katerina Holmes from Pexels. This image sits on top of a navy blue circle. Image of a search bar with virtual/online schools across the centre of the image.
Virtual/online schools button
Image of a person doing online learning by Katerina Holmes from Pexels. This image sits on top of a navy blue circle. Image of a search bar with virtual/online colleges across the centre of the image.
Virtual/online colleges button
Image of a person doing online learning by Katerina Holmes from Pexels. This image sits on top of a navy blue circle. Image of a search bar with virtual/online HE across the centre of the image.
Virtual/online HE button
Open Education Initiatives - list
Image of a person doing online learning by Katerina Holmes from Pexels. This image sits on top of a navy blue circle. Image of a search bar with OER across the centre of the image.
OER Initiatives button

Welcome to the Virtual Education Wiki, devoted to virtual learning in education at all levels (schools, colleges and universities) including informal learning, open learning (OER) and distance learning. It is also known as the Open Education Wiki.

As this is a wiki, you can edit it as part of the Virtual Education Wiki Community.  Prior to contributing, you may find it useful to view our help pages and note that anything you change may be amended or deleted by other wiki users.

The idea in 2008 behind the original wiki was to create an open and public space where researchers could share information about virtual developments in various different educational sectors. It was supported and maintained during 2009-2015 by a community of researchers from EU and beyond and was aimed at stakeholders, researchers and practitioners who wanted to have easy access to the latest information about how the virtual phenomenon is manifesting itself in schools, colleges and universities around the world. You will therefore find much of this legacy information in the wiki. The wiki is now being updated in all its aspects, focussing initially on OER initiatives, OER policies and virtual schools.

Current Wiki Editors

Image of Paul Bacsich alongside his name within a navy blue circle.
Paul Bacsich, Matic Media Ltd
Image of Charlotte Doody next to her name, all within a navy blue circle.
Charlotte Doody, Wiki Contributor

Paul Bacsich, Wiki Host, Matic Media Ltd

Charlotte Doody, Wiki Contributor

Latest news and resources

News and resources written above a hand holding a newspaper. All within a navy blue circle.
Decorative image

See News


Special Issue of the journal Education Sciences on Virtual Schools - deadline October 2024

The Special Issue aims to consolidate cutting-edge research and insights into K-12 virtual schools to serve as a comprehensive resource for researchers, policy makers, school leaders and virtual school teachers.

Its full title is "Virtual Schools for K-12 Education: Lessons Learned and Implications for Digital K-12 and Other Sectors of Education" (Guest Editors: Paul Bacsich, Sara de Freitas and Bieke Schreurs).

The deadline for submissions is now 1 October 2024.

For the latest information see https://bacsich.org/2024/03/13/special-issue-of-the-journal-education-sciences-on-virtual-schools-call-for-papers/

Manifesto for Digitally Enabled Schooling in England

Released 28 May 2024. See this page

Old News

For earlier news see Old News


Please be aware that with the large volume of legacy information contained within this wiki, a degree of "link rot" may be present.

General area

See links in Sidebar for the main content options. Alternatively see below:

For the former Main Page (2011-22) see 2022 Main Page

Admin area

(Current server name today is openeducation.wiki)

> Special:RecentChanges
> Special:AllPages

Content is available under Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license (International) unless otherwise noted.

The wiki is supported by Matic Media Ltd, with hosting and technical support from Wikiworks.

Particular thanks are due to Yaron Koren, the renowned MediaWiki developer, for his work on migration and data transfer.