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Revision as of 16:34, 9 June 2011 by Pbacsich (talk | contribs)
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Virtual schools and colleges


Virtual campuses (in universities and colleges)

See Re.ViCa

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Brief history of this wiki

This wiki was originally set up in 2007 by the Re.ViCa project to provide an inventory and to show the results of a systematic review of Virtual Campus initiatives of the past decade within higher education throughout the world. In this wiki you will find a list of more than 300 interesting Programmes in universities and colleges, all of which have been categorised. All programmes are listed based on the interesting or innovative e-learning approach they have taken. We have listed a significant number of relevant initiatives varying greatly in terms of size, type of student, country of origin etc. You will also find Country reports, describing the educational context and ways in which decision-makers in these countries have taken steps to address changes brought about due to the emergence of the Information Society. The wiki also contains nine in-depth Institutional reports and a large number of related Resources. We have collected and described relevant research projects, outputs, and publications, and provided a list of experts in the field of Virtual Campuses.

As from June 2011 the wiki is also being used to provide a growing inventory of virtual schools and related ICT-related schools initiatives around the world and to enhance the existing Re.ViCa inventory of virtual campuses and related initiatives based in colleges (non-university tertiary providers). This is part-funded by the EU Lifelong Learning Programme via the VISCED project.

In addition, various smaller initiatives and volunteer labour are endeavouring to keep up to date the university-related material. (See in particular e-World and LUOERL.)

Some pages are protected, but most are open and await your contributions if you are an e-learning expert. Do you know an interesting Virtual Campus, Virtual College or Virtual School? Do you want to provide relevant information about your country? Please register and help us to sustain this wiki, as a large and dynamic inventory of Virtual Learning!


The Editorial Team makes every effort to ensure, but does not guarantee, the accuracy of the information on this wiki. Hyperlinks to other websites imply neither responsibility for, nor approval of the information contained in those other websites on the part of Re.ViCa, VISCED or any other project authorised to place material on this wiki.

The wiki is a work in progress. Many of the judgements that are made about institutions and projects are at this stage tentative and subject to further analysis by projects, often with the help of an International Advisory Committee - and may be found challenging by some readers. The Re.ViCa team conducted its research on Virtual Campuses along a broad range of parameters. Most information is validated by the numerous discussion sessions that the Re.ViCa team has organised with different stakeholder groups throughout the project. The same will be true of VISCED. Information on individuals is as far as possible collected from public sources and written in "curriculum vitae" fashion, focussing on their strengths and abilities and not on irrelevant personal information.

If any individual feels that information about them requires correction then it is within the spirit of the wiki approach for them to do that for their own entry.

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The Re.ViCa project was funded and the VISCED project is funded with support from the European Commission. The wiki reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.