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Series of reports
These include:
- The e-University Compendium - a collection of 23 reports and some annexes, dating from summer 2004
- Megatrends in e-Learning Provision - a series of books from the Megatrends Project, 2005-2007
Individual reports
- Blended learning at the macro level – the experience of the Bavarian Virtual University
- Lessons to be learned from the failure of the UK e-University
- Offshore education in the wider context of internationalisation and ICT: experiences and examples from Dutch higher education
- The Business of Borderless Education
- Using Distance Education for Skills Development
- Towards a Virtual Campus Observatory for Latin America (Extract)
- Trainer’s and Professional’s Guide to Quality in Open and Distance Learning
- Studies in the Context of the E-learning Initiative: Virtual Models of European Universities
- Survey of Virtual Campus and Virtual University Activities in Europe
- The Virtual University. Models and Messages. Lessons from Case Studies
- The Finnish Virtual University. Lessons and Knowledge Exchange Opportunities to Inform Pan-Canadian Plans
- Cooperation Models for National e-Learning Development in Estonia (example of the Estonian e-Learning Development Centre)
Project outputs
- MASSIVE - Modelling Advice and Support Services to Integrate the Virtual Component in Higher Education
- UNIQUe - European University Quality in eLearning
- E-xcellence - Benchmarking tool for Quality Assessment in e-learning
- BEING MOBILE - Disseminating Virtual Mobility for Students and Teachers
- E-LERU - A Virtual Campus for European Universities
- cEVU - a Collaborative European Virtual University
- BENVIC - Benchmarking of Virtual Campuses
- E-MOVE - An operational conception of virtual mobility
- E.A.S.Y - European Agency for EASY access to Virtual Campus
- UNIVe - Creating a Network-based e-University Model for the Small Countries in the Context of e-Learning in Europe
- PBP-VC - promoting Best practices in Virtual campuses Powerpoint Presentation, project Outputs
- fnm-austria (Forum Neue Medien in der Lehre österreichischer Universitäten und Fachhochschulen)
Other WIKI's of relevance
The following wikis on related topics may be of interest to the audience interested in the Re.ViCa wiki.
(Unless stated otherwise, all wikis use the same MediaWiki software that is used by Re.ViCa.)
- The EduTech wiki run by the University of Geneva has a large number of definitions of useful terms and concepts in e-learning.
- The OER wiki run by the International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) in UNESCO has useful coverage of concepts and projects in the area of Open Educational Resources.
- The Sloan-C wiki is full of useful Effective Practices and articles (mostly from JALN)
- The SimTeach wiki covers education in Multi-User Virtual Environments - see also its interesting "subwiki" on Second Life (thanks to Stephen Downes's blog for this information)
- The Higher Education Academy Benchmarking and Pathfinder wiki has many articles of relevance to the UK e-learning situation.
- Wikipedia itself contains many articles on e-learning topics.
- The eMM wiki run by Dr Stephen Marshall of the Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand) is the repository for the evolving e-Maturity Model (eMM) methodology for benchmarking e-learning.
- Although it is a web site and blog but not actually a wiki it is worth mentioning the new EU reports on Megatrends in e-learning provision which include mini case studies on the University of Leicester, University of Ulster, Staffordshire University and Manchester Metropolitan University as well as of course the Open University and several non-UK providers.
In addition to these, it is known that various agencies and associations including EDUCAUSE are experimenting with wikis.
Papers people have found
- PHEA Educational Technology Initiative - Reports on ICTs in Higher Education in: Egypt , Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda. Obtained by Paul Bacsich
- L’université virtuelle britannique / The British Virtual University (FR but with English summary). Found by Paul Bacsich
- University towards e-learning: a focus on Finland, France and Italy: The ELUE project (E-Learning and University Education)'s aim is to photograph the diffusion of e-learning in the university world in Finland, France and Italy. This volume presents the results of a joint survey carried out by the Conference of Italian University Rectors (CRUI), the Conference des Presidents d’Université Française (CPU), and the Finnish Virtual University (FVU) on the universities of their respective countries. PDF, 149 pages. Found by Widad Benhabiles.
- A Comparison of the National Reports of the First Stage, by the ELUE project (E-Learning and University Education). Found by Widad Benhabiles.
- File:Karran TandPohjonen J2000a.pdf: Responding to the Vision of the Information Society: First Steps Towards a National Virtual University. A Policy Discussion Paper by Terence Karran and Juha Pohjonen, Finland, 2005 (PDF, 124 pages, English) ISBN 951-42-5587-9 - suggested by Terence Karran
- File:Mexico ANUIESPlan2001.pdf: Masterplan of Higher Education: Open and Distance Education. Development strategy], Mexico, 2001 (PDF, 118 pages, in Spanish) - suggested by Terence Karran
- File:Karran eMexico UNESCO2005.pdf: E-MEXICO - BUILDING ON SUCCESS, FOR SUCCESS, by Terence Karran, Mexico, 2005 (PDF, 4 pages, in English) - suggested by Terence Karran
- GLOBAL EDUCATION DIGEST 2006 Comparing Education Statistics Across the World - see http://www.estatisticas.gpeari.mctes.pt/archive/doc/globaleducationdigest2006unesco.pdf - found by Paul on 08/08/08
- The eLearning industry and market in Europe - Lot 1: Appendix to Synthesis Report by Jane Massy - see http://ec.europa.eu/education/archive/elearning/doc/studies/market_annex1a_en.pdf - found by Paul on 12/08/08
- Quality in E-Learning" report (91 pages) - see http://www.hsv.se/download/18.8f0e4c9119e2b4a60c800028057/0811R.pdf - found by Paul's friends around 10/09/08
- UKeU and Sweden's Net University - a Comparative Study by Michael Christie, Chalmers, and Ramon Garrote Jurado, University College of Borås. See: http://www.nshu.se/english/download/7496/ukeu_and_swedens_net_university_2007_mchristie_rgarrote.pdf. Found by Ulla 22/09/08.
- The Fostering of Innovative Elearning Strategies in European Higher Education, by James Aczel, Pascale Hardy et al (2006). From the InnoUniLearning project. See http://kn.open.ac.uk/public/document.cfm?docid=8515 for Word and PowerPoint versions. Well worth reading as background to our work. Added by Paul 23/10/08.
- Identifying Innovation in Higher Education eLearning Strategies by James Aczel, Pascale Hardy, Olivier Cotinat, Helen Iggulden, László Komáromi, Katherine Maillet, Sara Medina, Andreas Meiszner, Eva Obermueller, Mark Spinoglio, Karen Staniland (2006). From the InnoUniLearning project. See http://kn.open.ac.uk/public/document.cfm?docid=8940 for the abstract of the PDF file. Added by Paul 23/10/08 (Rather similar to the previous paper.)
- “Emdel: a Model for Valorization of eLearning in a Knowledge Society” (PDF), 138 pages, 2005, edited by Ellen Gard added by Nikki 26/11/2008
- Studies in the Context of the e-learning Initiative: Virtual Models for European Universities (lot 1)(PDF), 200 pages, 2003,Final Report to the EU Commission, DG Education & Culture, Annex F Country profiles added by Nikki 26/11/2008
- [Studies in the Context of the e-learning Initiative: Virtual Models for European Universities ](], 228 pages, 2004,Final Report to the EU Commission, DG Education & Culture, Annex F Country profiles added by Bieke
- [[http://ec.europa.eu/education/programmes/elearning/doc/studies/market_annex1_en.pdf The eLearning industry and market
in Europe]] added by Bieke on 05/01/2009
Other Resources
- E-learning Progress at Ain-Shams University, The Mediterranean Virtual University Project: a list of virtual universities per region.