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Megatrends in e-Learning Provision

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The project Megatrends in e-Learning Provision has produced four main reports. As noted in the introduction to the most recent one:

  1. The first book, The Provision of e-learning in the European Union (PDF - 98 pages) (ISBN 978 82 562 68177) presents data gathered from Norway and the 25 members of the European Union as an introductory overview of the provision of e-learning in Europe.
  2. The second book, Megaproviders of e-learning in Europe (PDF - 212 pages) (ISBN 978 82 562 88184), includes 26 case study articles of European megaproviders of e-learning.
  3. The third book, E-learning initiatives that did not reach targeted goals (PDF - 104 pages) (ISBN 978 82 562 68276), provides case study articles and analyses of nine prestigious European e-learning initiatives that did not reach their targeted goals.
  4. The fourth book, Analyses of European megaproviders of e-learning (PDF - 152 pages) (ISBN 978 82 562 68191), presents important success factors identified by the in-depth analyses of both the megaproviders and the discontinued initiatives identified in the project.

All four books, a comprehensive bibliography and a set of recommendations can be downloaded free of charge from the project’s web-site:

> Publications > MegaTrends