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Countries in French

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Warning: This list is only of countries with names beginning with A through C. It is planned to mount a full list in due course, as well as to add all French names of countries as aliases, e.g. Albanie, Algérie (and its downshift Algerie), Andorre...

Countries in French (A-C)

  1. Afghanistan - see Afghanistan
  2. Albanie - see Albania
  3. Algérie - see Algeria
  4. Andorre - see Andorra
  5. Angola - see Angola
  6. Anguilla - see Anguilla
  7. Antarctique - see Antarctica
  8. Antigua-et-Barbuda - see Antigua and Barbuda
  9. Argentine - see Argentina
  10. Arménie - see Armenia
  11. Aruba - see Aruba
  12. Australie - see Australia
  13. Autriche - see Austria
  14. Azerbaïdjan - see Azerbaijan
  15. Bahamas - see Bahamas
  16. Bahreïn - see Bahrain
  17. Bangladesh - see Bangladesh
  18. Barbade - see Barbados
  19. Bélarus - see Belarus
  20. Belgique - see Belgium
  21. Belize - see Belize
  22. Bénin - see Benin
  23. Bermudes - see Bermuda
  24. Bhoutan - see Bhutan
  25. Bolivie - see Bolivia
  26. Bosnie-Herzégovine - see Bosnia and Herzegovina
  27. Botswana - see Botswana
  28. Brésil - see Brazil
  29. Brunéi Darussalam - see Brunei Darussalam
  30. Bulgarie - see Bulgaria
  31. Burkina Faso - see Burkina Faso
  32. Burundi - see Burundi
  33. Caïmanes, Îles - see Cayman Islands
  34. Cambodge - see Cambodia
  35. Cameroun - see Cameroon
  36. Canada - see Canada
  37. Cap-Vert - see Cape Verde
  38. Centrafricaine, République - see Central African Republic
  39. Chili - see Chile
  40. Chine - see China
  41. Chypre - see Cyprus
  42. Colombie - see Colombia
  43. Comores - see Comoros
  44. Congo, La République Démocratique du - see Congo Democratic Republic
  45. Costa Rica - see Costa Rica
  46. Côte D'ivoire - see Ivory Coast
  47. Croatie - see Croatia
  48. Cuba - see Cuba

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