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This list should contain names of people who have a good overview of the European and ideally the world scene in large-scale university-level e-learning. This may have been achieved via having senior positions in relevant organisations, EU projects or research or consultancy for EU and international agencies.

Eminence or technical skill are not in themselves sufficient to justify inclusion on this list!

The list also should include all authors of papers directly relevant to the field.

See also People and Advisory Committee

Names of individuals should be added in their "firstname surname" form, without titles (such as Professor, Dr, Mr, Mrs etc). Variants and common misspellings should be entered as redirect pages to the correct name. If accents exist like for Grégory Lucas they should be added but with natural flattenings (i.e. without accents) such as Gregory Lucas.

Experts and authors

  1. Professor Keith Baker, formerly at the University of Reading
  2. Peter Bates, consultant
  3. Tony Bates, formerly at the University of British Columbia
  4. Eric Beerkens, author
  5. Svava Bjarnason, World Bank and formerly Director of OBHE
  6. Petra Boezerooy, author
  7. Sara Frank Bristow, author and formerly at UKeU
  8. Professor Betty Collis, author and formerly at the University of Twente
  9. Sir John Daniel, President of Commonwealth of Learning, formerly at UNESCO and UKOU
  10. Yanlai Deng, author and formerly at UKeU
  11. Jim Devine, Director of the Institute of Art, Design & Technology (Ireland)
  12. John Fielden, consultant including to OBHE
  13. Lawrence Hamburg, Higher Education Academy (UK)
  14. Jeff Haywood, Vice-Principal, University of Edinburgh (UK)
  15. Professor Áine Hyland, formerly Vice-President of University College Cork (Ireland)
  16. Terence Karran, University of Lincoln, formerly at University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
  17. Professor Denise Kirkpatrick, Pro-Vice Chancellor at UKOU, formerly in Australia
  18. Roger King, formerly Vice-Chancellor of the University of Lincoln
  19. Professor Rob Koper, OUNL
  20. Paul Lefrere, UKOU and formerly Executive Director e-Learning at Microsoft
  21. Professor Fred Litto, formerly Director of School of the Future, University of Sao Paulo (Brazil)
  22. Professor Robin Mason, UKOU
  23. Professor Terry Mayes, consultant to UK Higher Education Academy and formerly at Glasgow Caledonian University
  24. Professor Jef Moonen, formerly at University of Twente
  25. Fred Mulder, Rector of OUNL
  26. Clive Mulholland, University of Glamorgan and formerly Director of University of Ulster Campus One
  27. Daniel Peraya, TECFA, University of Geneva (Switzerland)
  28. Jim Petch, formerly at University of Manchester
  29. Vanessa Pittard, Director at Becta
  30. Malcolm Read, Executive Secretary of JISC
  31. Caitriona Ryan, Higher Education Authority (Ireland)
  32. Yoni Ryan, Monash University (Australia)
  33. Professor Gilly Salmon, University of Leicester (UK)
  34. Niall Sclater, UKOU
  35. Peter Scott, Director of KMI at UKOU
  36. András Szûcs, Secretary General of EDEN

> People