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Rob Koper

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Professor Rob Koper is professor of Educational Technology at the Educational Technology Expertise Centre (OTEC) of Open Universiteit Nederland (the Open University of the Netherlands, OUNL).

He is director of learning technologies research & development. He was, among other things, responsible for the development of Educational Modelling Language (EML), currently known as the IMS Learning Design specification.

He holds a master’s degree in educational psychology from Tilburg University, the Netherlands, and a doctor’s degree in educational technology from the OUNL. He was director of a company for teacher training, before he joined OUNL, initially as head of ICT application development (e-learning infrastructures and educational software development).

His research focuses on self-organized distributed learning networks for lifelong learning, including the use of software agents, educational semantic web, interoperability specifications and standards. He publishes regularly in journals. Recent co-edited books are: Integrated eLearning, 2004. London: RoutledgeFalmer; and Learning Design: modelling network-based education and training, 2005. Heidelberg: Springer.

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