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Implementing Recognition of Virtual Mobility and OER Learning through a Learning Passport

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The "Implementing Recognition of Virtual Mobility and OER Learning through a Learning Passport " (VM-Pass) project was selected in 2013, and funded from 1 October 2013 until 31 December 2015 by the European Commission, under the Lifelong Learning programme – Erasmus – Multilateral projects - Strengthening quality through mobility and cross-border cooperation.

The VM-Pass web site is at http://vmpass.eu


Despite the rise of Virtual Mobility and Open CourseWare opportunities for learning at institutions around Europe, recognition remains a barrier to uptake of these flexible forms of learning. VM-Pass aims to increase inter-institutional recognition by

(1) piloting the use of a student-held learning passport to facilitate recognition and mobility;

(2) planning, testing and creating a recognition-clearinghouse to support the verification and investigation of learning passports;

(3) creating a typology of quality systems used in virtual mobility and open educational resources systems, to support the learning passports and recognition-clearinghouse; and

(4) engaging in dialogue with multiple institutions around Europe in order to mainstream use of the recognition tools created by the project

Expected results

These activities will provide recognition offices a tool which will reduce the bureaucracy involved in recognition processes and will allow them to share experiences with peers in order to promote harmonisation of recognition. All of this together, should make it easier for students to have their Virtual Mobility learning recognised.


> Programmes