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This wiki is the successor to the popular Re.ViCa/VISCED wiki hosted for many years by KU Leuven. It now incorporates the content from the POERUP wiki poerup.referata.com

Content is available under Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license (International) unless otherwise noted.

History of the Re.ViCa/VISCED wiki

The Re.ViCa wiki is created in the framework of the European project Re.ViCa - Reviewing (traces of) European Virtual Campuses. Re.ViCa was selected in 2007, and is funded from 1 October 2007 until 30 September 2009 by the European Commission under the Lifelong Learning Programme.

Original aims of Re.ViCa and the wiki

Re.ViCa aimed:

  • to make an inventory and to carry out a systematic review of cross-institutional Virtual Campus initiatives of the past decade within higher education at European, national and regional levels.
  • to look not only at currently operational Virtual Campuses, but also at the legacy and impact within higher education generally of those Virtual Campus initiatives that have ceased activities.
  • to identify relevant parameters and success factors for evaluating and comparing Virtual Campuses, based on thorough research and expert input.
  • to organise in-depth discussions at various stages of the project, to incorporate the input of different interest groups: including Virtual Campus management bodies, relevant networks, students, policy makers and a range of experts at a global as well as European level.
  • to compare in-depth studies of European cases to selected non-European initiatives in order to refine and elaborate parameters and success factors and to formulate a set of action points that can be applied to ensure the realisation of successful European Virtual Campus initiatives.

Overview of Re.ViCa

Re.ViCa conducted its research on Virtual Campuses along a broad range of parameters that were defined and investigated at the on-set. During this desktop research phase, attention was paid to former initiatives which could be useful for Re.ViCa’s study. This desktop research was validated by the numerous discussion sessions that Re.ViCa organised with different stakeholder groups throughout the project.

To ensure the success of the in-depth case studies, special care was taken in the selection of the partnership with respect to Virtual Campus management experience and a vast range of useful contacts with international experts. Partners employed this expertise and these contacts to the fullest, in order to further validate and compliment the research. Partners were involved in nearly all work packages in order to facilitate knowledge sharing.

Contacts outside the partnership and external visibility were established by prominent presence at the two major annual conferences in the field: Online Educa Berlin and the Eden conference.

At the latter stage of the project, Re.ViCa prepared a global benchmark overview in order to make the most of its non-European campus visits.

Results of Re.ViCa

As a result, Re.ViCa aimed to:

  • provide an inventory and systematic review of cross-institutional Virtual Campus initiatives that are fully active, have been discontinued or merged with other initiatives or, especially, those that have continued, albeit with a modified structure, within higher education. This review will lead to a taxonomy of cross-institutional Virtual Campuses and will be complemented by recommendations for the different groups of stakeholders.
  • stimulate dialogue and share knowledge through the organisation of several discussion sessions at carefully chosen events.
  • identify measures of success, best practices and generic parameters that influence the outcome of a Virtual Campus initiative, which can be used as replicable solutions for the set-up of a cross-institutional Virtual Campus.
  • contrast its European findings to non-European initiatives and will feed the outcomes of this effort into a set of findings that can be used for future European initiatives.
  • compile a manual of guidelines, best practices and recommendations that will be made readily available online and in hard copy.

Partnership in Re.ViCa

Applicant organisation: Katholieke Universiteit LeuvenAVNET (BE)

Coordinating organisation: EuroPACE ivzw (BE)


Old News on Re.ViCa

  • As of 1 June 2011 substantial editing took place on this wiki so that content for the project VISCED ("Virtual Schools and Colleges") could be incorporated in a way compatible with and complementary to Re.ViCa. The entry page for VISCED is VISCED, naturally.
  • The Re.ViCa Project received a positive review from the European Commission, especially for the Re.ViCa Handbook.
  • The Re.ViCa project was also selected by the EC as "European Success Story" and included in the brochure "Erasmus Higher Education. Fostering Internationalisation at European universities", available in English, French, German and Dutch.
  • Re.ViCa was project of the month in the June 2010 edition of the elearningeuropa.info newsletter
  • You can still download the June-July 2010 Re.ViCa Newsletter.
  • A full version of Re.ViCa Handbook but with a small file size suitable for those on slow links can be downloaded from Scribd
  • An October 2010 presentation on Re.ViCa - Where in the world is e-learning? - is on Slideshare

More information on Re.ViCa

Note that Euro{ACE no longer exists. Its details were:

EuroPACE ivzw
Kapeldreef 62
3001 Heverlee, Belgium
tel: +32 16 32 78 15
fax: +32 16 32 79 95

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The Re.ViCa project is funded with support from the European Commission. The wiki reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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