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Opening Universities for Virtual Mobility

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The "Opening Universities for Virtual Mobility" (OUVM) project was selected in 2014, and funded from 1 September 2014 until 31 August 2016 by the European Commission, under the Erasmus+ programme - Strategic Partnerships for higher education.

The OUVM web site is at http://openstudies.eu


The aim of the OUVM project was to open university studies for virtual mobility (VM) by training teachers and academic staff on how to design master study program curriculum using OER and applying correct licensing, how to establish collaborative trusted relationships in curriculum design for multicultural exchange, and how to integrate these open education innovations in every day practices.


In order to reach this aim, the following concrete objectives were met in the project:

- Development of training material on VM curriculum design, OER development, adaptation and use and Creative Commons (CC) licenses for teachers and university staff:

- Training of staff from consortium universities during short-term mobility visits on VM curriculum design.

- Collaborative development of virtual mobility curriculum (modules) for a Master degree program in the field of Education sciences by teachers from the consortium universities, with each partner leading the development of at least 2 modules. Browse the open courses here: http://openstudies.eu/subjects/all/

- Implementation of the curriculum developed for the master program in VM mode with Master students from consortium institutions.


> Programmes