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by Morten Flate Paulsen


Norway (Norwegian: Norge (bokmål) or Noreg (nynorsk)), officially the Kingdom of Norway, is a constitutional monarchy in Northern Europe that occupies the western portion of the Scandinavian Peninsula. It is bordered by Sweden, Finland, and Russia, while the United Kingdom and the Faroe Islands lie to its west across the North Sea. Norway annexed Jan Mayen and was given the sovereignty over the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard (under the Svalbard Treaty). The polar territories of Bouvet Island, Peter I Island and Queen Maud Land are external dependencies of the Kingdom of Norway, but not parts of Norway. None of these regions are covered in our analysis in this page. Norway is now amongst the wealthiest countries in the world. It is the world's third largest oil exporter after Russia and Saudi Arabia and the petroleum industry accounts for around a quarter of GDP. Norway has also rich resources of gas fields, hydropower, fish, forests, and minerals - and is a large exporter of seafood. Other main industries include food processing, shipbuilding, metals, chemicals, mining, fishing and pulp and paper products. The population of Norway is just over 4,500,000, making it similar in population to many smaller European countries and regions (e.g. Scotland). Its capital is Oslo. Norway has a Scandinavian welfare system and the largest capital reserve per capita of any nation. Norway was ranked highest of all countries in human development from 2001 to 2006, and came second in 2007 (to fellow Nordic country Iceland). Norway is a member of the European Economic Area but not of the EU.

OER in Norway: Map

Total number of Open Education Initiatives in Norway/OER on Thursday, 7 November 2024 at 12:17 = 0 , of which:

  • 0 are MOOC
  • 0 are OER

Initiatives per million = Expression error: Unexpected * operator."Expression error: Unexpected * operator." is not a number.

Loading map...

Further information

For further general information see Wikipedia:Norway/OER.

Education in Norway/OER

For a general description of education in Norway/OER see Education:Norway/OER.

See also http://enic-naric.net/index.aspx?c=Norway


For a description more focussed to e-learning see E-learning:Norway/OER.

Norway Opening Universities (NOU) is a national political initiative for the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research in Norway in the field of lifelong and flexible ICT-supported learning in higher education. NOU supports Norwegian institutions of higher education by funding projects for developing ICT-supported flexible learning and distance education courses through a yearly application process. The criteria for support are decided by the Ministry of Education and Research after a discussion process with NOU.


Vox - the Norwegian Agency for Lifelong Learning, is an agency of the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research. Its main goal is to contribute to supporting active citizenship, improving employability and increasing participation in education. The agency handles applications from institutions that want to be certified as providers of online courses. The certified institutions are allowed to apply for governmental project grants handled by VOX.

The certified institutions are listed at a web-page titled Offentlig godkjente nettskoler.

The Vox Statistics Bank on Adult Learning provides information about adult participation in formal and non-formal education and training, work life training, career guidance, validation of prior learning and Norwegian language training for immigrants.

The statistics bank includes official information on Distance learning enterprices for 2009 and 2010 which is mainly related to internet based distance education.

Members of NADE

In November 2012, the following institutions were members of NADE - The Norwegian Association for Distance Education:


AKADEMIET BI Bank og forsikring

BI Nettstudier

Campus NooA


CyberBook AS

Diakonhjemmet Høgskole

DigForsk AS



Folkeuniversitetet Nettstudier

Forsvarets høgskole


Høgskolen i Lillehammer, SELL

Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus

Høgskulen i Sogn og Fjordane

Høgskolen i Sør-Trøndelag

Høgskolen i Telemark





Næring & samfunn fjernundervisning

NKI Nettstudier

NKS Nettstudier

Norges Byggskole

Norsk Nettskole AS

NTNU Videre

Opplæringskonsult AS - OPK-Instituttet

Samisk Høgskole

Senter for eiendomsfag AS


Universitetet i Agder

Universitetet i Bergen – SEVU

Universitetet i Nordland

Universitetet i Oslo

Universitetet i Tromsø (U-vett)

Quality procedures


NOKUT - the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education - is a an independent government agency that contributes towards quality assurance and enhancement in higher education and tertiary vocational education.

NOKUT has a much broader scope than e-learning quality. According to its web-pages, NOKUT conducts quality controls and stimulates the quality development of educational provision at Norwegian universities, higher education colleges and colleges of tertiary vocational education.

NOKUT was established in 2003 as part of the Quality Reform legislation on higher education. NOKUT’s areas of responsibility and operational mechanisms are regulated by the Act Relating to Universities and Colleges, the Act Relating to Tertiary Vocational Education and the associated Regulations issued by the Ministry of Education and Research. NOKUT’s professional independence means that its accreditation and recognition decisions cannot be overruled by the Ministry.


Norwegian Association for Distance Education (NADE) is a national membership organisation for institutions involved in flexible and distance education. The organisation was established in 1968, and has since then played an active role in the development of distance education in Norway. The members are independent distance education institutions, public universities and colleges, private institutions and training centres for business and industry. NADE is a consultative and co-operating body for the Ministry of Education and Research in matters concerning distance education.

Through its Standing Quality Committee NADE plays a leading role in the work for the development of quality criteria and –standards for distance education. The Standing Committee has developed and published Quality Standards for Distance Education. The Standing Committee functions as an expert body in quality matters both for NADE's members and for the Ministry.

Internet in Norway/OER

Norid provides some statistics and analysis about the Norwegian Internet domains.

Some information is also available in the Wikipedia article: Internet in Norway.

Internet in Education


The UNINETT Group delivers Internet and network services to Norwegian universities, colleges and research institutions and handles other national ICT tasks. The Group is owned by the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research, and consists of a parent company and two subsidiaries. The companies have a total of around one hundred employees, and share office premises in Teknobyen in Trondheim.


FEIDE (Common Electronic Identity) is a national initiative related to content sharing. This project sets out to implement a system for identity management and single sign-on for the entire educational system. Once completed, FEIDE will enable students to easily access available learning resources and other school-related sites and services.

Copyright law in Norway/OER


Kopinor represents copyright holders of published works through their members which are publishers' associations and authors' associations.

Kopinor provides a page titled the Norwegian Copyright Act.

Clara is a website featuring information about rights clearance for copyright-protected material in Norway.

Copyright law in Education


Delrett.no is an information service about issues related to copy right and use of digital learning resources. It is provided by Senter for IKT i utdanningen and Norgesuniversitetet.

OER Initiatives in Norway/OER

The Norwegian government is encouraging universities to implement Open Access publishing. (1)

National OER initiatives

Norway reports that the large government involvement in learning materials depends on the fact that both written and digital materials are free of charge to students in primary, lower secondary and upper secondary education (ISCED 1 to 3). (1)

Utdanning.no and udir.no

Utdanning.no is an internet portal for information about the entire education sector in Norway. The portal was established by the Ministry of Education and Research in order to provide a unified gateway to web-based information, resources and services relating to education.

The Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training udir.no is responsible for the development of kindergarten and primary and secondary education. The Directorate is the executive agency for the Ministry of Education and Research.

The Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation

NRK, the Norwegian state broadcasting company provides OER services developed with public funding which are freely available at http://nrk.no/skole. Its resources consist of historical and contemporary video and audio clips linked to curriculum goals in primary and secondary schools. The content is organized under topics, people, programs and curricula. A self-promotional video explaining the service in English is available online.

Norwegian National Digital Learning Arena (NDLA)

The Norwegian National Digital Learning Arena (NDLA) is portal for OER in secondary education. It is a joint initiative between county councils in Norway that allocates a portion of state funds to ensure free access to textbooks for Norwegian students and to develop digital resources (or purchase from publishers or other producers. The project has produced a large amount of OER and ther are many thousand resources available from the portal.


Delogbruk is a Norwegian Web 2.0 initiative which stimulates educators at all levels to share learning resources and experiences. The movement provides an online community based on Ning and has a very active community of nearly 10000 users.

The Norwegian Centre for Science Education

The Norwegian Centre for Science Education www.naturfagsenteret.no has a mandate from the Ministry of Education and Research to make contributions towards implementation and execution of national educational policy so that children, youths and adults are provided with equal and adapted education of a high quality and as part of an inclusive community. As a national resource centre, it shall contribute towards improvements in the quality of science education. The centre shall help increase motivation and interest for the sciences at kindergarten and all compulsory school levels.

The senter has contributed to several portals such as:

  • www.naturfag.no is a portal for teachers of natural science.
  • www.viten.no provides learning resources in science for grades 8-12.
  • www.miljolare.no is an educational service for sustainable development. It includes activities with guidelines for students to investigate, discuss and communicate their results.
  • www.natursekken.no is a web site that promotes environmental issues and sustainable development in primary school. It invites teachers and students to visit learning environments outside the classroom. The website is also a resource for teachers.
  • www.kartiskolen.no is a free, digital webatlas which provides a variety of Norwegian maps. In addition to the basic maps, there are theme based maps that are suited for several curricula. There are maps from many public services and research institutions. It also includes maps and curricula for current issues.


www.matematikk.org is a portal with mathematical resources for primary and secondary school. It is offered in cooperation with eight departments at eight higher education institutions in Norway.

The National Library of Norway

The National Library of Norway provides a digital collection of newspapers, books, photograps, films, radio recordings and manuscripts. In November 2012 the web page claims that it is possible to search in 66650 newspapers, 106723 books, 101257 photographs, 591 films, 973 radio records and 4924 manuscripts. It further claims that it provides 100943 books that can be read online and 13257 books that can be downloaded as PDF files.

Regional OER initiatives


www.ovttas.no is a collection of pedagogical articles, pictures, books, videos, and audio resourses for Sami schools.

Institutional OER initiatives

University of Stavanger

Lesesenteret includes reading resources provided by the National Centre for Reading Education and Research at the University of Stavanger. The Center is both a research centre within the University and a national resource centre working with preschools and schools throughout Norway.

University of Oslo

The University of Oslo provides a collection of “Knowledge resources” under the headings: Biology, Physics, Health and medicine, Law, Chemistry, Cultural history, the Knowledge Channel, Mathematics, Music, Dictionarries, Podcast lectures, Collections and manuscripts, Writing courses, Languages, The sky today, and finally, Excercises and Games. The university also provides a page with links to Norwegian and international digital learning resources.

University of Agder

The University of Agder provides a web-page titled “Learning resources” which basically is a collection of links to Norwegian and international resources of general interest to students and employees.


  1. Synnevåg, M. C. 2008. Deling av digitale læringsressurser i høyere utdanning. En caseanalyse. Norgesuniversitetets skriftserie nr. 1/2008. Retrieved 16.11.2012.


  1. Hylén, J. et al. (2012), “Open Educational Resources: Analysis of Responses to the OECD Country Questionnaire”, OECD Education Working Papers, No. 76, OECD Publishing. http://oer.unescochair-ou.nl/?wpfb_dl=38


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