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The Movinter - Enhancing Virtual Mobility to foster institutional cooperation and internationalisation of curricula project was selected in 2008, and is funded from 1 December 2008 until 30 November 2010 by the European Commission under the Erasmus Mundus Action 4 programme.

The MOVINTER web site is at http://www.movinter.eu/


The project aims to contribute to increase cooperation and structural link among Higher Education Institutions of Europe and Latin America through an in-depth exploration of the potential of ICT -and particularly Virtual Mobility -to internationalise curricula and learning experiences.

In order to achieve this MOVINTER will :

  • Review literature, legislation, regulations, policies and best practices in the field;
  • Elaborate and validate with experts an action plan to exploit virtual mobility and ICT for international cooperation;
  • Design a Modelling Engine aimed to support the capacity of HEIs to design and implement an integrated use of Virtual Mobility to enhance internationalisation of study experiences, curricula and academic titles;
  • Create the EU-LA MOVINTER Stakeholders community of leading practitioners, policy and decision makers and researchers;
  • Animate policy dialogue in the field;
  • Disseminate project results and elaborate a transferable model to other contexts and fields so to ensure the sustainability of the action.

Expected outcomes

The main long-term outcomes will be:

  • the MOVINTER Modelling Engine providing tools and prototype services to support academic institutions in the exploitation of ICT and virtual mobility as means to foster international cooperation.;
  • the MOVINTER White Paper containing a Roadmap and recommendations on how to exploit the potential of ICT and Virtual Mobility to improve the nature and the effectiveness of international academic cooperation;
  • the MOVINTER Stakeholders Community gathering experts, researchers, policy and decision makers and practitioners interested in implementing VM strategies to increase international cooperation

Target groups

The target groups are:

  • European and Latin American HEIs;
  • Policy and decision makers;
  • Academic and professional associations and HE networks;
  • Student's associations and students;
  • Public at large
  • The research community.



> Programmes