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Ministry of National Education (Turkey)

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The Ministry of National Education (Turkey) (MONE) is commissioned with the duty of reaching the goals set for Turkish National Education on behalf of the state.

As stated in Law no 3797 issued on 30.04.1992 the duties of the MONE are: (sourced from http://digm.meb.gov.tr/uaorgutler/OECD/OECD_onrapor_INGMart06.pdf)

  • to plan, program, implement, monitor and control education and training services targeted at teachers and students in the educational institutions at all levels affiliated to the Ministry with the objective of raising individuals who are committed to Atatürk's principles and reforms, and to the Atatürk's nationalism defined in the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey, who adopt, protect and develop the national, ethical, spiritual, historical and cultural values of the Turkish nation, who love and elevate their families, homeland and nation, who are aware of their duties and responsibilities to the Republic of Turkey - which is a democratic, secular and social state ruled by law based on human rights and the basic principles defined at the beginning of the Constitution - and who behave accordingly,
  • to open pre-primary, primary, secondary and all kinds of formal and non-formal education institutions, and to authorize educational institutions other than higher education institutions opened by other ministries, institutions and organizations,
  • to organize and implement education and training services abroad for Turkish citizens,
  • to define the degree of equivalency of diplomas and certificates of formal and non-formal education institutions except for higher education institutions opened by other ministries, institutions and organizations, and to prepare and approve their programs and regulations in cooperation with the relevant institutions,
  • to establish cooperation in determining the curricula, regulations and degrees of educational equivalency of the secondary education institutions affiliated to the Turkish Armed Forces,
  • to fulfil the duties and responsibilities given to the Ministry by the Law on Higher Education to ensure that higher education is implemented within the framework of national education policy,
  • to provide physical education, sports and scouting training services in the schools,
  • to provide necessary accommodation, nutrition and financial support for the youth in higher education.

Its web site is at http://www.meb.gov.tr/english/indexeng.htm

More details

The organization of the Ministry of National Education consists of four parts:

  • Central Organization
  • Provincial Organization - with provincial organizations in 81 cities and 850 districts
  • Overseas Organization - 20 education counsellors and 18 education attaches serve in different countries to track educational developments in foreign countries in the fields of general, vocational and technical education, to transfer information about these developments to our country and to present Turkish educational and scientific activities abroad
  • Affiliated Organizations

The Board of National Education is a scientific consultation and decision-making body directly affiliated to the Minister. It helps the minister in almost every education-related matter and develops visions, undertakes research, develops the education system, educational plans and programs and educational materials. It prepares and submits the decisions of implementation for the approval of the Minister, follows domestic and foreign educational developments, takes measures to raise individuals who are committed to the principles of the Republic, and measures to strengthen national education and training at schools. It also takes decisions on the development of quality of teaching and educational administrative professionals.

The main service units relevant to higher education are:

  • General Directorate of Teacher Training and Education
  • General Directorate of Higher Education
  • General Directorate of Education and Training Abroad
  • General Directorate of Private Education Institutions
  • General Directorate of Educational Technologies

Auxiliary Units include:

  • Department of Educational Research and Development

The National Education Academy and the General Directorate of Higher Education Loans and Hostels are also affiliated to the MONE.

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