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Mellila is regarded for this wiki as part of Spain.


Mellila (Tamelilt in Berber meaning "the white one") is an autonomous city of Spain located on the Mediterranean, on the north coast in North Africa. It was regarded as a part of Málaga province prior to March 14, 1995, when the city's Statute of Autonomy was passed.

Melilla was a free port before Spain joined the European Union.

Melilla has a population of around 73,000.

Its population consists of Christians, Muslims (chiefly Berber), and small minorities of Jews and Hindus. Both Spanish and Tarifit-Berber are widely spoken.

Spanish is the official language, while there are many calls to recognize Berber as well.

The other automous city is Ceuta.

(There are also 17 autonomous communities of Spain.)

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