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Maria Amata Garito

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Maria Amata Garito is President and Rector of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO. She has a degree in Pedagogy and a Master Degree in Historical-Economic-Social Sciences from the University of Rome ‘ La Sapienza’. She worked as a Researcher at the Educational Science Department and Pedagogy at the Universities of Calabria, Bologna and Rome ‘ La Sapienza’. From 1984 to 1990, she was General Director of CATTID Centre for the Applications of Television and Distance Education Techniques at the University of Rome ‘ La Sapienza’. She also worked as full Professor (of Comparative_education) at the University of Salerno (1990-1994) and (of Teaching and Learning Technologies) at the University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’ (1994 to date). Since 1988 she was involved as an expert in many EU Research and Training programmes such as TSER, Telematics for Knowledge, ODL, Prometeus, Comett and Delta. She was also active as a scientific consultant of teaching and learning technologies for the Italian Ministry of University, Scientific and Technological Research. Since 1991 she is General Director of NETTUNO, the Italian Distance University and General Director of RAI NETTUNO Sat 1 and RAI NETTUNO Sat 2 satellite channels (from 1997 to date). Since 2002 she has also been General Director and Coordinator of the Med Net’U Mediterranean Network of Universities. Her research interests is a.o. in distance teaching and learning educational methodologies and technologies; elaboration of organisational models for mixed Distance Universities linked to traditional Universities; Teaching and Learning Technologies. Project include: GIOTTO – Open and Distance Learning for Cultural Heritage (1995/1997); BIC – Blueprint for Interactive Classroom (1996/1998); VIRTUE – Virtual University for Europe (1996/1997); HAMLET – Hypermedia Academic Multicultural Learning Technologies (2000/2005); LIVIUS – Learning in a Virtual Integrated University System (2002/2003) Project leader; MED NET’U – Mediterranean Network of Universities (E.C., in the framework of the REUMEDIS programme: from 2002 to date); ARAB OPEN UNIVERSITY (designing the organisational model of the ARAB OPEN UNIVERSITY and the television and Internet-based distance teaching platform) – UNESCO (2002); and many more. She received several Honours and Awards such as the Marisa Bellisario Prize for work done in the field of ‘Technology’ (2000); the Hot Bird Award with RAI NETTUNO SAT for the best cultural satellite television channels (1998, 2003, 2005, 2006); ‘La Calabria nel Mondo’ International award for contribution to the Italian culture (2005). Title of ‘Ufficiale al Merito’ of the Italian Republic for her cultural and scientific achievements awarded (2002). She has an impressive number of publications, books, articles and papers in refereed journals as well as numerous communications to international scientific meetings and conferences.

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