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Katerina Zourou

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Katerina Zourou
Forename Katerina
Surname Zourou
Type Consultant
Country Greece
WPs 2, 4
URL http://web2learn.eu/about-2/who-we-are/

Katerina Zourou is the author of the POERUP country report on Greece, as a consultant for SCIENTER.

She is founder of the consulting company Web2learn that manages the European project Web2LLP "Improving web strategies and maximizing the social media presence of LLP projects" and the LangOER network network "Open Educational Resources for Less Spoken European Languages" that will be launched in January 2014 with a duration of three years.

She is also a Senior Researcher at Sør-Trøndelag University College, Trondheim, Norway, working on network-based peer learning systems and online lecturer at masters level at University Grenoble III (France) and the Hellenic Open University (Greece).

For more details see http://www.openeducationeuropa.eu/en/users/katerina-zourou