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We define an Exemplar as

an institution which uses ICT in a way which is relevant to the mission of VISCED and which is worthy of further study and perhaps a case study.

There will be exemplar schools and exemplar colleges - and also exemplar providers of education which are not actually schools or colleges yet target that same population.

Exemplar colleges

The situation with exemplar colleges is easier since there are many colleges using ICT to teach online and often at a distance, including in Europe - such as NKI.

Exemplar schools

Exemplar schools are the more challenging problem since it is believed (and might be true, even if implausible) that there are no virtual schools outside the United States and Canada.

"Exemplars" in the school domain are likely to be of the following forms - but this needs checking with case studies:

  1. a fully virtual school (no compulsory attendance)
  2. a partly virtual school (attendance is less than the norm, for example each Wednesday is a "study at home" day)
  3. a school with virtual classes (taken outside school), possibly for special subjects (such as subjects where teachers are scarce, e.g. science in rural schools) or special categories of students (in hospital, teenage mothers, in institutions, school-phobic etc)
  4. a school with virtual classes (taken inside school) - in such classes there would be no teacher but there could be a supervisor to handle the "in loco parentis" aspects for under-age children
  5. a school which offers virtual classes at special time of year - e.g. easter holidsys for exam revision, virtual summer schools for remediation, etc

The best way to judge exemplars is to paint a good picture of the overall use of ICT in schools in the country and look at the country's judgement as to what is innovative in terms of ICT-based pedagogy.

Ideally for a country report we want 1 examplar per 0.3 million population, on a logarithmic scale - thus:

  1. 1 million - 2 exemplars
  2. 2 million - 3 exemplars
  3. 4 million - 4 exemplars (the typical size of a small EU country)
  4. 8 million - 5 exemplars
  5. 16 million - 6 exemplars
  6. 32 million - 7 exemplars
  7. 64 million - 8 exemplars (the typical size of a large EU country)
  8. 128 million - 9 exemplars (larger than any current EU country)
  9. 256 million or more - 10 exemplars

List of exemplar schools

See Category:Exemplar schools. See also Category:Virtual schools

List of exemplar colleges

To begin with, see Category:Virtual colleges

> Glossary


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