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Derrick de Kerckhove

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Derrick de Kerckhove is director of the McLuhan program in Culture and Technology at the of Toronto (Canada). At this university he also teaches in the department of French. He received his PhD in French Language and Literature from the University of Toronto and his doctorate in Sociology of Art from the University of Tours, France. He worked with Marshall McLuhan for over ten years as translator, assistant and co-author. He has edited and co-edited numerous books, and has written extensively, amongst which “The Architecture of Intelligence” and “McLuhan for Managers.” He has further also contributed to the design of “Hypersession,” a software collaboration tool for educational purposes.

Professor de Kerckhove was a member of several task forces on the development of a telecommunications policy for the province of Ontario and was a consultant for the project of the Information highway. He is also in charge of the research into technological and business development of new technologies for the Vivendi Institute. He is further also a World Economic Forum fellow and member of the Club of Rome. The French government decorated him with the order of Les Palmes Académique. Recently, he was awarded the Papamarkou Chair in Education and Technology at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.

For more info please check the website: http://www.utoronto.ca/mcluhan/derrickdekerckhove.htm

Here you can see an interview with Prof. de Kerckhove: http://www.utoronto.ca/mcluhan/article_communicationevolution.htm

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