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Critical Success Factors second version

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This is a concise description of the second version for discussion.

  1. Organizational Learning (OLG)- The institution is a learning organization on all core aspects of e-learning.
  2. Leadership in e-Learning (LEL) - The capability of leaders to make decisions regarding e-learning is fully developed.
  3. e-Learning Strategy (ELS) - The organization regularly updates it’s e-Learning Strategy. That strategy is integrated with an learning- and teaching strategy (and all other related strategies such as IT etc).
  4. Management Style (HYB)- The management style is a hybrid of academic and corporate, accepted by staff.
  5. Quality Assurance (QAS) - Conformance to external quality agency precepts for the country or region, and to institutional guidelines for e-learning within an overarching methodology of quality (for example EFQM or other)
  6. Planning Annually (PLA) – There is an integrated annual planning process for e-learning that is integrated with overall course planning.
  7. Staff Recognition and Reward (SRR) - All e-learning experts have been explicitly recognized and rewarded (in a financial way) appropriate to their contribution to the institution, with a regular appraisal process.
  8. Collaboration for e-Learning (CFE) - The institution has a reasoned approach to collaboration at various levels to gain additional benefit from sharing e-learning material, methodologies and systems (for example within an OER approach or via other methods, not excluding payment).
  9. Costs (CNL) – The institution uses a costing system based on principles of activity-based costing (and that is used throughout the institution).
  10. Foresight (FOR) - The institution has look-ahead capability and for example developmental labs so that new styles of e-learning can be to some extent predicted and piloted.
  11. Brand Management (BMG) - The institution has a reasoned approach to managing its brand.
  12. Market Research (MRE) - Market research is done centrally and in or on behalf of all departments, and is aware of e-learning aspects; it is updated annually or prior to major program planning.
  13. Selling (SEL) - The institution has widespread skill in selling e-learning and the theory to support the skills.
  14. Decisions on Programs (DPG) – There is effective decision-making for e-learning across the whole institution, including variations when justified.
  15. Decisions on Projects (DPR) - There is effective decision-making for e-learning across the whole institution and in departments.
  16. Collaboration Roles (COL) - In each collaboration, the roles and responsibilities of each collaborative partner are clearly defined and the procedures always followed.
  17. Dissemination Internal (DIN) - The institution has a systematic managed process of internal dissemination of good practice.
  18. Academic Workload (AWK) – The work planning system recognizes the main differences that e-learning courses have from traditional.
  19. Technical Support to Staff (TSS) - All staff engaged in the e-learning process have "nearby" fast-response technical support.
  20. Security (SEC) - The institution has a system where security breaches are known to occur very rarely, and when they do they are fixed fast (which allows staff and students to carry out their authorized duties easily and efficiently).
  21. Performance (PER) - All e-learning systems operate in their uptime within documented and accepted response guidelines.
  22. Reliability (REL) -The e-learning system is highly reliable - typically 0.999 (99.9% availability on a 24x7x365 basis).
  23. Student Understanding of System (SUS) - Students have good understanding of the rules governing assignment submission, feedback, plagiarism, costs, attendance, etc and always act on them.
  24. Student Help Desk (SDH) - The institution’s Student Help Desk is deemed as best practice.
  25. Student Satisfaction (SAT) - The institution has an annual Student Satisfaction survey which explicitly addresses the main e-learning issues of relevance to students.
  26. Employer Engagement (EEN) - The institution has a managed approach to involvement of employers of students in creating or updating courses to be delivered to their employees which include appropriate amounts of e-learning.
  27. Usability (USA) - All services usable, with internal evidence to justify this.
  28. Training (TRG) - All staff is trained in use of the e-learning system, appropriate to job type – and retrained when needed.
  29. Organization (ORG) - An organizational unit to support e-learning exists and that is fit for purpose – (typically with a Director-level institution manager in charge and links to support teams in departments).

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