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Critical Success Factors list

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The following is a complete list of the 99 criteria that form potential Critical Success Factors for Re.ViCa, updated in the light of recent information.

This table is partly for reference, partly to check what clashes there are between codes for CSFs and codes that are abbreviations of institutions.

  1. P01 Adoption (ADO) – core criterion
  2. P02 VLE stage (VLE) – core criterion
  3. P03 Tools (TLS) – core criterion
  4. P04 Usability (USA) – core criterion
  5. P05 Accessibility (ACC) – core criterion
  6. P06 E-learning strategy (ELS) – core criterion
  7. P07 Decisions on projects (DPR) – core criterion
  8. P08 Pedagogy (PED) – core criterion
  9. P09 Learning material (LMA) – core criterion
  10. P10 Training (TRG) – core criterion
  11. P11 Academic workload (AWK) – core criterion
  12. P12 Costs (CNL) – core criterion
  13. P13 Planning annually (PLA) – core criterion
  14. P14 Evaluation (EVA) – core criterion
  15. P15 Organisation (ORG) – core criterion
  16. P16 Technical support to staff (TSS) – core criterion
  17. P17 Quality assurance (QAS) – core criterion
  18. P18 Staff recognition and reward (SRR) – core criterion
  19. P19 Decisions on programmes (DPG) – core criterion
  20. P20 Quality enhancement (QEN) – core criterion
  21. P21 Adoption by staff of enhanced learning (ASE)
  22. P22 Leadership in e-learning (LEL)
  23. P23 Teaching 2.0 (TTO)
  24. P24 Collaboration for e-learning (CEL)
  25. P25 Brand management (BMG)
  26. P26 USP management (USP)
  27. P27 Time to market (TTM)
  28. P28 Cost of sales (CSL)
  29. P29 Management style (HYB)
  30. P30 Language choice (LAC)
  31. P31 (reserved for local indicators)
  32. P32 (reserved for local indicators)
  33. P33 (reserved for local indicators)
  34. P34 (reserved for local indicators)
  35. P35 (reserved for local indicators)
  36. P36 (reserved for local indicators)
  37. P37 (reserved for local indicators)
  38. P38 (reserved for local indicators)
  39. P39 (reserved for local indicators)
  40. P40 (reserved for national indicators)
  41. P41 (reserved for national indicators)
  42. P42 (reserved for national indicators)
  43. P43 (reserved for national indicators)
  44. P44 (reserved for national indicators)
  45. P45 (reserved for national indicators)
  46. P46 (reserved for national indicators)
  47. P47 (reserved for national indicators)
  48. P48 (reserved for national indicators)
  49. P49 (reserved for national indicators)
  50. P50 Learning outcomes (LOU)
  51. P51 Uniformity (UNI)
  52. P52 Ubiquity (UBI)
  53. P53 Reliability (REL)
  54. P54 Performance (PER)
  55. P55 Foresight (FOR)
  56. P56 Selling (SEL)
  57. P57 IPR (IPR)
  58. P58 Market research (MRE)
  59. P59 Competitor research (CRE)
  60. P60 Security (SEC)
  61. P61 Pedagogy research in (PRI)
  62. P62 Integration (INT)
  63. P63 Leverage (LEV)
  64. P64 Plagiarism avoidance (PAV)
  65. P65 Plagiarism detection (PDT)
  66. P66 Physical (PHY)
  67. P67 Risks (RSK)
  68. P68 Research out (ROU)
  69. P69 Research in (RIN)
  70. P70 Widening participation (WPR)
  71. P71 Disadvantaged (DSA)
  72. P72 Personalisation (PRS)
  73. P73 Eco-sustainability (ESU)
  74. P74 (unallocated in 2.0 or as yet in 2.5)
  75. P75 Library services e-resources (LSR)
  76. P76 Information literacy of students (ILS)
  77. P77 (unallocated in 2.0 or as yet in 2.5)
  78. P78 (unallocated in 2.0 or as yet in 2.5)
  79. P79 Collaboration roles (COL)
  80. P80 Computer based assessment (CBA)
  81. P81 Computer managed asessment (CMA)
  82. P82 Dissemination internal (DIN)
  83. P83 Staff experience (STX)
  84. P84 Staff satisfaction (SST)
  85. P85 Employer engagement (EEG)
  86. P86 Employer experience (EEX)
  87. P87 Employer satisfaction (EST)
  88. P88 (unallocated in 2.0 or as yet in 2.5)
  89. P89 Employability (EBL)
  90. P90 Student engagement in design (SED)
  91. P91 Student understanding of system (SUS)
  92. P92 Student help desk (SHD)
  93. P93 Student experience (SEP)
  94. P94 Student satisfaction (SAT)
  95. P95 E-portfolios (EPO)
  96. P96 Learning objects (LOB)
  97. P97 Open Educational Resources (OER)
  98. P98 Benchmarking (BMK)
  99. P99 Organisational learning (OLG)

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