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Potential exemplary from France (this is a Espace Numerique de travail)
Beneyschool is the first ENT accessible and free of charge dedicated to partnerships between classes of primary schools.
L Éspace Numerique de Travail (ENT) - Digital Workspace (DW) - is a complex of online services at the disposal of the educational community by the school institutions. This way it constitutes the information system of the institution, by offering to each user (teachers, students, parents and school staff) a personal space which includes what is needed for working, learning or accompanying the learning processes of students. Students, teachers, parents and community can access their digital workspace from whichever computer. They can find there information on school life, parts of courses made available by their teachers, exercises etc.
Two important examples are the Strasbourg and Clermont-Ferrand authorities, who have set up the programme in all of their middle and secondary schools. In 2009, 600 schools had digital workspaces, with 700, 000 opens accounts. The priorities for 2010 were:
- Compliance with existing ENT solutions outlined in the Digital Workspace Development Plan
- Assessment of the use of ENT
- Integration of new digital services with high educational value.
Status of development of ENT in Lyceés in April 2011
Status of development of ENT in colleges in April 2011
List of projects on ENT for each academie
see http://www.educnet.education.fr/en/progress-report-2008-2009%20