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- [[Category:POERUP internals]] [[Category:POERUP deliverables|2]]1 KB (183 words) - 21:46, 27 January 2023
- The wiki (actually a set of wikis and interwiki links) set up for WP2 will be used for dissemination also. # [[File:POERUP D5.3FL1 flyer for EU meeting Feb 2012.pdf]]2 KB (302 words) - 21:46, 27 January 2023
- ...f 33 countries which by the end of the project had country reports done by POERUP staff or contracted consultants. These are the so-called '''Rank 1''' countries for POERUP. Marked in bold were those which were specifically chosen to be studied by5 KB (757 words) - 21:36, 14 February 2023
- [[POERUP]] will develop a set of defining characteristics, taking into account the v It can be found at [[File:POERUP D2.1 Transversal and categorised inventory of OER programmes and initiative4 KB (639 words) - 21:46, 27 January 2023
- [[POERUP]] has prepared a report exploring the distinctive features and common exper > [[POERUP]]5 KB (717 words) - 21:46, 27 January 2023