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File:POERUP D6.2 Exploitation Report v1.0.pdf

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Executive Summary

This report is Deliverable 6.2, Exploitation Report.

The Exploitation Working Group did not have separate meetings but Exploitation was always an agenda item in partner face-to-face meetings.

At the end of the project in June 2014, the following was agreed between partners in terms of exploitation:

  • POERUP has produced most of its outcomes and also often its work in progress (like country reports and presentations) as public documents licensed under Creative Commons (CC-BY 4.0). Thus it has little private intellectual property.
  • The nature of European higher education and the pan-European (or even global) nature of the bidding mechanisms for research contracts means that traditional views of 'partner territories' are not useful.
  • Consequently there would be no general Partner Exploitation Agreement signed between partners.

On the other hand, the following specific actions, with particular operational focus on Sero, EDEN and Athabasca, were agreed to fulfil the post-project obligations in the original POERUP work plan:

  1. EDEN will maintain the POERUP web site www.poerup.info for a period of two years from 1 July 2014. All public deliverables and the final public report (once available) will be mounted on that site.
  2. Sero will maintain the POERUP wiki poerup.referata.com for a period of two years from 1 July 2014.
  3. Sero will maintain the POERUP OER Map site www.poerup.org.uk for a period of 18 months from 1 July 2014.
  4. Sero will maintain a small OER/MOOC secretariat for a period of two years from 1 July 2014 and will do occasional updates of the wiki, as part of its ongoing monitoring of the domain.
  5. Sero will maintain and occasionally tidy up the POERUP Dropbox site for a period of two years from 1 July 2014.
  6. Following existing practice with #revica and #visced, POERUP partners will be encouraged to continue to use the Twitter hashtag #poerup for two years.
  7. Following up on informal discussions already with MENON and WikiEducator, in the context of eMundus, Sero will engage in formal discussions with these organisations, and with KU Leuven (who host the Re.ViCa/VISCED wiki), to see whether a migration and clustering of wiki sites in the area of ICT in education would be beneficial to (former) POERUP partners and the user community. Whatever the outcome of these discussions, the POERUP wiki would continue until 30 June 2016, in line with point 5 above.
  8. Following existing practice among partners, there would be no obligation among partners to bid as a full POERUP consortium; but it would be expected that institutions who require a partner for a bid would give due weight to the experience of other POERUP partners.
  9. It is expected that the Hewlett Foundation is soon to fund an OER Mapping Hub to facilitate on a global basis the collection and distribution of information on OER initiatives. POERUP partners Sero and Athabasca University are willing to collaborate with this Hub, if so requested and have the maps and database competences to do so.