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Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization

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The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMAO) in Bangkok, Thailand, is a regional intergovernmental organisation among governments of Southeast Asian countries to promote regional cooperation in education, science and culture in the region.

The (SEAMEO) was established on 30 November 1965 as a chartered international organisation whose purpose is to promote cooperation in education, science and culture in the Southeast Asian region. It is a non-profit and not politically oriented organisation, with the largest grouping of country membership (11 Member Countries) in the region to deliver programmes in education.

With the motto "Leading through Learning" its vision is t obe the leading organisation for enhancing regional understanding and cooperation in education, science and culture for a better quality of life in Southeast Asia.

Its mission is

To enhance regional understanding, cooperation and unity of purpose among Member Countries for a better quality of life through the establishment of networks and partnerships, the provision of fora among policy makers and experts, and the promotion of sustainable human resource development

SEAMEO strives for excellence in the following core competencies:

  1. Technical and scientific expertise in areas of specialisation
  2. Governance and management skills
  3. Collaborative partnership and networking skills
  4. Research, creativity and innovative skills

The SEAMAO web site is at http://www.seameo.org.

More details

The Operational Budget for the SEAMEO Secretariat is underwritten by the Member Countries whereby the respective annual share is determined by the Asian Development Bank contribution index. The Operational Budget of the TROPMED Central Network likewise is equally shared by the SEAMEO Member Countries. The Centres’ operational budget, capital and annually recurring costs of each Centre are underwritten by their host countries.


  1. Brunei Darussalam
  2. Cambodia
  3. Indonesia
  4. Laos PDR
  5. Malaysia
  6. Republic of the Union of Myanmar
  7. Philippines
  8. Singapore
  9. Thailand
  10. East Timor
  11. Socialist Republic of Vietnam

> Thailand