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Distance Education Centre Victoria

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Revision as of 12:11, 9 May 2012 by NikkiCortoos (talk | contribs) (updated info)
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The Distance Education Centre Victoria (DECV) is a government school located in the state of Victoria, Australia which offers distance education for learners from Preparatory phase through to Year 12 throughout the state.

Distance Education Centre Victoria was initially established a century ago as the Correspondence School for student-teachers, catering for 600 student-teachers by 1911.

Today it uses the Victorian Department of Education and Training integrated and secure online learning environment in delivering courses to over 3,000 students annually (about 1000 full-time students and 1800 part-time students).

Its mission is flexible learning for all.

Its website is http://www.distance.vic.edu.au/index.html

More Details

DECV offers fulltime schooling across all P-12 levels as well as single course enrolments.

The virtual classroom has been a major feature of this school for a number of years and many of thestudents regularly use email, forums and chat to submit work or contact their teachers. Using Janison's Solutions Toolbox as a on-line delivery and communication system, the distance between staff and students and between students and other students through is reduced. Students are now able to interact with each other through asynchronous discussion groups and through online chat groups.

Students currently attending regular schools who are unable to study the subjects they require during VCE also make up a large section of enrolments, along with students in unique situations such as: students in Youth Training Centres, actors, athletes, ballet students, and even a student preparing to sail solo around the world! (whilst completing some VCE subjects) Students may be as close as suburban Melbourne with a medical condition, or as distant as Kyrgystan (formerly USSR) with parents working for an aid agency.
