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ILT Health Check

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A number of JISC RSCs offer an ILT Health Check.

As described for example by the East Midlands RSC in its Autumn 2005 newsletter:

Many colleges have benefited from the Network Health Check offered by the Regional Support Centre (RSC).
Now we have introduced an ILT Health Check. The ILT Health Check gives an overview of the current state of ILT within your college or organisation, using a process based on the Common Inspection Framework.
Members of the RSC review your relevant documentation, spend a day with you talking to individuals and groups who have a perspective on the use of ILT and prepare a concise report identifying strengths, areas for development and recommended actions. The report is presented at a follow-up meeting.

Similar offerings can be found at several other RSCs across England - and also in Scotland and Northern Ireland.


There is an apparent lack of detailed public information on the ILT Health Check - and some evidence of minor differences of approach across different RSCs. The best information available seems to come from RSC West Midlands. Their page http://www.rsc-westmidlands.ac.uk/?5068 has a description. It used to have several useful links to more detailed documentation including the Pre-Visit Questionnaire but these are not now available.

Where used

Across most of the JISC RSC areas. The number of colleges that have been analysed does not seem to be stated anywhere.

See http://www.rsc-southeast.ac.uk/uploads/1160148657_RSC_SE_NewsletterAutumn2006.pdf for another brief reference.

Relevance to UK HE

The ILT Health Check seems to focus mainly on ICT-related aspects of e-learning and not on the wider aspects that would be normally covered in benchmarking. So far in UK HE, the tradition in benchmarking e-learning has been, slightly surprisingly to some, not to dwell much on ICT-specific criteria - good evidence for this comes from the HEIs' choice of supplementary criteria in Pick&Mix across three phases now - they tend not to choose many from the IT-related range. It can be different in other countries (e.g. the ACODE scheme in Australia.

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