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Virtual High School Ontario

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Revision as of 19:00, 19 December 2011 by Barry Phillips (talk | contribs)
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The Virtual High School Ontario (VHSO) is a private virtual school. VHSO offers a broad range of courses for Grades 9 - 12 students and also a range of programmes including summer schools, make-up credits and e-work-placements.

In 2009 VHSO had 2,200 active students enrolled across 64 courses.

Its website is https://www.virtualhighschool.com/

Further information

Virtual High School Ontario utilises:

  • Desire2Learn's Learning Management System (LMS)
  • collaboration tools facilitate communication - teacher to student and student to student
  • professional animations, visuals, auditory devices for enhanced visual learning
  • interactive exercises and assessments provide the student with an opportunity to evaluate your progress and aptitude
  • online DropBox is used for submitting assignments thereby eliminating "snail mail"
  • individual online storage space
  • individual email account
  • course work by past students is available to current students as reference material

The Virtual High School Ontario is also responsible for the Virtual High School Nova Scotia.


> Ontario
> Canada
> Virtual schools