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Universiteit Gent

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The Universiteit Gent (Ghent University, UGent) supports e-learning through its own LMS called Minerva. This is based on Dokeos.

Its mission statement is comprised of the keywords: socially committed and pluralistic, international perspective, critical approach, research-based educational programmes, advanced degree programmes dialogue with all parties, independent research, enterprising, social facilities, stimulating environment, participation … and furthermore UGent opts for a decentralised, dynamic organisation model.

UGent was already founded in 1817 and became the first Dutch-speaking university in Belgium in 1930.

Universiteit Gent’s main office is in Ghent, Belgium.

Ghent University yearly attracts over 30,000 students, with a foreign student population of over 2,200 EU and non-EU citizens. 6,800 staff members are employed here. Ghent University offers a broad range of study programmes in all academic and scientific branches.

The Ghent University web site is at http://www.ugent.be/en

The Minerva LMS can be found at https://minerva.ugent.be/main/ssl/login.php. An English introduction is also available in PDF format. This LMS is only accessible with a UGent-account.

Universiteit Gent also offers Zephyr, which is mostly meant to house courses, collaborations and projects that do not belong to the official UGent study programmes.

Additional to Minerva and Zephyr, the UGent’s support cell for ICT (ICTO) developed an online assessment environment called Curios, with the Trac Open Source Project to create the software. It has a separate (Dutch) web site with some elementary information about Curios, with references to Multiple Choice examinations.

Furthermore UGent also lists other possibilities in its “UGent Interactive” section: UGent Interactief Athena (not online anymore?), “E-bronnen” through the umbrella university library MeerCat and Webmail.

More details

According to its annual report in 2006, the Ghent University invests an annual amount of more than 175 million euro in research projects on behalf of public and private partners.

  • annual revenue: 395 million euro; the direct funding received from the Flemish Community makes up 46.5% of the total revenue
  • 59% of the revenue is used for the personnel costs, 35% for operations and equipment, the remaining 6% goes to the depreciation of the university investments

Universiteit Gentalso houses the Flemish coordination cell for the OUNL as you can see on its Open Universiteit page.

On 29 April 2003, the Ghent University Association was established by Universiteit Gent, University College Arteveldehogeschool, University College Ghent and University College West Flanders (HOWEST). The members of Ghent University Association join forces regarding education, research (including the development of the arts), services to society, infrastructure and student-related facilities.

Its web site can be found at http://www.augent.be/page.aspx/944.

On a global scale, Universiteit Gent cooperates with over 500 universities.



Ghent uses Minerva, a customised version of Dokeos.

> Belgium

> Programmes