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Revision as of 11:10, 27 February 2008 by SallyReynolds (talk | contribs) (changed description of SURF general to hopefully more accurate one from Bas Cordewener)
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SURF is the higher education and research partnership organisation for network services and information and communications technology (ICT). The SURF organisation consists of the SURF Foundation and its two Limited Liability Companies: SURFnet and SURFservices. The members of the SURF organization are all universities for professional education and the large research institutes in the Netherlands.

The Mission of SURF is to exploit and improve a common advanced ICT infrastructure that will enable higher education institutes to better realise their own ambitions and improve the quality of learning, teaching and research.



SURF consists of three organisations that each have their own field of activity: SURFfoundation, SURFnet and SURFdiensten. SURFfoundation is the initiator for innovation in higher education and research. SURFfoundation initiates, guides and stimulates ICT innovation through sharing knowledge and partnerships.

See SURFfoundation - ICT in Higher Education

> Abbreviations