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UTICEF (Utilisation des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication dans l’Enseignement et le Formation) is an e-learning programme which means "Use of Information Technologies and Communication in Education and Training" in English.

The Université de Strasbourg (France) organises, together with the Université de Mons-Hainaut‎ (Belgium) and Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) a Master programme through full distance learning called UTICEF. This programme was suggested by a pedagogic consortium consisting of the Université de Mons-Hainaut‎, the UDS, and TECFA of the Université de Genève (Switzerlandg). It is the Université de Strasbourg that awards the diploma/degree and where you can find the e-learning platform.

Students study this Master programme through the e-learning platform at the Université de Strasbourg. According to our IAC member Dr. Christian Depover already 400 degrees have been awarded to this day (June 2009) to a majority of African students, but also to Asian and European students.

The UTICEF platform is at http://uticef.u-strasbg.fr/Page/PageAcolad/Authentification/UTICEF/Authentification.aspx.

More information can be found at:

> Belgium

> Programmes