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Partners situated in Israel
Israel in a nutshell
(please enter a few sentences - focus on name(s) of country, location, population)
Israel education policy
Israel education system
Higher education
There are eight official universities in Israel. In addition, there are a few dozen colleges and other institutes of higher learning, as well as about a dozen foreign university extensions. All are academically supervised by the Council for Higher Education in Israel (CHEI). The main difference between a university and a college in Israel is that only a university can issue doctorate degrees. Theoretically, a college can apply to the CHEI to upgrade its status to university.
Source: List of Universities in Israel
Universities in Israel
(this is an important section)
Polytechnics in Israel
Higher education reform
The Bologna Process
(very important for European countries)
Administration and finance
Quality assurance
Israel's HEIs in the information society
Towards the information society
Information society strategy
Virtual Campuses in HE
Interesting Virtual Campus Initiatives
- "Students are required to study on their own, practice at home, actively participate in group learning activities, and meet course deadlines and requirements. Since 1996, the Open University has offered programs of study leading to a Master's degree: initially an M.Sc. in Computer Science, and since then, an M.A. in Democracy Studies, Biological Thought, a Master of Business Administration - MBA, and an M.A. in Education - Learning Technologies and Learning Systems. In contrast to the open admission policy for undergraduate studies, admission to graduate studies is contingent on fulfilment of certain requirements."
- Source: General info
- "Agreements for bridges to other universities have been reached with the universities after they examined the OUI's study materials, and compared the programs of study in both institutions, and after seeing the high level of courses and the quality of assessment at the Open University." : Source: Bridges to Other Universities
- Relevant web page: Wikipedia entry on the OU of Israel
Interesting Programmes
Re.ViCa Case-study
Lessons learnt
(try to add one or two)