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D2.2 Country OER Summary Reports

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Type of outcome: Wiki (public)

Delivery date: October 2012 (but updated through the entire project)

Language versions:English, relevant parts in French, Italian, Dutch, Spanish, and maybe other languages

Target languages: All relevant languages

A wiki-based set of OER in Country reports summarising OER initiatives and policies.

There will be at least 10 country reports (plus 1 from Athabasca), with each partner focussing on their home country and in some cases one other.

Further mini-reports will be prepared in the wiki for at least 3 Southern Europe countries, 5 North/East Europe countries and 5 non-European countries of particular relevance to be selected at project start.

To encourage further coverage and help sustainability, volunteers identified via EDEN, the IAC and WikiEducator will be encouraged to produce mini-reports on other countries. Volunteers may also be used via interns at partners.

The country reports will draw on the programmes inventory and examine also the National Policy Context relating to OER. The reports will be informed by telephone/email interviews with key actors such as civil servants and relevant agency heads. The IAC will add value to the reports by critiquing them and adding expert assessments.


Below is the set of 33 countries which by the end of the project had country reports done by POERUP staff or contracted consultants.

These are the so-called Rank 1 countries for POERUP. Marked in bold were those which were specifically chosen to be studied by partners. The others were selected to be studied by consultants and in some cases volunteers.

  1. Argentina - Latin America - update in progress by Sero consultant, draft just received
  2. Australia - Australasia - update in progress by ULEIC
  3. Bahrain - in Gulf States - detailed report at File:OER in Bahrain.pdf
  4. Belgium - in EU countries - OUNL
  5. Canada - North America - update in progress by POERUP staff
  6. Denmark - in EU countries - EDEN
  7. Finland - in EU countries - EDEN
  8. France - in EU countries - update in progress by UdL
  9. Germany - report being finalised by Sero consultant on the wiki
  10. Greece - in EU countries - no update planned
  11. Hungary - in EU countries - EDEN
  12. Ireland - in EU countries, entry being done in 2014 by Sero as a policy country
  13. Italy - in EU countries - no update planned (partner has left the consortium)
  14. Jordan - in Middle East - report by Sero was based on an OER-focussed version of Jordan: higher education and distance learning released under Creative Commons
  15. Kuwait - in Gulf States - detailed report at File:OER in Kuwait.pdf
  16. Mexico - Latin America - update in progress by Sero consultant
  17. Netherlands - in EU countries - update in progress by OUNL
  18. New Zealand - Australasia - update in progress by Sero staff
  19. Norway - in EEA countries - EDEN
  20. Oman - in Gulf States - detailed report at File:OER in Oman.pdf
  21. Poland - in EU countries - EDEN
  22. Portugal - in EU countries - update in progress by Sero consultant
  23. Qatar - in Gulf States - detailed report at File:OER in Qatar.pdf
  24. Romania - in EU countries - update in progress by Sero consultant
  25. Rwanda - in Africa - by Sero staff
  26. Saudi Arabia - Asia - detailed report at File:OER in Saudi Arabia.pdf
  27. South Africa - Africa - update completed by Sero staff
  28. Spain - in EU countries - update in progress by Sero consultant
  29. Sweden - in EU countries - EDEN
  30. Thailand - Asia - update in progress by Sero consultant
  31. United Arab Emirates - in Gulf States - detailed report at File:OER in UAE edited.pdf
  32. United Kingdom - in EU countries - update in progress by ULEIC staff
  33. United States - North America - update in progress by Sero - many US initiatives now mapped

For Gulf States see the individual entries - Kuwait, etc - and their linked reports. Note that several specific countries in the Gulf States were reported on by a volunteer.

There are more countries also reported on briefly, using information from other reports - see Countries for an index to the full list.