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From Virtual Education Wiki
Revision as of 09:17, 10 July 2019 by Pbacsich (talk | contribs) (moved News to its own page)
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Welcome to virtualeducation.wiki

This wiki is the largest professional wiki in the world devoted to virtual learning in education - at all levels (schools, colleges and universities) including informal learning, open learning and distance learning.

The idea behind this wiki was to create an open and public space where researchers could share information about virtual developments in various different educational sectors. It was supported and maintained by a community of researchers and is aimed at stakeholders, researchers and practitioners who would like to have easy access to the latest information about how the virtual phenomenon is manifesting itself in schools, colleges and universities around the world.

2019 news

January - wiki will stay available indefinitely for read access

This wiki is being used as the resource wiki for a new online course for teacher training course starting in April 2019.

However it is now the archive wiki for the Re.ViCa, VISCED and related EU LLP projects and is now closed to external requests for editor rights.

If anyone is interested in continuing to edit please contact paul.bacsich AT sero.co.uk to discuss arrangements for them to gain editing rights on the new wiki http://virtual-learning.referata.com

Key links


This wiki is supported in part by volunteers who undertake the editing and financially by Matic Media Ltd. The wiki is hosted by K.U.Leuven.

Funding to launch this wiki came mainly from the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission through projects relevant to virtual learning. In addition, a series of smaller initiatives and volunteer labour have aimed and continue to keep updating the material. (See in particular E-World and LUOERL.)

VISCED logo.png
Logo Re.ViCa.jpg

This wiki is currently maintained by the Exploitation Phase of the VISCED project on Virtual Schools and Colleges (funded by LLP in 2011 - 2012), which made an inventory and carried out a systematic review at international and national levels of innovative ICT-enhanced learning/teaching "Exemplar" initiatives and "e-mature" major secondary and post-secondary education providers for the 14-21 age group. For more details see http://www.virtualschoolsandcolleges.info/

VISCED enhanced Re.ViCa's earlier research work on this wiki on country reports and resources with research results relevant to virtual schools and exemplars.

Read more here.

Originally set up in 2007 by the Re.ViCa project on Virtual Campuses in universities and colleges (2007- 2009), this wiki started out with providing an inventory and showing the results of a systematic review of Virtual Campus initiatives of the past decade within higher education throughout the world.

In 2009, Re.ViCa research pages on this wiki included over 300 categorised Programmes, Country reports, nine in-depth Institutional reports and a large number of related Resources (research projects, outputs, and publications).

Read more here.

POERUP has put some material on this wiki but most is on its own POERUP wiki


The Editorial Team makes every effort to ensure, but does not guarantee, the accuracy of the information on this wiki, but we warmly invite anyone who sees incorrect information to let us know. You can read more information on this topic here.

EU LifeLongLearning logo.gif

This wiki was partly funded through the Re.ViCa project (2007-2009), then through the VISCED project (2011-2012), and finally though the POERUP project (2011-2014) with support from the European Commission through the Lifelong Learning Programme.

The wiki reflects the views only of the authors, and the European Commission, European Parliament or any other funders commercial or state cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Sysops only

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Note that no new accounts will be confirmed and that old accounts will be progressively withdrawn