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The Télé-université is a component of the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) in Canada. Sometimes abbreviated to TÉLUQ or Téluq (and TELUQ in "flattened" form), it became a component of UQAM in June 2005.

Strictly speaking TÉLUQ should not have a separate entry in this wiki but since the merger was recent and the institution is still very distinct from the host institution, we felt it best to give TÉLUQ its own entry.

TÉLUQ offers several undergraduate programmes including six degrees. It also offers two master degree programmes and one Ph.D. programe. Excluding research funding, it has a yearly budget of nearly $33 million. In 2006-2007, its student population grew by 12.5%.

With over 55 professors and over 200 tutors and teaching assistants, TÉLUQ has a number of courses and degrees in computer science, education, communication, environmental sciences, and management.

TÉLUQ has over 20,000 students, more than half of them in the Montreal area. Most students (70%) are female. About a third of all students (35%) taking courses at TÉLUQ are from other universities or in on-compus programmes. Most students (61%) are under 35 years old. About a fifth of the student population (22%) holds a degree

TÉLUQ is a partner with the Canadian Virtual University and an Associate Member of EADTU.

Its web site is at http://teluq.uqam.ca

En Français

La Télé-université, ou TÉLUQ, est le premier établissement d'enseignement universitaire spécialisé en formation à distance au Québec. Composante de l'Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), la TÉLUQ a pour mission l'enseignement universitaire et la recherche. Elle se distingue par son mode d'enseignement souple, qui permet de poursuivre des études universitaires à l'heure et au rythme désirés. Elle accueille annuellement plus de 17 000 étudiantes et étudiants. Ses programmes sont sanctionnés par un diplôme de l'Université du Québec à Montréal. La TÉLUQ et l'UQAM réunies forment désormais la plus grande université bimodale de la francophonie, alliant formation sur campus et formation à distance.

> Canada
> Programmes