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by Paul Bacsich

For entities in Palestine see Category:Palestine

Partners situated in Palestine


Palestine in a nutshell

Palestine is composed of two discontiguous regions, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. The territories, which were originally contained within the British Mandate of Palestine, were captured and occupied by Jordan and by Egypt in the late 1940s, and captured by Israel in the 1967 Six-Day War.

"Palestinian Territories" is one of a number of designations for these areas.

The territories do not include the Golan Heights captured from Syria during the Six Day War, or the Sinai Peninsula, captured from Egypt at that time but later returned by Israel to Egypt.

This entry does not go into the legal or de facto details, but is oriented to the universities within the region.

For a fuller but still disputed entry see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_territories on Wikipedia.

Palestine education policy

Schools in Palestine

Higher education

Universities in Palestine

(sourced from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_universities_in_Palestine)

Gaza Strip

  1. Al-Aqsa University
  2. University College of Applied Sciences
  3. Al-Azhar University - Gaza
  4. Al-Quds Open University
  5. Islamic University of Gaza
  6. Universal Studies Academy
  7. Palestine Technical College
  8. University of Palestine

West Bank

  1. The West Bank
  2. Arab American University
  3. Al-Quds Open University
  4. Al-Quds University
  5. An-Najah National University
  6. Bethlehem Bible College
  7. Bethlehem University
  8. Birzeit University
  9. Edward Said National Conservatory of Music
  10. Hebron University
  11. Ibrahimieh College
  12. Khodori Institute, Tulkarm
  13. Palestine Polytechnic Institute

Polytechnics in Palestine

Some of the above probably fall into this category.

Higher education reform

The Bologna Process

Not relevant.

Administration and finance

Quality assurance

Information society

Towards the information society

Information society strategy

Virtual initiatives

Interesting Virtual Campus Initiatives

See both:

Interesting Programmes

Re.ViCa Case-study


Lessons learnt


> Middle East
> Countries

For OER policies and projects in Palestine see Palestine/OER