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lead author Morten Flate Paulsen, written in 2014

For an update for Adult Education, see the 2015 report Adult Education and OER in Sweden by Ebba Ossiannilsson and Alastair Creelman

For entities in Sweden see Category:Sweden


Sweden, officially the Kingdom of Sweden, is a Nordic country on the Scandinavian Peninsula in Northern Europe. Area-wise, it is one of the largest countries in Europe. Its population is around 9,400,000 (2010 figure) or on average 20 inhabitants per square kilometer. The population is very unevenly distributed: some 84 % live in urban areas, and about one third in the 3 major cities of Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö.

Its capital is Stockholm.

Sweden is a constitutional monarchy (parliamentary democracy). It has been a member of the European Union since 1995, but it has not joined the European Monetary Union. The capital and largest city is Stockholm, with a population of around 800,000 and metropolitan area of 2 million. The official language is Swedish.

Sweden has land borders with Norway to the west and Finland to the northeast, and it is connected to Denmark by the Öresund Bridge in the south.

OER in Sweden: Map

Total number of Open Education Initiatives in Sweden on Thursday, 19 September 2024 at 21:41 = 1 , of which:

  • 0 are MOOC
  • 1 are OER

Initiatives per million = 0.1063829787234

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Recent information post POERUP

See the 2015 report Media:ADOERUP_Annex_Sweden.pdf by Ebba Ossiannilsson and Alastair Creelman

Further information

For further general information see Wikipedia:Sweden/OER.

Education in Sweden/OER

For a general description of education in Sweden see Education:Sweden.

See also http://enic-naric.net/index.aspx?c=Sweden


For a description more focussed to e-learning see E-learning:Sweden.

Carl Holmberg's article: On the move towards online education in Sweden describes the early development on e-learning in Sweden.


The Swedish Association for Distance Education [SVERD http://www.sverd.se] lists about 20 member institutions at their web page.

Virtual Schools

Some virtual schools in Sweden:

Quality procedures

No special quality procedures for e-learning in Sweden have been identified, but individual universities may have internal control schemes. All quality questions in higher education are governed by Högskoleverket and they have a much broader focus than e-learning.

Here are three relevant reports from Högskoleverket, the English report was published in 2008, the two Swedish from 2011 and 2009.

Skolinspektionen controls that pre-schools, schools and adult education follows the laws and makes sure they maintain good quality. Both on regular basis and when necessary.

Internet in Sweden/OER

The Swedish government has a digital agende titled: Digitala agendan i Sverige

Minister of IT and Energy, Anna Karin Hatt has made several presentations about the digital agenda.

You can also read about the Digital agenda in the governmental report It i människans tjänst - en digital agenda för Sverige.

Sweden's digital agenda is linked to the EU Digital agenda.

Information on Internet in Sweden is also available in Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_in_Sweden and Stiftelsen För internetinfrastruktur which is responsible for the swedish top domain.SE https://www.iis.se/

Internet in Education

Copyright law in Sweden/OER

WIPO - World Intellectual Property Organization provides 70 texts in its Swedish section.

Copyright law in Education

A relevant resource for education is the Act on Copyright in Literary and Artistic Works (1960:729) (2009)

Creative Commons in Sweden provides a relevant site at http://www.creativecommons.se/

OER Initiatives in Sweden/OER

According to OECD Education Working Papers, No. 76. Open Educational Resources: “Sweden states that it is difficult or impossible to estimate the percentage of digital learning materials being offered as OER since most initiatives are still limited in size”.(1)

The working paper is based on an analysis of responses from 28 OECD countries to a questionnaire conducted in 2012. Jan Hylén, the Swedish main author of the paper, writes in his Swedish online introduction to the report that Sweden is one of only three countries to report that there is no national, strategic discussion on OER.

National OER initiatives


Länkskafferiet is a Swedish Link Library for educational use. It is meant to be a pedagogical aid for Swedish pupils from 5 to 18 years of age, in their search for useful information on the Internet. Teachers and librarians can use the service to guide the pupils in their search and find good resources for lesson planning.

Länkskafferiet consists of subject structured and quality-assessed resources. All the web sites are classified and arranged in 12 main themes and 20 curriculum subjects. The classification is based upon the traditional Swedish classification system for public and school libraries.

Länkskafferiet has continuing support from Umeå University. It started in April 1995. From 1995 to 2003 Länkskafferiet was developed and maintained by LUB NetLab, a part of the Lund University Libraries. From 2003 to 2008 the service was developed and maintained by the Swedish National Agency for School Improvement. From 2008 to 2011 it was developed and maintained by the Swedish National Agency for Education.


The National Agency for Education (Skolverket) is the central administrative authority for the public school system, publicly organised preschooling, school-age childcare and for adult education. The site includes a page with links and information about digital learning resources. One interesting initiative is the search engine Spindeln which is set up to search for digital resources for school work. The technology behind the search engine is developed at the University of Umeå in collaboration with Skolverket. According to information from Umeå University, it covers over 200,000 open educational resources.

The Open Access project

The National Library of Sweden has initiated an Open Access project to promote the visibility, transparency and accessibility of open resources. The project aimed at exploring, raising awareness of and disseminating OER and the resulting advantages for teaching and learning.

The Digital Museum

At the digital museum one can research 718,922 objects and exhibitions from 17 museums and collections.


Dela! is a ning-based network for teachers, rectors, researchers, governments and all with interest to share ideas, questions and experiences on education and learning.

UR Access for universities

UR access is a collaborative service from more than 25 educational institutions. It provides access to all streamed material, radio- and TV-programs provided by Utbildningsradion (UR).

UR Play

UR Play is UR's mediaplayer. It allows you to watch and listen to UR's programs whenever you want to.


Norden provides free resources related to the Nordic countries.


The Swedish organisation for mapping (Lantmäteriet) provides a huge resource with maps and digital mapping services.

Regional OER initiatives

An OER Project among the South Swedish Universities, Lund University, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Malmö University, SLU, and Kristianstad University College. The project is one activity in Lärosäten Syd.

Ossiannilsson E (2012) OER – Öppna digitala lärresurser inom Lärosäten Syd.

Institutional OER initiatives


The project OER - Open opportunities for learning www.oersverige.se involves nine universities. Karlstad University is the project coordinator in collaboration with Lund University. The other project partners are: Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH), University of Gävle (HIG), Jönköping University (JU), Linnaeus University (LNU), the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Mid Sweden University (MIUN) and Umeå University (UMU). All participating universities are included in the national Network ITHU (IT in higher education) and work as a special task force for OER in the network. The project is funded by the Internet Infrastructure Foundation .SE.


Kungliga Tekniska högskolan (KTH) provides the resource Digital Competence and Learning - iCT and Pedagogy for the 21st Century.



  1. Hylén, J. et al. (2012), “Open Educational Resources: Analysis of Responses to the OECD Country Questionnaire”, OECD Education Working Papers, No. 76, OECD Publishing. http://oer.unescochair-ou.nl/?wpfb_dl=38
  2. Ossiannilsson, E. and A. Creelman. OER, Resources for learning – Experiences from an OER Project in Sweden. EURODL 2012/I. Retrieved 16.11.2012 from http://www.eurodl.org/index.php?article=494
  3. Ossiannilsson, E. and M. Schneider, 2012. OER-Open Possibilities for Learning. A National Initiative Financed by the Internet Infrastructure Foundation .se. Sciecominfo Vol 8, No 2. Retrieved 16.11.2012 from http://www.sciecom.org/ojs/index.php/sciecominfo/article/view/5678/4929
  4. Creelman, A. 2011. OER – en resurs för lärande. Slutrapport. Linnéuniversitet, Universitetspedagogiska enhet. Retrieved 16.11.2012 from http://www.kb.se/dokument/Om/projekt/open_access/2011/OER%20slutrapport%20v2.pdf
  5. Lindholm, J. et al. 2009. Digitala lärresurser i lärosätenas öppna arkiv. Slutrapport från OERIIR-projektet. Retrieved 16.11.2012 from http://www.kb.se/dokument/Om/projekt/open_access/oeriir_slutrapport20090701.pdf
  6. Skolverket 2009. Digitala lärresurser i en målstyrd skola. Retrieved 16.11.2012 from http://www.skolverket.se/om-skolverket/publicerat/visa-enskild-publikation?_xurl_=http%3A%2F%2Fwww5.skolverket.se%2Fwtpub%2Fws%2Fskolbok%2Fwpubext%2Ftrycksak%2FBlob%2Fpdf2299.pdf%3Fk%3D2299
  7. OER-Resources for learning (2010-2011). A national project aiming to inform and disseminate open educational resources (OER). The project was funded by the The National Library of Sweden http://www.kb.se/
  8. Jonsson H. and och Hylén, J. (2009) Kartläggning av produktion och användning av OER vid några svenska lärosäten . Rapport från ”OER i öppna digitala arkiv”

More references

KK Foundation published in 2007, to give knowledge for free – the movement on open educational resources. (Att ge bort kunskap gratis – framväxten av öppna lärresurser. ISSN 1652-5213)

DigiRef on digital open resources http://www.digiref.se/index.php?option=com_docman&task=doc_details&gid=460&Itemid=2

OER Services , LANETO, Developer LANETO (A Link, E Ossiannilsson & R Reinhardt together with the international Committee), http://www.oer-services.com/


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