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Universidad Modular Abierta

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Universidad Modular Abierta (Modular Open University) is a university open to all with a flexible curriculum, but seemingly not a distance teaching university - and thus not necessarily an "open university" in the sense of Category:Open universities. It was founded in 1981.

It has three Faculties:

  1. Economic Sciences
  2. Law and Social Science
  3. Science and Humanities

In addition there is a Postgraduate School (ESPOSUMA) offering a number of courses including a Masters in University Teaching and three Diploma programmes.

It has three regional centres:

  1. Centro Universitario Santa Ana
  2. Centro Universitario Sonsonate
  3. Centro Universitario San Miguel

Its web site is at http://www.uma.edu.sv


(Abstracted from http://www.ostamyy.com/Universities/El-Salvador.htm - entry on Universidad Modular Abierta)

In 1981 a small group of professionals in the country, decided to create a "new" institution that would be able to provide higher education services but with the vital component of accessibility to the university for people It began its work in the cities of San Salvador, Sonsonate, Santa Ana and San Miguel. Later it established the centres in Usulután, Zacatecoluca, New Conception in Chalatenango, Ahuachapán and La Union. It has in 26 years produced 12,000 graduates.

With the new Higher Education Act, in force since December 1995, the University reformed its statutes, updated its internal legal framework, and changed all plans Studies of the different careers that are offered as well as their mode of educational delivery modules. In summary can assert that all academic and administrative work of the University is fully supported in terms that the legal framework indicates Salvadoran and as a result, all titles, certificates and documents that the University extend the benefit of their Graduates and comply with all the legal requirements that require the Institutions of Higher Education


There is some e-learning going on - see http://uvirtual.uma.edu.sv/uma/claroline/index.php - and also see the virtual library at http://bvirtual.auprides.org.sv

More details

There is very little information (in English) - there are just 4 hits on Google for the search "Modular Open University" AND "El Salvador". There are only 5 hits for "Modular Open University" world-wide - the extra ones describe a modular UKOU courses.

The Modular Open University appears in various lists of universities in El Salvador (probably derived from each other), but there is a passing reference in http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PNACX199.pdf which makes it appear that the university is a valid entity.

There are just 187 hits in English for "Universidad Modular Abierta" - including several in the last year. These include a number of CVs for graduates of the university who are now doing well in various professions. The only negative note is contained in a USAid report at http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PDACM492.pdf which notes that a problem was diagnosed but then fixed by the university:

Current Status: There was a delay in project start-up. This was mainly due to the lack of experience on the part of the grantee in administrating grants and doing financial management. After the TAG Program expressed concern, the executive body improved its technical management level and execution.

There is a great lack of information in English but it may be that in Spanish there is much more. The report at http://www.elfaro.net/secciones/repisa/documentos/informe.doc notes that:

La UMA ha sido objeto de graves críticas de carácter académico y ha sido obligada a cerrar varios de sus centros regionales y carreras

This merits further investigation.

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