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FNM-Austria (in German: Forum Neue Medien in der Lehre österreichischer Universitäten und Fachhochschulen) is a network of Austrian universities and universities of applied sciences dedicated to e-learning and to improvement of teaching activities.
As a trans-disciplinary forum, it offers expertise in the area of high quality teaching and learning with "new media".
Its strategic mission is to institutionalise innovative media-didactics on the tertiary level.
Most Austrian institutions of tertiary education are members of FNM-Austria.
The scientists active in these member-organisations constitute the "community" to be served by fnm-austria. Its activities are controlled by delegates from those member organisations.
The Association's web site is not known, but see http://strategie.nml.at/strategie/dokumente/projektbeschreibungen/03_lehreaustria_e.pdf
(The Association is a member of no known other organisations.)
Further details
FNM-Austria have done a project NML-NIB (Ergebnisse aus dem Auftragsprojekt: Strategie und Umsetzung des Einsatzes neuer Medien in der Lehre) with seven country reports (see http://www.fnm-austria.at/stategie/home/nml-nib),
There is also a Fachhochschule cluster (FH-Cluster) where nine Austrian universities of applied sciences developed in a cooperative way components for their individual eLearning-strategies, funded by the ministry of education in Austria. The FH-Cluster-participants were: FH Kufstein, FH Vorarlberg, FH Technikum Kärnten, FH Joanneum, FH Wiener Neustadt, FH Technikum Wien, FH Campus Wien, FH bfi Wien, FH St. Pölten
Five topics were developed together and implemented during two years
- connectivity of learning and administration systems in their organizations
- credit system for content sharing
- training of the e-learning professors
- gender mainstreaming in e-learning
- students support for learning technologies at their study entrance
One of the main benefits of the project was the sub-network of universities developed to maintain their efforts in e-learning.
> Austria