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Dennis Gabor Applied University

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Dennis Gabor Applied University (Gábor Dénes Főiskola (Hungarian name), DGAU) is a private applied university that supports traditional learning, distance education and e-learning in the Field of economics, computing and information technology. DGAU was the first institution to develop distance learning and to introduce e-learning in Hungary.

Dennis Gabor Applied University (DGAU) is the best-known higher educational institution in Hungary, offering courses by distance education and e-Learning. It was founded in 1992. Also known as Dennis Gabor College, it is a fast-growing provider in a few fields of study and runs a network of local consultation centres across Hungary and abroad, serving Hungarian minorities in neighbour countries, with about 10,000 students. The offered BSc programmes include: engineering, technical management and economics, information technology, and information technology combined with economics.

E-Learning is predominantly centralised in the institution. The university has a multimedia department for development of e-Learning materials, but does not have a separate e-Learning unit. There is classroom based and web-based training available for teaching staff responsible for conducting e-Learning classes and for learners to become proficient with the technology used to support the e-Learning environment. Course/programmes are developed by using the European Credit Transfer System ‘Information Package/Course Catalogue’ checklist and overall system.

The university offers courses by traditional distance education or e-Learning mode. The majority of e-Learning activity is connected to “blended” learning. Some of the College training centres offer the courses only by e-Learning (ODL).

The students compose their individual curricula from the compulsory, enforced optional and freely chosen subjects. There are no fixed examination periods; any student can choose freely when he/she wants to take the examination. The lectures and examinations are conducted simultaneously and in a uniform way both in Budapest and through the network of consulting centres. As the possibilities of access multiply, GDF publishes on the College homepage electronic training materials and other aids in support of independent learning (sample tasks, interpretation vocabulary, etc.). A student consulting service assists in independent learning. Each student has a personal mentor, who monitors his/her progress in learning and provides intensive assistance until the successful final examination.

DGAU main office is in Budapest, Hungary.

The Dennis Gabor Applied University web site is at http://www.gdf.hu/English/Lapok/English.aspx

University of Name also does the following interesting things:

  • all the educational materials are avaible in e-format on ILIAS platform
  • Participation to ILIAS meeting and EDEN Conference
  • Parnership and networking with the national parnters:
    • SZAMALK - Education and Information Technology Ldt
    • SZAMALK - Open Business School
    • MTA SZTAKI - Computer and Automation Research Institute
    • MATISZ
  • international networking (for exchange)
  • DGAU was a Case study in the MegaTrends project: http://nettskolen.nki.no/in_english/megatrends/Gabor_Article.pdf

This institution/programme was discussed as a case study in the Megatrends project in its second report, Megaproviders of e-learning in Europe (PDF - 212 pages - EN), 2007 (ISBN 978 82 562 88184).

> Hungary
> Programmes